Is Travis Hunter THE most likely 1st-round pick by the Denver Broncos & Sean Payton in 2025?

on today’s DVR Broncos show we’re going to talk about who is the most likely first round pick for the Broncos next year looking ahead on this show could it be Travis Hunter could it be an offensive lineman defensive side what are the odds that it’s a quarterback in backto back years where’re breaking it all down starting right now we back on the dnvr Broncos podcast the countdown has begun Henry it is July that means training camp starts this month we’re just 3 weeks away from the Denver Broncos reporting for training camp and likely just a couple of days on top of three weeks of being away from the Broncos actually starting training camp football is almost here and the damr Broncos podcast is absolutely here live in the Toyota Lounge which is driven by local Front Range Toyota stores Toyota the official vehicle of dnvr here inside the dnvr bar I’ve got my man Henry Chisum uh and Alysa behind the camera how you doing Hank I’m good also I totally missed apparently Jonathan drewan signed back with the ABS like 10 minutes ago oh I missed that I we just been like sitting here I yeah my phone’s been in my pocket it’s been it’s been crazy with free agency you know I think the NHL or the NBA but likely the NHL has really dropped the ball on this or the puck on this not a good way to like start the game drop the drop the gloves what yeah they yeah punched themselves in the face why are NBA and NHL free agency at the exact same time one of them likely the NHL should push it back a week so that they can have 100% of the spotlight instead there’s you know so many uh NBA news just covering it all up they did the same thing with the draft too it’s so stupid it is it is stupid I also I wonder how much their fan bases cross over like I bet for like I don’t know hockey fans are weird and I say that as like a hockey fan but like 90% of them probably just don’t even care about the NBA it’s still like a waste because I don’t know it’s still good to like get at the exposure like ESPN is going to be talking more about like you can see it right there we got on like they’re talking about basketball they’re not talking about all this hockey stuff exactly that’s what I’m saying it’s a bad idea I don’t know why it happens but I guess it’s because they’re kind of on the same schedule yes but you could push it one like have the draft later this week and free agency next week it really doesn’t seem like it’d be that hard for them to do also and why I put the blame on the NHL is they are kind of like the younger sibling here uh and the smaller one and so you have to change in order to get bigger things like you’re not going to expect the bigger uh League to adjust to the smaller League no you have to adjust yeah well I’m pretty sure the NHL used to be the bigger one too like I’m pretty sure back in the ’90s um I can see if I can double check but I’m pretty sure in the ’90s it was at at the very least the same size and then the NBA just took off the NHL kind of stayed in the same place when also didn’t the lockout the NHL lockout really kill them in like the mid 2000s and I think like the the salary cap also did I think that they they basically put the salary cap in too early like they should have kind of let it keep going going going cuz that was I guess like the early 2000s I think um and if they had just like let teams over spend and overspend and inflate salaries inflate like those guys would have kind of turned into Superstars and then you put the cap in right right it’s also is a biased a fan who saw like I guess I wasn’t really alive enough I was alive but not enough to know what was happening not alive enough yeah like I was I would have been like five or something when all this happened so I mean it seems like the point is they really could have handled things better and let the superstars get paid before they that’s a very fair point held everybody down but when you’re around like a 5-year-old or do you look at them and you’re like you’re not you’re not alive enough for like me to acknowledge you right now uh I think you have a little bit not around many 5ye old honestly I just don’t know what to do just stay away I think Al that reminded me so I was just walking on the hallway of the gym this morning and this really nice oh I can Flex now after going there yeah after uh so I was walking there’s like this lady seemed nice had these two dogs it’s like a narrow hallway so nothing she can do but one of the dogs just like licked my leg as I walked by I was like this is this is awful wow you don’t even like dog licks like I understand not one the responsibility but you can’t even handle a dog lick I had forgotten about that because it was in my like early morning diluted phase but deluded that’s in like delusion delusional delusion phase yeah I can tell you’re still in that right now maybe I am but yeah that was one of those things I was like I wonder if there are people who like this like they’re like I oh nice dog oh it licked me that’s nice yeah everyone everyone Henry maybe like I can understand if people don’t want it on their face I get that but Everyone likes it on their leg but I was just going to the gym I was like oh please like I really hope this leg doesn’t start itching got to get to like an hour it’s a dog I know but like when you’re allergic that’s what you think it’s like I’m going to sit on this bike or like are youg pick up this heavy thing dog oh yeah no you’re not dogs and cats yeah no that’s why like you actually are oh yeah why didn’t you say this like months and years ago when you just been hating on dogs and cats you say you’re allergic it really helps your case I still have this thing where you know sometimes you’re cold and you want to like pull a blanket over your head uhhuh so I grew up with like cats and dogs and whenever I do that I just get like all itchy because like blankets you know they catch all the stuff and so I realized like a week ago I was just sit on the couch and I was like sitting this blanket I was like okay this is really cold in here like I just for a second need to pull this over my head just to like warm up have my phone I’ll be entertained and like you have like this little hitch I’m like is it worth getting all itchy and you’re like that’s it don’t worry we don’t have any animals here it’s going to be thought going to suffocate being under there with all the the Fallen dandruff I’m surprised that you like our can’s dog so much then you always want it on set oh yeah can we it’s not not visible when we have the three chairs you see right back here yeah yeah is what it is um we got some congrat ulations to hand out and Henry one of them is to you I’m going to say that last I want to give a congratulations I was at a wedding in Mexico this weekend and wedding one of my friends Max watches this show so congratulations to