Biggest reason for the Arizona Diamondbacks Struggles?

Biggest reason for the Arizona Diamondbacks Struggles?

well we got to give the people what they want it’s an oldfashioned Crossover with Billard Thomas unlocked on [Music] MLB you are a locked on Diamondbacks your daily Arizona Diamondbacks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello Baseball fans and welcome to lockon MLB part of the lockon podcast Network we’re at your team every day this is the daily podcast we talk about all major league baseball I am your H Paul Francis Sullivan please call me Sully I’ve been a baseball C podcaster for well over a decade now and this is my six full season here at the lockdown podcast Network and if you like what I do guess what also check out lockon A’s where I am hosting that’s right I host 10 episodes a week on the lockdown podcast Network and they said hey Sully why don’t you also take over lock on Diamondbacks said don’t you dare touch lockdown Diamondbacks because the captain of the ship for the defending national league Champs is right over there here’s our Buddy Miller Thomas how you doing buddy doing good been a minute since we’ve done a little crossover Sully I know the people have been asking where are the Crossovers with Sully and Millie while we’re back here together to give you a nice Friday podcast that’s right right and uh follow us at lockon MLB on Twitter or whatever it’s called now and uh also on Instagram I am your pal Sully at Sully Baseball on Twitter Su basb podcast on Instagram and Miller what what about you yeah follow lock on Dbacks Twitter Instagram follow the personal account care24 on Twitter and miller. thomas12 3 on Instagram and today’s episode brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning five bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet visit lockon to get started okay I think that’s all the business we have to do at the top uh good to see you buddy oh I have one last piece of business uh the trivia question which was there have been several pitchers in the history of the New York Mets who have won 300 games they have many 300 game winners have worn the Mets uniform who is the only person to win their 300th game while wearing a Mets uniform do you know the answer no chance Tom glavin Jared slatky got it right Tom glavin got his 300th win in a Mets uniform uh he’s huge he’s huge Mets fan and he pitched during the time I was getting into baseball love your show and completely agree that all Major Leaguers should know how to lay bunts down very sad they don’t teach that in a lot of systems that was from Jared slatky 91 911 on the YouTubes he is an everyday Sully and if you’re listening everyday put down that hashtag everyday Sully yeah I there been I mean off the top of my head I know uh Warren span pitched for the Mets I know you know Tom sver pitched for the Mets I know Nolan Ryan pitched for the Mets I’ve been a couple other people who’ve gone on to win 300 games that have made cameos with the Mets um I know that uh Tom sver won his 300th game as a chic Whit sock that’s strange and and but he did it in New York no less all right hey um let’s just talk a little bit here we have it’s been a little bit since you’ve been on the show uh we obviously we did a ton of shows last year including the World Series that featured my team yeah the the Arizona Diamondbacks that’s right the Diamondbacks L we forget are the defending national league Champion um as of this recording they are only 24 and 26 right now um and they have fallen very far behind the eventual nlws champion and division series losing Los Angeles Dodgers I’m just going by what how the last bunch of years have uh made us H have unfolded um before we get into what is an absolutely jamack razor thin National League Wild Card which should make life very interesting as we approach Memorial Day um what’s going on why are the Dbacks who I mean are coming off of a World Series appearance made some key Acquisitions the offseason and they’re get you know katel Marte still looks pretty good Jack Peterson’s played well for them um what’s going on why why are they off to uh a sluggish start yeah there are a few varable Sully as to why the Dbacks have not lived up to the expectations that I have put on them entering this year of course coming off the world series one injuries to the team you’re down a Pomo you’re down at Alec Thomas most importantly you look at that rotation rrod has yet to suit up for the Dbacks he was the first big acquisition for the Arizona Dbacks Merill Kelly he is out to potentially the allstar break maybe longer maybe he’ll come back quicker but that’s two fifths of your rotation who is down you look at the bull pin it’s been very shaky All Year guys like Kevin GLE who was so important to the Dbacks run last season nails in the playoffs has not been good this year Paul seaal has finally returned after missing the first few weeks of the Season you go up and down that Bullpen outside of like a Ryan Thompson a Justin