Pirates vs Cubs [Highlights] May 17, 2024 | Jared Triolo SWEEP! 🚀 | Pirates add 2 more on board! 🔥

now the pitch as one that I know he’s on the gra and throws him [Applause] out offensively there down nearly especially in the power Department it hard Cruz 25 years old does he stay at Short Stop and a swing and a miss and HRI good start for the professor back to the ballpark and bottom of the you can’t find it at Benny’s runs per game and it’ll be Tober Strike Zone she you Che and he comes out of that Bullpen throwing change up in a curve to me in his start back in Pittsburgh one two right that’s easy chance obviously time him up goes with a split finger grip check swing Norah is our plate umpire in his debut his hats you don’t want to call it the spinker huh the identified as a splitter of a swing pitches at a 100 or and downed and on that list as well a swing ins fires it’s left-handed bats in the lineup for CRA Council his year squ end of one no score the game hard to know what the wi check swing pitcher that high school it’s brought to by Northwestern last night in the loss very difficult again today he’s one guy that really compet litter throwing a lot of them to two two three Homer in five straight games the 22 keys to this game is work the better chance you have of timing him up ultim shot feels like we’ve turned a turned a corner two four as the more the advantage shifted swag in a in you’re wondering he was good last time he’s Pirates now Master bony is in there it with the manager Craig counil trick gets back to work interviews with Craig coun um with Dan towards after the off day on the field slaps that one softly to at the plate bragging right deserves bragging rights at all for sure yeah I would agree kind of controling the swings and Pitch uh last thing there’s no start you guys have faced 20 thoughts and that one all right thanks guys have a good day blast a little yeah we’re having a nice little chat with the manager when they just put the panel up on the screen meanwhile problematic for was calling basically 100% this season when he started to off on some pitches or just the pitch calling goes a one to Reynolds and able to field that one and throw these are back on Friday May 31st I almost said the first 55 the ground to hris Pirates have a two nothing lead nothing Advantage as we go to the bottom only one pitcher on the 40 Man Aid fast ball in the 90s and M he threw 19 pitches last night for the just struck out every but for the [Music] Cubs little forward progress would be good and again got happy with himself there that was a comes swag in a miss one player shouldn’t be able to go down is up with it and put in play Homer yeah look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking two two Handles in play on the day still first and master B handled folks the Chicago start first off Bon’s been pressed into action playing shorts have to play a long time without a play Miles has made all the plays B I think going into today so it’s towards Tuesday you know niik horer doesn’t play that one half chasing after it and that’s too late with one out yeah nicoo horer he can Elevate from time to time he could he could protect his teammates and and there’s that but um also has his spikes face for and that [Music] is by you Chicago medicine and say Jerry thought he was going to shut it down charging in and grandal just with a be a little more shallow to strike wide strike zone of Brian onoro he is offici to [Music] two look it’s going to get through yeah I think Kyle made the pitch he wanted to make umpire’s leg hit out of to center field is grandal in that throw Armstrong air on third on RBI and then an [Music] E8 fourth throws out it’s 5 nothing cover it’s lead at 5 nothing [Music] [Music] fore some cow [Music] some we say oh m m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foree [Music] [Music] fore fore [Music]

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Pirates vs Cubs [Highlights] May 17, 2024 | Jared Triolo SWEEP! 🚀 | Pirates add 2 more on board! 🔥

Pirates vs Cubs
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Chicago Cubs
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