Max and Kayla on getting married awesome on the beach yeah I mean a beach wedding you with in Mexico and all- inclusive you can’t beat that so congratulations congrat speaking of wedding Zach Wilson is going to get married he just got engag aged this week on the Positano Coast I believe or no the Positano City in the alal coast in Italy impr impressive Henry so Zach Wilson sorry to all the moms out there he’s off the market now and then a final congratulations to Henry who’s using his first vacation days yes I am later this week is that it yes Wednesday and Friday wow because we get Thursday off for the 4th of July so congratulations on that big accomplishment for you I think so I hadn’t even like really looked at the vacation day policy even so I got in there to like file them and I was like so it looks like we get like a certain number that like roll over I still am just going to like roll over the full number if I I didn’t dig too deep but like yeah I need to look into that policy I might just drain it later in the next few weeks that’s what I was thinking like there’s there’s going to be no time to do this it’s like I think I’m going to get up there for the Missouri State Montana game August 31st which is like a tough scheduling thing cuz ndsu’s here Thursday but that kind of like saves it when they play CU and so I can go Friday probably go watch that game but that’s going to be a weird game because Missouri State’s not that good but they’re transitioning to FBS so they get like more scholarships I don’t know first game since the national championship so it’ll be fun wish they lost but it’ll be like good still another big Flex I mean you were the one to bring the flex down by saying they still lost they man we and like honestly uh covering a team the way you and I do especially the Broncos you think there’s like okay there’s only five months of the year where it’s the season that you can’t really take off and we still could it’s not like dmvr doesn’t allow us but we just want to be as committed to this beat as possible but then no there’s it’s not just those 5 months because then uh maybe if the Broncos become stable enough and that would be for then Janu well January be busy February mon not just the first half of February be busy yeah so like the season ends like January 10th or 12th or something and then for like that week after there’s like the press conference and like there’s always like these wrap-up things that take up at least another week and sometimes it’s like a week and a half Y and then on the podcast there’s things to talk about for like a few more days yep and then I mean then once February’s over then it’s the combine cuz we do the Super Bowl the first weeks of February are going to be like chaotic like planning everything doing everything y yeah and then free agency and then which preview before free agency even starts so all March is gone Y and then there’s OTAs and so draft like there there are for sure like days we could take off there’s probably a week here and there that if we if we wanted to we could but like this 5 to six week window in the summer is really the time time where it’s just like uh totally open that’s when players are literally not allowed contact um with the organization so there’s never well unless it changes uh with some Rumblings that it might change next year but in this part there’s nothing that we would ever Miss that’s kind of when like um you’ll see Todd me Henry take some more time off um but love being back and talking ball okay so Henry we are going to talk about who is the most likely player for the Broncos to draft this year and I think the best way to do this is to first start with what’s most likely position the Broncos are going to need heading in to next year’s draft and I think on the surface there’s a couple of obvious ones and so in the Toyota chat I want you to think which uh position do you think is the biggest need for the Broncos next year entering April’s draft but I got to give a shout out to our friends over at Toyota when I let everyone think of that in the Toyota chat because if you need any sort of car a truck an SUV even sports cars and of course in the hybrid game as well Toyota has got you in fact you can pretty much mix all of those together and it gets you the tundra I force Max hybrid truck it drives like a sports car but of course is a big gold truck that’s the hybrid it’s got the I force max power with it too and Toyota has 16 different hybrid vehicles to choose from uh and of course you can get the rav for Grand Highlander um the Tacoma like I said earlier the um Tundra the Land Cruiser there’s so many different cars make sure to check out the new iconic 2024 Land Cruiser which just dropped this spring Toyota the official car uh of the NFL or the official Automotive dep partment of the NFL an official vehicle of dnvr and if you want a Toyota check them out at your local front Front Range Toyota stores near you Auto Nation Toyota Oro and Centennial Corwin Toyota in Boulder Groove Toyota in Littleton Mountain States Toyota in Denver Stevenson Toyota east and Aurora and Stevenson Toyota West and Lakewood Toyota the official Automotive partner of the NFL and the official vehicle of dnvr uh also uh shout out to bet 365 who whom uh hopefully you sorry I don’t think anyone would have picked up on that Hank I think you’re okay yeah I’ve been thinking about it’s been stuck in my mind actually whom yeah I actually texted the word whom I don’t think my girlfriend texted me back actually um but um jeez yeah to whom are you listening uh but yeah so bet 365 hopefully listen to my advice and stop betting on the Rockies because they did turn bad again uh what was it five in a row they lost six in a row something like that until yesterday when I broke my own rule because I was like I’m just sitting at home like going to the gym I’m watch watching the game there actually great gym day because I was like oh I’ll go down there watch the second half of the Rockies game from the exercise bike yeah good plan a great idea 14 inning game longest in the majors this year so I just kept ped and pedaling and pedaling yeah yeah no it was pretty crazy um but they won and so they like there were a whole bunch of crazy plays uh but yeah they they didn’t get swept by the white socks which is big news and if you like me were bet 365 uh you would have made a decent amount of money cuz bet 365 really thought they were going to get swept um a lot of fun stuff to bet on right now especially all the soccer they’ve got awesome boosts every day um yesterday’s didn’t hit but I think like two or three of the the ones before uh consecutively all hit um I’m not sure what the Boost is tonight but I’m sure they’ll have some awesome stuff for this US soccer game um who do you know who they play US soccer yeah nope all I know playing they lost to the panamanians the panamanians panamanians panamanians