Martinez not too many trustworthy guys there then you look at the offense that has probably been the most disappointing thing about this team so far because the offense was one of the best things about this team the what the first 15 20 games this season for the last 25 games or so the offense is really gone to a slump guys like Lords guel have stopped hitting guys like Yano Suarez have stopped hitting and most importantly one guy who has never gotten off to a good start yet this season is Corbin Carroll who through 50 games has been downright bad and one of the worst players in Major League Baseball when you look at the offensive numbers you can’t deny a sub2 200 average a sub 2006 a sub 600 Ops coron Carroll is just not doing enough at the plate now he is on a little five game hitting streak is he start to turn it around I think it’s still too early to say but I think there’s not been enough contributions from guys in your lineup from Carol to Moreno to guel the rotation has been hurt the guys in the lineup have been hurt the bullpen has been shaky I think it’s been a Confluence of variables that has led to this Dbacks record of two games below 500 is sea Wald hurt or is he back was yeah he’s back now uh he it’s been like two weeks for him it hasn’t been like a maybe three weeks now it hasn’t been a super long time yeah I mean GLE has been a big disappointment and obviously Montgomery didn’t have a spring training um and you know and you know gallon pitched well Brandon Fat’s had some good starts he’s had some bad starts um yeah I mean the you’re right you lose six you know at least 40% of your rotation that you’re banking on is not is giving you py poo at this point but yeah I think to me it was Carol I mean unless we forget last year rookie of the year was the was electric I mean he power you know hit all round offense stolen bases great defense all the things and that exciting spark plug on the team and when you have a sub3 slugging percentage it’s bad I mean that’s for someone who you are expecting that’s a Jenga piece that you were expecting to be a big contributor and the ripple effect of okay Carol’s not as effective so you don’t have to you don’t have to worry about pitching to him you know Marte has held up his end of the bargain Walker’s had some good games but you know and and you were hoping for a lot from Suarez at third base um I I think that Carol is in so many ways the key yeah if he come if he turns around you mentioned he’s been playing well recently um if if he turns it around then that’ll help the offense if you get um if you get Eduardo Rodriguez in any way shape or form coming back and pitching decently and Montgomery improving and then that may get the the rotation going and maybe just maybe getting seaw walled back will will put some sort of anchor in the bullpen yeah you’re right I mean you it’s but we’re more or less at the one-third Mark of the season so you got to hope that a healthier Dbacks team is going to I don’t know refresh I mean it’s not like they’re playing on a you know a 90 loss you know Pace right now and and but that’s just my main my main diagnosis of the team yeah thankfully I like we’ll talking about segment number two that the Wild Card race has kept us in it but like you said Carol is the key I don’t think this Dbacks offense or this Dbacks team reaches the heights that they want to reach this season if Carol does not turn around his he is too Dynamic of a player he’s too important to the offense at the top of the lineup right now he’s kind of an easy out for opposing pitures what he did last season on the bases he was also a pretty good power guy he had 18 home runs in the first half last season like we have not seen the power from Court MC Carroll this year the speed also hasn’t been the same for court MC Carrol this year if you go on stat cast and look at Sprint speed Corin Carol is not even like a top 25 player right now in terms of Sprint speed which is insane he still looks as fast but the numbers tell you he he might be down a half step right now so for the Dbacks offense if they want to reach the next level and become a more consistent team cor mcaro has to wake up that bat because I don’t think this offense goes anywhere without him all right well we get back we’re going to talk a little bit about what it means to contend in the National League this year and why things are actually not that different for the Arizona Diamondbacks than they were last year spring has sprung and that means spring cleaning whether that means stocking up on cleaning supplies or swapping out your winter clothes for new spring clothes make sure you’re using abata and get real cashback with every purchase abata is a free app that gives you the most cash back every time you shop on hundreds of items from groceries to Beauty Supplies to toys so you can make sure you’re beating inflation no matter what you’re purchasing the average AATA user earns $256 per year that could 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channels