I couldn’t watch the game so I sit down with my coffee this morning to watch the highlights.
“…and Fiala is just able to walk down mainstream as no one really comes out to challenge him…”
I’m sorry, he walked down what? Maybe I misheard what she said.
“…instead of setting things up he just comes right down mainstream and just fires it…”
Uh…it’s main **street**.
It is hard to walk down a mainstream.
> main-stream: having, reflecting, or being compatible with the prevailing attitudes and values of a society or group
You can definitely walk down a main street.
> main street: a street where the most important stores and businesses in a town are
ESPN, I love it when women calls games. There are some really great female hockey commentators out there: Cheryl Pounder, Jennifer Botterill, Daniella Ponticelli.
Hextall is not at their level. It’s not that she is female, she’s just really, really bad at her job. She needs to go. Her ignorance distracts from the game we’re watching.