panamanians would be like a cool nickname though yeah I think the panamaniac would be good ah that would be good that’ be good uh but but that’s not the point point is make some good bets dmvr 365 is an awesome code because it uh gets you a bet and get offer you can place five a bet of $5 or more get $150 in bonus bets or you can get a first bet safety n offer youl a bet up to $2,000 if that qualifying bet loses receive a match refund and bonus bets whatever the sport whatever the moment it’s never ordinary bet 3 65 uh must be 21 or old older physically located in Colorado please gamble responsibly if you were someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help call her to text 1800 Gambler um shout out to the Toyota chat which is dropping in a lot of good answers to the question and speaking of the Toyota chat if you are listening over on Twitter it’s SLX make sure to jump over to YouTube it helps us out plus it allows you guys to comment and interact with us better easier that the stream is better as well and so I want to read a couple of these uh answers coming in on the toy chat right there is perfect Alyssa um Jose says I asked question which positions do the Broncos need the most for next year’s draft and David free said they need a superstar receiver Grant said defensive and offensive line Jose said tight end left tackle Edge um and then David also said the whole team needs a lot of work and Jose chimed in and said quarterback if bonick face plans running back if javante is not the same or is good but leaves wide receiver if Mims doesn’t step up tight end unless we see a miracle left tackle if Bulls walk Center if no one steps up and right tackle if they move on from mcglinchy so these responses kind of tell me like there could be a lot of positions of dire need and I don’t think anybody said linebacker which I would definitely put on that list inside or outside or both both yeah inside for sure but outside I mean two of those guys aren’t under contract for next year right so I mean if you look across this entire team outside of like the rookies and the young guys that are on rookie deals you have Ben Powers under contract next year you have Mike mlinci under contract next year um and that is it across the offensive line um which are two big pieces but you don’t have um really a notable starting center under contract for next year as it sits right now Quinn Miners is a free agent after this season gar BS is a free agent after this season so just right there you’re losing some big pieces now obviously they’re probably not just going to let all of these guys walk tight end Troutman signed a one-year deal yeah I believe dich under that rookie contract um for he have two years left he must who DOL doul yep yep two years left ining this year so one more a year um running back javante this is his uh third year third year so he’ll have one more year obviously no no no this is fourth year sorry yeah this is fourth year you’re right you’re right so gante not under the roster um and then to just round out the offensive side of the ball courland Sutton is under contract in 2025 as well and I think really no guarant Josh Reynolds is yeah but no guarantees really for Josh Reynolds either um and obviously we’ve talked about that situation a lot but then the young guys so the receiver group actually might be the most stable position entering next year’s draft but but of course that’s not getting into the nitty-gritty of like well couron won a contract this year he’s really going to want one next year do you move on from Josh Reynolds if he just underperforms a little bit this year to save money so so many and then that just kind of shows it’s pretty much the same on the defensive side of the ball you’re like well I like I like Alex Singleton and maybe Jones Griffith can become something but next year neither of those guys are under contract anymore yeah the only place I think that you’re actually set is quarterback and the one spot are you set there I think so because nobody nobody takes quarterbacks in back toback years it’s happen Cardinal yep it happened 1989 uh Cowboys took Troy Aman and then uh actually in the supplemental draft they took another quarterback which meant they had to Forfeit the next year’s first- round pick so you can count that if you want wait who was that quarterback that they took uh Steve Walsh they went with Aman I’m not sure if you heard yeah wow I think they probably regret that um they did that uh with the oh the Colts did that uh they took art schlicker in 1982 a year after took John Elway but uh oh man yeah you remember what happened there yeah they uh they did not actually keep Elway they traded him um and then if you go way back the 49ers did in 56 and 57 um the Washington Washington actually took them in 59 60 and 61 and the Rams did 62 63 64 but that was a very different game back 62 63 and 64 and then of course the Cardinals uh did it with Josh roosi and K so unless something historic happens yeah the Broncos aren’t taking a quarterback in the first round next year if if they do then in like 60 years people will be looking back and saying like well you know the Broncos did it so you never know so I’m I’m confident in saying like that’s it’s not going to happen that’s fair because we’re going down this road let’s just continue down it right now what would have to happen for the Broncos to take a quarterback because Henry you say like it’s got to be extenuating circumstances and you are right and history backs you up with that but on the flip side just to be contrarian I don’t think this is going to happen but what was it Pro Football Focus had the Broncos roster graded as 32nd out of 32nd dead last in the entire NFL heading into this year and I have to imagine they think bonix is going to play a lot of the season so let’s say Vegas has the win total over under for the Broncos as the third worst in the NFL so uh there’s some people very down on this Broncos team I’m not nearly as down Shawn pton the worst he’s ever been is seven- n as a head coach I I think that he at least gets to seven wins this year so I do not see this situation unfolding but there’s some people out side of Colorado that do see a situation where the Broncos could have top three pick in next year’s draft Yeah if it is a top three pick is quarterback considered is that an opportunity where you see history happening again I think it’d have to be number one I think that there would have to be somebody so good that you just can’t pass him up because I mean it’s probably a pretty safe bet that a quarterback’s going number one and I don’t think the Broncos are going to be deciding to bring in a new quarterback who’s the third best in the class it would have to be somebody who’s so so so good that you make a move which is what happened with the Cardinals you know when Kyler Murray was the number one overall pick and they’re like well