app part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day right now the Diamondbacks are hovering around 500 last year they finished 84 and 78 which is hovering around 500 and like last year year the ntion league wild card is Razor thin so it actually isn’t a you know when I said what’s wrong with the Diamondbacks the answer is not much they’re actually kind of where they were last year in terms of the standings and as we’re looking at Memorial you know this is the the last weekend before Memorial Day which is kind of unofficially the one-third Mark of the season and I believe is the first real checkpoint of the season the first time you can really look at the standings and say okay who the hell are we uh the Diamondbacks are actually in surprisingly good shape to make a pretty solid playoff run because despite all of the issues that we just said they are currently tied in the Lost column with San Diego San Francisco and St Louis and San Diego currently has the third wild card spot but but the Dbacks are currently right in it yeah that third wild card spot really can go to anyone it feels like it’s going to be a NL West team that probably gets that third wild card spot but right now no one has really taken the Reigns the number one wild card spot it’s going to an NL team either Phillies or Braves is taking in the second one will probably go to the NL Central either the Cubs or the Brewers and it feels like the Brewers right now so that leaves one spot left and you’re looking at the Dbacks you’re looking the Padres looking at the Giants I mean even teams like the Cardinals and the Pirates are not that far out but it’s like do I trust the Cardinals do I trust the Pirates do I trust the Nationals no when I’m looking at the NL Wild Card race I’m fearful of the Padres stealing it the Giants I don’t love the team on paper in terms of their top end talent but they always play better than their expectations yeah I like and I like Melvin as that manager I think they I think they I think they’re going to be a real Contender down the stretch yeah I would say the only team that I think is a little bit of a Darkhorse that I think could heat up if they get healthy is the Cincinnati Reds but they’re still probably a year away from really contending so it’s like when you look at the path for the Wild Card the Dbacks are as talented as any team in the Wild Card mix they are coming off a season where they have a ton of experience for battling for that last spot and then they know the type of team that they can be when they get hot because that’s what they proved to themselves last year in the postseason and so when I’m looking at that wild card race yes the Dbacks have not been playing their best baseball right now but still wide open and all they have to do is get a little bit hot get a little bit healthy and they can easily slip into the wild card race and I actually I really think this um because it’s so tight and and fans of the show know I say this a lot but when you get to the one-third Mark which is more or less Memorial Day that’s when you should look around and you say okay what’s our what’s our major issue and obviously health is a maj issue for the Dbacks but you can sort of say they need an impact bat they need a little bit of pitching depth okay first things first when you wake up on the Tuesday after Memorial Day you have to identify what the immediate problem is and immediately look to your farm system and say do we have someone there already in our system who we can plug in and try to fill a hole internally I mean I really think that you there should be a lot of teams just calling up top prospects on June 1st to sort of say all right like if we have a hole at second base who’s our best second base Prospect put you in and remember this key fact mediocre is better than bad so if you have a bad situation and you make it mediocre you’ve at least improved it a little bit and sometimes the chain reaction of filling a hole even with something mediocre uh can work out you saw that last year with the Diamondbacks is they brought players up they didn’t always have the superstar in there but sometimes having an Evan Longoria to be a placeholder is was better than having nothing there and every single win you can steal in June is a win you don’t have to steal in uh August in September so take a good long look at your farm but also right now you have you know Miami and Colorado are realistically the only two teams in the National League that have zero chance and Chicago the white socks the angels and sad to say the A’s don’t really have a chance in the American League call them see if there’s anything there you can go to sort of pick off of that carcass and try to just at least put Band-Aids on some issues because in the end that may be enough and fix it so you can pick up as many as you possibly can and with where 85 wins will probably get into the playoffs and there’ll probably be bunch of teams between 86 and 80 wins in the