[General Discussion] Around the Horn – 1/31/24

# So what’s this thread for?

* Discussion of yesterday’s games
* Excitement for today’s games
* General questions
* Mildly interesting facts
* Praising Santa 🎅
* Anything else worth sharing/asking that doesn’t warrant its own post

For game threads, use the games schedule on the sidebar to navigate to the team you want a game thread for.

#Featured posts and links

* [Join the official /r/baseball Discord server!](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/8o2bxp/the_official_rbaseball_discord_server)
* ~~Be sure to place your entry in today’s [**Nightly Pick ‘Em**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxxWbgpCCGD2bP2VJw0-NAcaKfwN3D_803m7sy_p1jQ5mZag/viewform) by /u/CNard12~~ Completed until next season!
* Check out:
* This week’s [States of the Baseball Subreddits](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/16xxo7p/state_of_the_baseball_subreddits_20231002/)
* This week’s [~~MLB Graphical Standing Series~~](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/16y0v3l/mlb_graphical_standings_end_of_season_2023/) Completed until next season!
* New to /r/baseball and baseball? Check out these resources!
* [Newcomer’s Guide to Common Baseball Terms](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/9ofctq/a_new_comers_guide_to_common_baseball_terms/) by /u/aagpeng
* Both by /u/cardith_lorda: [Fan’s guide to picking a new team for the 2023 season](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/11coiba/looking_for_a_team_to_follow_in_2023_help_is/) and [2023 season survival guide, /r/baseball refresher](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/11i01bg/the_2023_rbaseball_season_survival_guide/)
* Interested in learning more about advanced stats? Check out [this guide](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/hvh161/presenting_my_offseason_work_a_novice_guide_to/) from /u/2helix5you
* Interested in accessing HD baseball video highlights? Check out [Baseball Theater](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/hx4wci/i_made_baseballtheater_and_made_tons_of/) created by /u/hellocontrol_

**Note:** for the best user experience, we recommend disabling the Reddit redesign while using /r/baseball.


[Yesterday’s ATH](/1aekjck)


# This Week’s Schedule (all times Eastern)

Sunday 1/28|[ANNOUNCEMENT: Final Call for Moderator Applications](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1adxu29/final_call_new_moderator_applications/)
Monday 1/29|[Why will the Tigers exceed expectations? Why won’t they?](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1adzdxa/serious_why_will_the_tigers_exceed_expectations/)
Tuesday 1/30|Why will the Red Sox exceed expectations? Why won’t they?
Wednesday 1/31|Why will the Giants exceed expectations? Why won’t they?
Thursday 2/1|Why will the Reds exceed expectations? Why won’t they?
|2024 Caribbean Series begins!
Friday 2/2|Why will the Padres exceed expectations? Why won’t they?
Saturday 2/3|No subreddit features planned

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