this guy just won the Heisman we’ve got a we can’t sit here with Josh Rosen um but I also think that there isn’t a clear number one next year I think that if it if if we were going into this year and there was a Caleb Williams or Trevor Lawrence or um uh an Andrew Luck you know it’s pretty rare that those guys it’s every once every two or three years you get one of those guys then you would say like yes you have to do it but when you look at who the top quarterbacks are going to be I mean shador Sanders could have been in the draft this year um Quinn eers could be the the first quarterback off the board he could have been in the draft this year yeah like these are all guys who you’ve known for years and years ahead of time are going number one overall you don’t have at least as of now somebody who looks like that generational talent and because of that like if for the Broncos to take quarterback B Knick needs to be bad they need to have the number one overall pick and like they need one of these guys to be so good that they just can’t justify passing him up and I guess there’s a chance where they I guess they would trade the pick though they wouldn’t draft the player and trade the pick or and trade the player like what there’s no there’s no world in which they like John Elway like the Colts did back in the day and like oh we’ll draft shador Sanders cuz he has to go number one overall they would just trade the first overall pick and not take so it it would there’s almost no chance it happens and see I disagree again don’t think it’s going to happen but Henry you threw out some names you threw out um and I think there’s kind of a big three to maybe five in this quarterback draft right now uh you’re looking at Carson Beck I think he might be the number one overall pick but shadur Sanders I think is right there as well you mentioned Quinn yers who’s going to be in the conversation as a as a top pick in this draft Jaylen milro do not be surprised if he has a massive season um I think he last I saw was like had the seventh best odds to be the number one overall pick in this draft um and then oh my gosh there’s someone else that I was absolutely thinking of who would it be uh why can’t Quin you say that no I said Quinn anyways I think there’s like five guys that are already kind of being talked about now and I I really think that there’s like a big two or three with Carson Beck um with shador Sanders maybe Quinn yers um in terms of like they’re already being talked about is being top dogs yeah what happens when the season ends quarterbacks value just skyrockets just goes through the roof so i’ would be surprised if you know this year we’re saying it is wild that six quarterbacks went in the top 12 picks we going be talking about five quarterbacks going in the top 10 picks next year what we’re probably talking about is three quarterbacks going in the top five and then maybe there’s a drop off and there’s only four quarterbacks taken in the first round but quarterbacks price and and value is only going to Skyrocket so the fact that there’s already a couple of names now and we’re what nine months away from the draft just shows me that I think it’s going to just Skyrocket so for the Broncos to take a quarterback I think what has to happen is they have to have a top three pick obviously the closer to number one you get so if you’re two or you’re one it’s even more likely to take a quarterback and bonck has to be a big reason why they have a top three pick or a top two pick let’s say the Broncos start like 0 and 10 and then bonick comes in and that was with bck on the bench and then bck comes in first off there’d be a lot of coaching malpractice if that’s the case if they’re 0 and 10 and B Nick still hasn’t started but then he comes in and goes you know three and four down the stretch and the Broncos finished three and 14 but Bo won three more games than any quarterback was able to with the Broncos in the first 10 then no you probably saw enough from Bo where you feel comfortable then you’re trading that pick for a massive Hall then you’re drafting uh another top player at the non-quarterback position there um it would have to be you know both starts 13 14 or more games and is just really bad and really doesn’t show progress I don’t think this is going to be the case I just need to keep saying that but I do think that’s how it happens and then Shawn gets one more shot ownership says Shan we’re not going to put Russ on you but we’re going to put bow on you um and uh you get one more shot at this quarterback thing and you better do it now because you have a top three pick yeah I almost think bonix has to like do something off field like he he might not even need to be like suspended or something or have like we’ll knock on wood for all of this but like some serious injury where you’re like H that might be it but really knocking on wood for that uh it’s just it’s almost never happened before you know if Quinn URS was that good why was he being mocked in like the second and third round and then deciding to go back to school you know like like I think let me throw it this way if qu wasn’t that good why isn’t the goat Arch Manning playing right now true I mean like it’s just it’s it is I don’t know like there just isn’t somebody who is that guy like I think that when you look at this year compared to last year I mean like Quinn eers or shador Sanders or Carson Beck like I don’t think any of them is like a drake May in this situation like as of where Drake May was last year I think that like there certainly is no kale Williams um but I don’t even think that there’s like a a drake May type and they’re pretty close they’re right in there I just don’t think that there’s anybody where you just say like we’ve got to bail on our plan I think you’d be better off like trading that pick like the like the Bears did even though they kind of knew you know Justin Fields wasn’t he he wasn’t quite what you had hoped you’re still holding out some hope but you trade the pick to the Panthers and say ah we’ll do it next year if we have to you know like it it would just take so much to do a thing that’s really only happened once again the two other examples are that’s totally fair I just I just can’t see it and uh Sean says you never you don’t want to get on the NFL train because the NFL train is just kind of uh it’s the narrative that goes on and he thought that narrative was happening with JJ McCarthy he hasn’t said that publicly but it’s pretty clear to connect the dots uh and he said that’s a dangerous path to get on it’s just getting on the train and just going with it wherever the narrative goes but where the narrative always goes is quarterback’s values just get inflated like crazy and even the Broncos got on that narrative a little bit by saying no no no it’s okay the sixth quarterback in the draft is still worthy of the 12th pick and I’m not saying they’re wrong