National League a win here or there is going to be the difference yeah for I love that theory for the Dbacks to apply it though it just a little bit tough I could look at the Bullpen as maybe you need to go upgrade see who you have in your farm system but it’s like you look at that rotation if it’s healthy you’re going to have gallon Kelly Monty Rod F like can’t really put another guy there the lineup it’s like I like every player that’s playing they’re just not playing well Lords gel has to play better cor MCA has to play better Gabrielle Moreno like the bats that the Dbacks need are already on the team they just have to wake up and if they can do that the Dbacks going to have one of the best offenses in Major League Baseball but right now this team is more theoretical than tangible with how they’re playing right now by the way just so you know I this is this weird fact uh of all the teams that are currently Wild Card teams uh you have like the Cubs have a negative run differential the Giants have a huge negative run differential the Cardinals the Pirates the Nationals the Mets a lot of them have negative run differentials Dbacks have a positive run differential I mean it’s like I know that’s not not the end all or Beall but they’re playing better than I think that people realize and a bounce here and bounce there they’re going to be right back in that we’ll tell you what we’re GNA take when we get back I do want to talk about how the Diamondbacks the Rangers and yes Kansas City could show a lot of teams not to go all Mandalorian on you but this is the way now let me tell you something as we talked to our friends from FanDuel there’s no better time to be a sports fan right now you’ve got the Stanley Cup finals going or Stanley Cup SE uh Conference Finals going on now you got Edmonton and Dallas playing the Celtics and the Pacers are playing as we’re recording this and of course you got Dallas and the Timberwolves going for the Western 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forget those two teams play played in the World Series last year andless we also forget last year the Royals were a 100 loss team and right now they Trail Cleveland by only a game and a half and they have one of the game’s most dynamic players in all of baseball and the son of former Arizona Diamondback World Series champion Bobby Wht that would be Bobby Whit Jr and the Rejuvenation of Salvador Perez and stunningly one of the best Acquisitions at baseball Seth Lugo Seth freaking Lugo is g to is a front runner for the Sai Young Award when I hear about teams that crash and burn and I’m not that far from where the Angels play and it’s been a while since they’ve even put a 500 team on the field uh what can we learn about how fast the Dbacks the Royals and the Rangers have turn things around well I think it shows you that in baseball you don’t need four five years to build a good team the Rangers were an awful team just like the Dbacks not that long ago and they kind of took a different approach than the Dbacks but they went out there and they said we’re just G to spend a boatload of money in the off season and they did it over the course of a couple off seasons and it worked out they went out there got the Cory seagar who was World Series MVP they got the Marcus Simmons of the world they loaded up in their rotation right they built themselves a good lineup but also they had some homegrown Talent it’s not just spending money you have to have that balance they had the Evan Carters and the Wyatt lanfords and the Josh Youngs of the world like they have built and develop good talent same with the Kansas City Royals who have been developing the Bobby wits and the Salvador Perez’s have been there for a very long time then they went to this offseason and said you know what we’re the Kansas City Royals we’re we’re a small Market we’re not going to go out there and get the otanis of the world but let’s get some good Major Leaguers let’s get the Seth lugos of the world and just get quality talent in the building the Dbacks I don’t like to use them as an example for team building because I think their team building strategy was just so weird and like kind of unpredictable yes cor McCarol and Brandon F those are homegrown stars but like you traded for KET Tom Marte Christian Walker was a journeyman off the waiver wire you traded for Zack Allen Merl Kelly came over from the Korean league and started dominating so I think they’re just a weird team you traded Dalton varo for Lords guel and Gabriel Moreno like the Dbacks really built a lot of their team via the trade and maybe could look at the Dbacks as like a model for risk assessments say you know what sometimes you have to take big swings sometimes you have to make a trade that you know what may not look good in the hindsight but maybe down the line it pays off and that’s what some of the trades for the Dbacks have what you know worked out for them but most importantly when I look at the Rangers and when I look at the Royals