[samesfandiari] Haynes just reported bulls proposed Wiggins and Paul for Lavine and gsw said no and waived CP3

  1. How would that trade even work? Wiggins + Paul is like 16 millions more than LaVine. Unless they offered Wiggins/Paul for LaVine/Vuc, which no surprise the Warriors would say no to that.

  2. Why would GS do this? Wiggins is younger better and cheaper on a shorter deal. They cleared cap space cutting Paul, they didn’t buy him out or eat anything. This would have been fleecing GS if they accepted.

  3. “guys we HAVE to re-sign Zach. We can’t let him walk for nothing! He’s so good, he’ll have added value in a trade later too.”

    Where’s all the 8 flairs at, the ones that downvoted anything and everything that opposed this sentiment? Y’all ran this sub for 4 years and seemingly all disappeared in a season.

  4. At this point we can either hope that for

    A. A team gets desperate after striking out in Free agency (Kings?)

    B. We keep Zach and let him rehab his value, trade him for an asset before trade deadline.

  5. No joke, at this point he might have to agree to tear up his contract and sign a new one if he truly wants out…

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