about that um but that is just what is going to happen in my opinion um so I totally see where you’re coming from um but I think we both put it out there pretty well um let’s before we go to if it is a quarterback what quarterback would it be let’s talk about the other positions of need Henry when I say who is what’s the number one position the Broncos will need going into the draft next year what is it the number one position and when you think about it let me give a shout out to our friends over at Infinity Park we are 69 days away nice from the Broncos taking the field in week one but if you want to get in on some other sporting action when it’s really a dry time in Denver right now for uh Sports outside of the Rockies we’ve also got the American Raptors and you can check out our friends over at Infinity Park um pretty much every single weekend to get some awesome action going on it’s a really cool venue it’s a really cool place and you get to see the American Raptors rugby team Colorado’s only professional rugby team they’re back and you can catch their games on ESPN plus and what’s even better is we’ve got you covered on um the media end our guy Colton strickler has a weekly dmvr rugby podcast hit that subscribe button make sure to follow him at Colton strickler on Twitter uh and then of course over at dmvr rugby to keep up with the latest news and you want to save the date and come out to Infinity Park and Glendale Colorado for movie night Monday July 8th featuring trolls ban together gates open at 6:00 p.m. and the movie starts at 7:00 p.m. movie goers are encouraged to pack their own chairs blankets and pack coolers with their favorite snacks please leave grills and glass containers at home for those not bringing food on-site food trucks will offer delicious options for purchase all movie Nights in 2024 are free to attend don’t miss out on this fun familyfriendly event at Infinity Park I’ve actually been to Infinity Park um to see a couple of July 4th fireworks so I don’t know if they’re doing that this year but I know it’s a great venue for like um outdoor things at night uh during the summer so that sounds like a blast yeah it does uh also better help um better help uh can help you if you’re going through tough times uh I was going to make some like firework joke but there really is nothing that fits no at all not really no nothing at all um there’s only one thing that connects with the NFL that I could think about that but yeah doesn’t connect to his hand anymore um wow the watch shout out JP uh yeah better help is an awesome uh business they can help you there’s a whole bunch of perks when you choose better help so what they are they connect you with the therapist um and uh the way it works is you you say what you’re dealing with and they don’t just give you anybody they try to find somebody who fits what you’re going through um because they’ve got a whole bunch of people who specialize in a whole bunch of different um a whole bunch of different areas so um if you’re trying to learn positive coping skills or how to set boundaries uh Power yourself to be the best version of yourself um it isn’t just for if you’ve gone through major trauma but if you just want somebody to help you talk through things they have a whole bunch of people on staff who can help you out um you fill out a questionnaire you get matched with somebody and if you don’t like who they matched you with you can switch it anytime for no additional charge it’s all entire entirely online it’s designed to be convenient it’s flexible suited to your schedule it’s very obviously discreet because it is just online um but it uh it’s just good for people to uh to sometimes re-evaluate and they’re they’re really good at helping people go through those sorts of things um so if you’re trying to become your own soulmate whether you’re looking for one or not you can visit dmvr uh today and you’ll get 10% off your first month that’s dnvr all right Henry so what is is the one pos the biggest position of need you think the Broncos will have heading into the draft next year it’s really tough um I like maybe left tackle but that’s just like a 5050 whether you keep Garrett bulls or not I mean we were talking about the free agency in the NBA and NHL before uh they do that after the draft or yeah so they do the draft first see what they get and then go free AG with this you’re doing the free agency first so that could change some things but I think you could take the 50/50 that’s left tackle or you could just say some sort of playmaker um because regardless of what they do in free agency or resigning people like they just I like you said like they they’ll bring back all their receivers they also have by some rankings the 30th best receiver group in the NFL so do do you still might want to add to that Henry uh we did not talk about this before the show yeah you nailed it though I I completely agree with you on that and to me if you have what what is g Bulls how would you classify him as a left tackle certainly top 15 and depending on the penalty luck maybe po top 10 any given year I totally agree yeah if you have that that is so tough to just let walk now if Garrett wants a 5year hundred million contract and it’s like the the length of the contract just scares you off cuz he’s in his mid-30s now okay I get that I think the Broncos are going to let Garrett Bulls walk I think they’ll get something done with him before free agency opens next year and I think it’s going to be a deal where we look and we say damn Derek took a or Garrett took a bit of a discount to stay in Denver but he got a lot of guarantees to do it so I think we’re going to say that’s a win-win deal for both sides of the ball unless the only reason they let him go is If Shawn just says I want a dominant I want a top five tackle in the NFL and you can probably get that in this year’s draft especially if you have a top 10 pick you can probably get a an elite tackle in this draft it’s looking to be a really good tackle class I just don’t think they’re going to go that way so then I go okay what’s the what’s the other position that’s a top need playmaker 100% it it’s probably not going to be from the running back position probably not going to be from the tight end position um because Brock Bowers he was the playmaker if you want to want to tackle or tight end this year obviously Broncos had to get quarterback so they went that direction so I look at wide receiver and that where I specifically find the playmaker is a a wide receiver and a gamechanging wide receiver so I think those are the the two most realistic spots and I think that the wide receiver because I do think they’re going to keep Garrett BS and Mike mcglinch is under contract for next year um I do think that that wide receivers is a number one need for the Broncos heading into next year’s draft Yeah there’s a good chance it just feels like the safe option um