I think there are teams that have spent money but also done a good job of building an infrastructure of young homegrown talent I think you could take that away from all three teams yeah I mean I admired the fact that the Royals took one look at the AL Central and said there’s no front runner here yeah and they saw there were some veterans who were available I mean Lugo came in and obviously he’s been a smash but they brought in Michael wer they brought in Hunter Renfro not everything has worked but maybe just having you know let’s bring in some veterans let’s let’s you know let’s roll the dice now they have drafted well obviously Bobby Whit Jr has turned into a fine draft pick uh Brady singer was was a first round pick and he’s turned out to be a quality pitcher for them they stole Cole Reagan in the aolis Chapman deal um and so you know W and bringing in Waka has has helped the rotation um I I you know sometimes there is luck involved and sometimes things fallen in the right way like it did with Arizona and sometimes teams have the best laid plans I think the White Sox had a really nice strategy they built a team through trades through the through their farm and they saw the Braves lock a lot of their players up long term they did the same thing it just so happens the players they locked up wound up flopping in the long term and so they’re you know they’re stuck with a bad team for a while there is a certain amount of luck that goes along with it but I also think what the Royals did was basically say let’s patch where this is a winnable division let’s patch holes and I think the Dbacks in last year’s offseason coming off a surprise World Series R we’re like hey let’s patch holes let’s just let’s not you know they’re not going to go for you know some of the big huge ones but some of the big huge ones you know didn’t haven’t been panning out I mean Blake Snell has has been a bust tunio so I I think that there’s a yes there’s a certain amount of luck to it but it’s also take a look at the competition and say if we just put Major Leaguers around our lineup good things will happen yeah I think also when you look at all three teams it shows you how quickly true Stars can change like the fortune of your franchise when the Rangers acquire a Corey Seager who when he’s healthy the way he can carry a team offensively and his leadership same with Marcus Simeon when you look at the Kansas City Royals you see Bobby wh he has all this hype coming out of the draft he has a great rookie season and now he’s starting to mature and start to break out and look like one of the best Superstars in Major League Baseball Corbin Carroll last year the Rookie of the Year campaign he had where he’s immediately a top five MVP candada as a rookie when you have a true Superstar or multiple superstars on your team it just changes the fortune of your franchise and it just raises the ceiling of your team so much quicker than when you’re obviously not that talented all right well look it’s it’s going to be an interesting year we’re going to see the teams you know bottleneck and once again get a chance to see uh a team that no one expects go to the World Series it would be three straight years of that in the National League you know and four out of the last five because you had the Nats the last the last four full seasons you’ve had unusual National League champions the Nats and 19 the Braves had a uh you know had a losing record in August and didn’t win 90 games they won it all in 21 one Phillies in 22 Dbacks last year uh a lot of good things can happen if you get into the dance all right uh before we wrap things up here I am going to uh the trivia question is a Diamondbacks featured trivia question which is who was the first Diamondbacks pitcher to hit two home runs in one game that’s a put your answer down here on YouTube or on uh Twitter or whatever it’s called now or on Instagram Miller Thomas where can people follow your great show uh please follow locked on dimeback both Twitter and Instagram follow locked on dimeback on YouTube as well or follow my personal account career thomas4 for my Twitter or miller. thomas12 3 on Instagram all right and you can follow us at locked on in mb pods on Twitter and on Instagram I’m your pal s at Sol baseball in Twitter and Sol baseball podcast Instagram and also check out locked on a we get five more episodes It’s like a bonus five more episodes of me every single week talking with our good buddy Miller Thomas about all good things with the defending nationally Champs and what should be a razor thin NL Wild Card race he’s Miller Thomas I’m Paul Francis s for all time sake let’s give ourselves a fist bump right here come on get in

The Arizona Diamondbacks have not lived up to expectations this season but why? Sully Baseball joins the show to discuss the biggest reasons why the Dbacks have struggled this year, the tight NL Wild Card, and if the Dbacks are a model for team building.



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