Jamo’s personality is growing on me

He’s goofy

Jamo’s personality is growing on me
by u/JMoneyFiz in detroitlions

  1. A personal joy of mine is looking through his insta and seeing all the fit pics he posts after lions games

  2. Idk what’s going on here but he’s having a good time with nothing stupid in the video so let him do him

  3. I don’t understand it, but he seems to be enjoying himself, so no hate here

  4. Why was he smiling the whole time? Is he having too much fun? Does he want to be here too much?

  5. Dude clearly don’t want to be here, he’s literally in his car ready to drive away.

  6. Idk man he seems to be having too much fun, not taking his job seriously. I’ll write up a paywalled article about it and talk about it with Valenti tomorrow /s

  7. He’s happily being himself. And he loves playing football. Can’t wait to see him play

  8. The dude has a terrible personality but not in a bad way idk he just irks me

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