because it’s tough to see a world in which that isn’t a good choice because even if even if Mar Marvin Mims is everything you hope he is even if courland Sutton and Tim Patrick and Josh rins are who you hope they are like you you’re still going to want another guy like there’ll still be room for another guy because you look around the league and the best teams have for the most part really good receivers I mean that’s part of the reason people don’t like the bills as much this season it’s like oh you lost Stefon Diggs and yeah you you lost Gabe Davis who I don’t think is that good but that’s not the point um you just you need somebody who’s going to go do things with the ball especially when your quarterback is Bo Knicks cuz he’s not a put a team on his back kind of quarterback you just want to be able to get the ball to guys and let them go make plays um so I it’s a safe pick should we run through these real quick yeah let’s fly through so let’s do it quarterback quarterback or halfback running back people say running back now more like I think more likely to be worthy of a first round pick next year it’s it’s got to be quarterback I think you think so I think so I go running back okay that’s fair just because I don’t think you can go quarterback that’s fair I see and I get like some people say never take a running back in the first round anyway but right I go running back the value to me is just what has it definitely but I also we were talking about this on the draft podcast you’ve got olly Gordon coming back at Oklahoma State who’s going to be in the draft next year I think 1,700 yards like there’s a chance that he’s just a freak running back and if those receivers do pop if things go well for the Broncos I see two scenarios one where like things go well for the Broncos they’re picking in the 20 somehow you’re like oh you this guy could put him over the top because the defense worked out that could that could make sense in that situation I can see that for sure or if you’re picking really high and you wind up say you take like Travis Hunter to play quarterback top three all of a sudden like no running backs going in the first round top three the second round but I said we’re going to do this quick um so uh yeah so let’s just put running back in front of quarter back for now but they’re basically in the same spot my notes app won’t open uh wide receiver number one in front of those guys uh tight end um how we would rank them more likely to be worthy of a first round pick next year is there that there’s not that Brock Bowers so Colston Loveland he’s not I mean he’s not Brock Bowers but Brock Bowers is rare So couston Loveland from Michigan he obviously was very valuable last year um he was awesome when he was a freshman similar to Brock Bowers in that way and that like I remember watching him and thinking like o Broncos got to get that guy and being like oh wait you got to wait two years before he’s in the draft um still probably not to that level at the same time though doesn’t have the same concerns about blocking that Brock Bowers has and so as a Pro Prospect maybe you could make the case that he uh he could be just as valuable but I personally don’t think so fair enough I’d probably put him at the bottom the list right now oh at the bottom just position in position in general though the Broncos need at tight end really I know I see what you’re saying you’re saying we’re talking about the how it most likely to be worthy of a first round pick the position next year yeah I mean the tight end position needs a lot of help if DOL can’t stay healthy this year I probably put him after receiver in front of running back after receiver that’s fair just because like it’s a similar conversation with running back um let’s just say let’s split tackle guard Center all in one uh let’s say three separate um tackle what are they doing with Bulls yeah and because of how important it is I’d probably go number two behind receiver I think it go either side y let’s go after because it might keep BS yeah that makes sense um guard um they’re going to sign Quinn and they’re playing Ben so very very low r back quarterback probably guard bottom guard bottom cool I can get behind that um Center o I mean it’s so we don’t know who the starter is another positional value though yeah so uh I’d put it pretty high though because let’s say the Broncos don’t have a top 10 pick then you can realistically draft a center at 13 at 18 at 22 but we’re not talking about that we’re talking about the position of need entering the draft I could see it being pretty high see I think Center positional value-wise is on the same page as tight end and running back okay yeah mid but then the need it’s a tough question like I think it’s probably more likely to be needed than running back just given who you’ve got on the team tight end I would agree it’s less of a need than Ted end Ted’s need is actually put as of right now put it in between them defense uh Edge rusher who knows that is maybe the biggest question mark on this team right now you could eventually Come Away with two dudes from this season or you come away saying we need we need two dudes and we have to get like an alpha yep but you also have like position of value very easy to justify I mean people like we have five guys I think it’s high wide receiver tackle then Edge or I could even justify higher okay I’m down for that just it’s Shawn Payton’s team so you kind of always have to think offense first and so that’s why I’m going to give the the nod to those two defensive line not very high yeah DJ Jones contract will be up yep Zack Allen still under contract cont roach under contract Frankl Myers under contract I think you’re good there yep um you hope to be great there and they really could be great there positional value would be the only argument but I think it’s somewhere in the tight end Center running back tier I think as a pure need it’s probably at the bottom I would say bottom okay positional value doesn’t change it yeah okay um linebacker low positional value but there’s uh there’s going to be a need at some level at the very least I mean yeah potentially your whole room starting over yeah potentially you could have two new starters but because of the value with a first round pick but so would you like can’t be very high I agree so you got current list wide receiver tackle Edge tight end Center running back defensive line quarterback guard maybe above running back okay yep it’s somewhere in there um now we go cornerback this one is just a gamble do they find a guy or not I think it’s going to end up being pretty low I think they get good enough play from one of the other corners for you to be like we got our lock down nickel uh and jquan obviously we’ve got Pat certan here so we’re good enough with that number two good enough to justify a first round pick on a running back instead M you hope you hope you hope