Sacramento Kings offseason targets from the Portland Trail Blazers

Sacramento Kings offseason targets from the Portland Trail Blazers

that’s right let’s talk about the Blazers real quick before we talk about the playoff game tonight and we’ll try and get to our salary cap thing okay um the Northwest division that is the thunder nuggets Timberwolves Jazz and Blazers we have talked about the other four teams we’ve not gotten to the Blazers yet if you missed us talking about the other four teams we did so in the first hour and then the first part of this hour you can go to the James ham and Kyle Madson show wherever you get your podcast and you can listen to that uh it will be uploaded a little bit later today or or you can um just rewind the YouTube video there it is just talking about those okay the Blazers first name here is a guy we’ve talked about a lot last year at the trade deadline we’ve talked about him a lot this offseason I’m sure we’ll continue to talk a lot about him Jeremy Grant four years $132 million left doesn’t really fit the timeline of what the Blazers are trying to do maybe they’ll try and move off of him um I feel like you and I are both in the same spot with Jeremy Grant where good player MH but and and probably an upgrade for the Kings over Harrison Barnes yeah but H how much of an upgrade does it get them to or are they a rock solid playoff team now like for sure are they a championship Contender I don’t think they’re a title Contender with Jeremy Grant I would feel better about them making the playoffs if they had him but that just it feels like a mostly marginal move that ties them up financially for the next few years yeah I think that it is a better he’s a better player and he he’s even a better fit and and not only that but he’s played with jic so he understands how to play with a big you know like there are some things about Jeremy Grant that’s very appealing the problem is that he just makes way too much money and it’s it’s silly cash I mean he’s you’re on the hook for him for another four years at 132 million bucks and he’s 30 like that that just doesn’t doesn’t like move the needle like it’s it’s not worth again Harrison Barnes makes 18 million this year next 19 million next year Jeremy Grant in in like his fourth season makes like $36 million like that’s a lot that’s a lot of money that’s basically what you’re paying just for these two years of Harrison Barnes and yeah he’s a better player I mean like at this point still he’s long he’s athletic yes um I think he could he could certainly add something to what the kings are doing especially on the defensive end M um but I don’t think it’s that much where you’re like paying that much money yeah is he a so he makes what $30 million more than Harrison Barnes um well I mean if you want to look at the total of it the four-year deal he’s gonna make a 100 million more for the next for the next two years the next two years it’s about 30 million more is he a $30 million better than Harrison bar no I don’t think so either no he’s definitely a better player uh you know what you’re gonna I think you have a better idea of what you’re going to get night in and Night Out mm which is helpful but again to to me that paying that type of money to a player that needs to be a player that you’re going oh yeah that guy gets us into title contention and I I don’t think Jeremy Grant does no I don’t think so either I mean Jeremy Grant and a couple other moves but Jeremy Grant is an Allin move financially exactly that’s a good way to put and you don’t get away from the financial like the finances just keep getting worse over the next four years yeah uh and then we have a couple other players we’ve talked about a lot with the Blazers uh Malcolm Brogden and matis Dall which one of those two players would you rather have I would much rather have Malcolm Brogden I really really like Malcolm Brogden okay I think he’s totally underrated I think he’s a a solid veteran he plays with Force um is he a great defender does he get hurt too much yeah but I still I like everything about Malcolm Brogden and um you know he’s he’s getting older he’s on a one-year $22 million deal um it wouldn’t cost you that much I don’t think to get him out of there and I think he fits in seamlessly and makes you a much better team and that’s where like I think the Kings need to do a move like that where we’re talking about top six guy in your rotation right there yeah he’s your he’s your new six man yeah like I mean even if you’re able to bring back monk that would still be really solid and you could do three guard sets which would be nuts yeah with that group but also think that like he’s he’s just a type of solid veteran piece that the Kings could really use yeah he doesn’t cost a lot either yeah 22 and a half for one more year yep and take that I think thel thel has been a guy that been mentioned with the Kings for so like so many different times like uh because he’s exactly what we we always talk about yeah he’s a really really excellent lengthy Defender uh he’s improved his his three-point shooting a little bit he shot 38.8% with Portland last year in 22 games this year he was 34.6 he’s reaching the point where teams have to actually guard him when he’s hanging out in the corner yeah and that that wasn’t always the case but he’s been all defense second team twice um I I I I get the the argument for Malcolm Brogden um but it with Matti St bll at 11 million a year for the next couple of years man I would I would take that I get it but I I would also caution that I don’t think he’s better like he’s a little bit better defensively like he again he’s an all NBA defensive team but he’s but at this point in his career 27 I I think he’s a little bit better defensively than Keon Ellis and Keon Ellis is basically free and so I just don’t know that you want all of those sure types of players you know if B was 67 68 sure yeah but at 65 he’s more of a two3 than he is a 34 the Kings really need that 34 Defender so I’m a little out on on thel at this point okay right on that’s Portland Trail Blazers I’m sure all of those names are going to come up again of course Blazers are going to be a popular team this offseason I think they are too even Aon I think will be you know player this mentioned but I don’t the Kings wouldn’t go anywhere near that no no I don’t think any logical team would at this point um is DeAndre Aon a good bad player or a bad good player bad good player or or a good bad player oh I don’t know I don’t either that’s a yeah I don’t think he’s developed like he was really good with Chris Paul okay take away Chris Paul what is he and and I don’t know like I also was there the night um he’s averaging 17 and 11 for his career yeah yeah man Phoenix always get off the hook you know Phoenix also just so people remember they also passed on Luka donic yep with the number one pick in that draft and uh I was there the night where um Kelly UB like right at the end of the fourth quarter hammered Marvin Bagley and broke his broke his thumb um but also that night uh Aon had tested positive we saw him um like get pulled into a room and then came back right before he tested positive for steroid use for for Peds and was allowed to play on opening night for some reason and then was suspended after the game for 25 games or something it was ridiculous what a weird thing yeah it was weird his numbers in the last few games of the year 34 and 13 22 and 14 30 and 13 25 and 11 just doesn’t matter he’s just not an impactful guy yeah but he’s obviously good at basketball I just don’t I don’t know I don’t buy with DeAndre Aon no weird um he’s a bad good player okay he’s a good player who doesn’t affect winning okay I mean that makes sense he he puts up stats yeah yeah I mean he’s he’s like careerwise think TJ M TJ McConnell is a good bad player okay no that makes sense does it okay good yeah so not disrespect to TJ McConnell no aon’s put up better stats than Marvin baggley has for his career but I kind of put them in the same boat like how much do you impact and the answer is not very much in my opinion I wouldn’t put him in the same boat deand drayton’s way better than Marvin Bagley well ye yeah he’s he’s way better but I mean what’s Marvin for his career 14 and seven sure like I I get what you’re saying but like he he doesn’t impact oneing I don’t I don’t believe he went to the finals a finals team I don’t know um either way not going to be a factor for the

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