Sacramento Kings offseason targets from the Utah Jazz

Sacramento Kings offseason targets from the Utah Jazz

to let’s continue our discussion looking at the Northwest division today we’re going to look at each division in the NBA and the teams in that Division and players from those teams that the Kings might pursue in free agency or via trade and again this is a pretty wide net we’re not trying to say these are the players they’ll definitely go after or they they should go after it’s like yeah maybe this guy there’s definitely some players who it’s like yes this guy for sure if Brandon Ingram is available for trade the king should go pursue Brandon Ingram yeah I would say the same thing like Aaron Gordon becomes available yeah go for it like that would be that would be silly not to but that’s not going to happen and that’s we’re living in sort of a realistic world world we’re trying we’re trying there’s definitely some hypotheticals but also uh trying to be as realistic as possible yeah so let’s talk about the Jazz what are the J F just real what are the Jazz what team is what are what is this team doing it’s like when you go to uh Buffet yes and but it it’s not like it’s not like a specific type of food buffet you know what I’m I’m saying you’re the bagio yeah so you go to Buffet like like some people like to go to like the Chinese food buffet right sure where it has all kinds of Chinese food yes and and that’s fine and then sometimes you like to go like the HomeTown Buffet which I guess love HomeTown Buffet it’s more like like home right this is their team is kind of like a buffet that has no theme like a Vegas buffet yeah where it’s just like you get Lobster and chicken nuggets and a sule and some bacon yes it like it’s one of those buffets it doesn’t make any sense correct and so it’s it’s just a mixed bag of a whole bunch of pieces because their idea is to collect as many draft picks as possible and rebuild on the Fly using uh like hopefully high-end draft picks Unfortunately they haven’t really like struck gold in the in the lottery and I like Keon George uh good yeah like I think he’s going to develop and be really really good um but then after that like what do you do what do you do with the the contract of John Collins that you acquired what do you do with Colin ston who doesn’t fit your timeline what do you do with uh Jordan Clarkson who again really really doesn’t fit your timeline and then you got Lori marinin around for one more year at 18 million bucks and and everybody loves him and wants him to stick around but this’s low Market really want to stick around when he’s going to be a guy on a on a bad team for another four or five years yeah so so Colin ston is the first name we have down here he’s got two years 37 million left that to me is a really really high quality Malik monk replacement I don’t know what it would take to get him though because I don’t know are the Jazz gonna move forward with Keon George uh they sprinkled in some Chris Dunn last year uh they have Jordan Clarkson still Colin seon just doesn’t like you said a fit their timeline and B fit their personnel well I I to me Colin ston and and Jordan Clarkson are very similar as players and the only way to play those you can’t play them together or it’s just a holy mess and you’re not no one’s going to defend anyone and so it’s kind of like you you have to pair them with the right back court mate and they haven’t done that so like again in Sacramento I I like the Monte MO idea alongside Malik monk Off the Bench I like you know dearn Fox alongside Keon Ellis I there are certain types of like back courts that make sense if they had well they refused to play him with christon christon didn’t play nearly as many minutes as most people thought he would there right he was one of their better players when he did play and then they just wouldn’t play him so he also fit with the other players you know it’s kind of the ying and yang thing right you need a defensive mind and strong guy to go next to ston or to go next to Clarkson um so yeah if I’m the Kings and if you lose monk Jordan Clarkson’s easiest replacement ever like it’s short term you got two years he’s older and and it like you got to prove up somebody else while while you draft him um but I don’t know like I like seon too but seon would in Sacramento would have to take a role as a backup uh and like could he would he settle into a a role like you know what the Kings have have made for Malik Monk and I don’t know it’s probably the best role for him I think he would yeah I think he’d get a I think Colin seon’s a dog I think he wants to win and I think if he came to Sacramento and they went hey this is the role you’re going to have look at the success Malik monk got look at the bag that Malik monk got from playing here yep I think he very much would I would I would love that move for the Kings um twoyear $37 million deal what he left that that to me is it’s basically what you’re trying to get Malik to sign for yeah yeah I love that idea um you mentioned Jordan Clarkson uh 2 and 28 if they’re going to move him I would I would be in on that as well either one of those guys would be great because like you said not necessarily great together in Utah but I think individually they would fit really really nicely with Sacramento Lor marinin is the interesting one because he’s got a year and 18 million left the problem is is is a the Jazz don’t seem intent on moving him and B at one for 18 every single team in the league is going to be on the horn about adding Lori marus yeah if he became available yeah I totally agree I mean not only does he help you today but then you’d also have he’s not a restricted free agent but you would have bird rights to him if you acquired him and so you’d have this opportunity to extend him the summer um and so if we we’ve always heard in the past like oh well they want five first round picks for them or something there there might be teams out there that could give him five first round picks like OKC maybe he does fit right alongside Chad and that’s a guy that you’re going to go chase would you put Keegan on the table for him no and you know like I’ve been told in the past like the Kings wouldn’t trade Keegan for Lori Markin and they believe that Keegan will be a better player than Lori marinen man all right yeah I mean but we’re talking about a guy who you know I I I think that I think that is where talks would stop with the Jazz if Lori marketing was available yeah and and uh Monty called Danny a and said hey uh we would like Lori marinin one Lori marinin please and they would go great uh we’ll start with Keegan and four first yeah the Kings would go uh how about Harrison Barnes yeah and four first uh and that’s the end of the call no that’s it’s probably the end of the call yeah and like I I don’t know I don’t know if if you can get market and out of there uh his salary is so movable it’s crazy that’s the thing you don’t have to give up multiple pieces I if you’re giving up draft picks to get him and I know that they’ve been collecting draft picks there like crazy and you probably uh like again I think if you offered uh if you offer matching salary whether it’s herder or it’s you know a combination of two young two players or three players uh and then on top of or or if you did like Harrison Barnes and then you gave them four first round picks they might listen like I I think they’d listen for sure yeah I just don’t know that that’s a great idea like you’d want to know that he’s going to sign long term and you’re also looking at a player who misses a lot of games I played 55 this year 606 year before 61 51 um you know but enough about Brandon Ingram am I right no exactly I no I I I I don’t know I just don’t I I don’t I love the idea I love the fit I just don’t when it a great fit next to yeah for sure th% uh but but because of that I think you’d probably get out of their their range in the um bidding yeah in the in the trade market but

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