you hope I don’t know though I mean EAS like you’re saying though it could easily be flipped we can go the other way I would go the other way what about linebacker um wait inside oh wait inside if we just I’d say Corner would probably be higher up what about Center I’d say Center would be higher up okay and then we found our spot um now safety I don’t think it’s going to be a first round need at all I’d put it so low yeah cuz you’re you have enough guys I guess what Kaden Stern’s in a contract year Y which could be kind of an xfactor if he winds up being the one of the starters y um you hope J Skinner shows something y PJ’s under contract Brandon Jones under contract this might be the very bottom of the list for me especially I think Shawn and I think not just positional value I think Shawn’s positional value on safey is very very low he really liked Justin Simmons he just did not think Justin Simmons worth $15 million a year and everybody agreed and everybody agreed and then also on top of that isn’t like a first round pick kind of the equivalent of paying a guy $15 million so if he wasn’t willing to pay a safety that was worth $15 million that he’s not going to turn around a year later and use first round picks that might be at the very very bottom of the list for me yeah uh I think that’s fair behind guard it’s a little bit of a gamble bringing back Quinn maybe a little bit guard then cuz guard is just not but safety or sorry quarterback I think quarterback yeah would be above it person you don’t see many first round safeties anyway um cool so our list is receiver tackle Edge tight end Center cornerback linebacker running back defensive line quarterback safety guard go through it one more time and I’m going to stop you wide receiver okay tackle mhm Edge tight end Center stop what’s the next one cornerback yep right in between Center and quarterback is where I think there’s a big drop off in terms of like okay you can breathe a little bit like it’s it there might be a need there but it’s not a massive one okay maybe you put linebacker above and put it in that first group but just because of positional value maybe not but I think those first what five positions are all like you kind of you’re you’re clenching this year hoping that it’s not an even bigger need than you think it is right now um but also there’s a chance that some of those concerns come down if if Marvin Mims comes out and looks like the explosive playmaker they draft him to be he has 1100 yards and is a big play threat and Courtland Sutton has his first thousand yard season since he was a pro bowler um there there’s certainly ways for it to bring it down but I think there’s that’s kind of the big five that could all be very realistic first round picks y I think I mean I’d throw cornerback in there too just because I mean there’s a chance that jari matthysse is who he was last year Levi Wallace is who he was last year yeah um Riley Moss isn’t that guy yep and then all of a sudden you have a big hole at cornerback yeah and I mean you throw in the kicker that like I love jayquon McMillan it’s a pro it year form though like back it up otherwise there could even be room for a nickel and then if you’re doing that then you just go one step further and throw inside linebacker in there because it’s I mean literally you don’t know who’s going to be on the team next year so that is that is a big list it is a really big list I mean then you throw running back in and say I mean again first round it’s tough to justify but javante is gone Sam is gone Jalil turns out to be limited in what he can provide um ese is limited in what he does and Blake Watson doesn’t pan out then all of a sudden you’re like yeah we could really use a starting running back this is a great conversation to have before training camp even starts to show just like how much we’re looking for in training camp in preseason um in the regular season to find out about this team there are so many question marks and there are a lot of question marks um with with every team in the NFL but these big of question marks and uh and that’s not even talking about the quarterback position like we talked about in the segment before so it is just wild what this conversation is and how much there is to learn about this team but since we’ve broken down this team let’s take this list and kind of look at it how this draft projects and obiously a lot of things are going to change but just as much it’s going to change it’s probably going to stay the same Carson Beck is going to be talked about as a dude Travis Hunter is going to be talked about as a dude and is going to be a dude in this draft um so let’s look at the list we’ve built where we think the Broncos are going to fall and then what is the most likely pick for them in this draft and is it as easy as just saying okay who’s the top wide receiver on the board or is there some more Nuance there Hank yeah I I there’s more to it than that um James Pierce Jr is the best Prospect in the draft there’s I don’t even think that much debate about it um especially because there’s no quarterback right now once you get to the draft and all of a sudden it’s like how many quarterbacks go before a first position player um the question just is will the Broncos have a shot at James Pierce Jr so he’s an edge rusher from Tennessee just prototypical size and speed and strength and all that sort of stuff I mean Von Miller 65 oh yeah oh had 10 sacks last year which is an awesome number um especially for a guy who’s only in his second College season so he’s he’s should be a very heavy favorite to be the first position player off the board um and you could make the case that he’s most the most likely pick for the Broncos because I guess I’ll ask you what do you think the odds are the Broncos are picking the first non-quarterback off the board according to Vegas I don’t think but according to Vegas yeah very high they have them as the number three pick and you would think that the first two picks would probably be backs of those teams are that bad exactly so yeah it is a shot so I mean you have him right there um a couple of tackles Will Campbell from LSU Kelvin Banks from Texas are kind of the two big tackle prospects as of right now things will probably change but it looks like a two-man class um then you throw in um cornerback uh Travis or sorry will Johnson first who’s just your prototypical boundary cornerback from Michigan one of the best players on that defense 62 200 like he’s he’s looking like one of those other just elite elite elite guys at a at a um important position and then Travis Hunter is kind of the other guy I think at the top of this class who he’s more of the the question mark not in terms of like the talent but just in terms of like first of all is he a quter quarterback is he a receiver is he does he wind up he could be the best position player in this draft um he could also slip a little bit because where does he exactly fit in um but those to me are kind of those guys and the tough part is that we talked about receiver a lot um the receivers this year maybe not quite as good as receivers last year so you might be reaching a bit if Vegas is right and the Broncos are picking in the top three or the top five or whatever right right um well Henry that your analysis is just spoton um Walter Football their latest 2025 mock draft which is wild have the Broncos taking James Pierce Jr with the eighth pick really yeah so who goes in front um they’ve got shadur Sanders going one to the Raiders they’ve got Drew uh Aller from Penn State going number two to the Titans Harold Perkins uh an outside linebacker Edge rusher from LSU very can do anything Benjamin Morrison going to the Panthers cornerback from Notre Dame at four um Dion Walker a defensive tackle from Kentucky going to the Vikings at 5 Travis Hunter going to the Cardinals at a cornerback at six um male Williams defensive end from Georgia going to the Bears at seven and then James Pierce Jr going to the Broncos at 8 um and I will say that’s probably the lowest I see James Pierce Jr on any mo drafts right now so I the the uh people would more so agree with you that it that he’s the top guy um but I think you also identified pretty much everyone else perfectly and you know what Henry when you look at the Broncos needs and where this draft is really good at it’s a pretty good draft for the Broncos and like I think the Broncos are going to be set unfortunat if they’re drafting really really high I do think there’s good quarterbacks there if they have to go the quarterback route but if they don’t let’s say they’re 3 to 12 they’re going to get a really good player at a position that they really need because there’s two or three really good quarterbacks you mentioned um there’s two or three really good tackles like you said with Kelvin Banks Jr from Texas and Will Campbell from LSU um and then there’s did I say Corners yeah there’s actually I think even more than two or three good Corners there um but the one that really stands out to me is Travis hunter in terms of if I were putting odds on who the Broncos would take right now so far out so many variabl it would be Travis Hunter as the favorite mhm because the Broncos need a playmaking wide receiver you’re not drafting Travis Hunter to be a 100% um allaround receiver from day one he’s not Marvin Harrison Jr where he just got the fundamentals he’s a tactician right when he enters the NFL he would be very raw coming into the NFL as a wide receiver so what would he be he would be a playmaker that’s literally what he would be coming to the Broncos as a playmaking wide receiver now obviously you wouldn’t draft him with a top 10 pick with just the idea that he’s going to be a playmaking receiver you hope he could develop into being an all-around receiver but he would instantly be that playmaking receiver for the Broncos but then why also he would be number one is we talked about how there very well could be a first round need for cornerback for the Broncos Travis Hunter would fit that mold as well so you literally get two positions of need at one now would the Broncos use him at both positions no I don’t think so it’s it’s already very unique that CU is doing that and clearly um I I think they’re right in what they’re doing but I don’t think an NFL team would do that or at least very sparingly but that’s why he’ be the favorite is he fits both he fits two of the biggest needs yeah it’s tough because so I he’s he’s probably much more valuable at corner than receiver just given what he does um like you said receiver he doesn’t really have a lot of the technical skills it’s more so just you get the ball to him and something good generally happens um and that’s why like at corner he really is freaky like he’s he’s probably I think I think Travis Hunter is a Hall of Fame corner I think what a lot of people say is like he’s an all pro Corner he’s a pro bowl receiver and that’s why if he’s if he is a top five pick it’s probably to play Corner if he’s a a top 10 pick even if he slips a little bit it’s probably to play Corner um and with that I mean you throw him on the field if you want a few plays a game at receiver put him at kick returner put him at punt returner see see what happens um so it just it’s tough to say because while the Broncos have needs at cornerback and receiver potentially um and Travis Hunter could play either his value is going to be higher at one than the other and it seems like the value is going to be higher at corner and that’s why if somebody drafts him when somebody drafts him he’s probably getting drafted for what the the more value is so it probably matches more with one or the other at the end of the day but right now I guess it could line up it just it it’ll be interesting to see how that all goes because there are better receivers I you look at Luther Burton from Missouri just a freaky athlete you look at tedo McMillan um from Arizona 6′ 5,400 yards last year McMillan could be that dude exactly so if you’re looking for a receiver you probably go a different route now that doesn’t mean that Travis Hunter isn’t one of the five best receivers in the draft it just means that I think there’s a better chance that he’s one of the three best corners and three best receivers if Broncos are looking more at receiver and they’re actually or yeah they’re looking more at receiver and they’re in the top five or seven or whatever it is I don’t know like I there’s it’s definitely a good match in a lot of ways is it the most likely match that’s what I’m not sure about here’s the thing about value because I agree with you from a 300,000 F foot perspective on the NFL corner is way more valuable than receiver in my opinion but the league says differently that’s exactly it the league not only says differently the league says it’s not even close the highest receiver in the NFL is getting paid $ 35 million a year the highest paid corner is at $21 million for positions that line up from across each other that is wild and it’s not just like Justin Jefferson got the bag and so he’s offsets it there’s I think six players in the NFL that are non- quarterbacks that make 30 million or more a year four of them are receivers four are receivers that is insane and then you have this massive drop off to now the next highest paid corner is or the next or the highest paid corner is at $21 million a year Pat’s going to reset that let’s say it’s 25 he’s still $10 million behind the number one uh receiver in the NFL so maybe a team especially that has an offensive head coach especially that needs Firepower on their on their offensive side especially one that’s trying to help their Young quarterback develop and B Knicks could be a team that says Travis Hunter you’re an all pro Corner you’re a pro bowl receiver going to make you a receiver to start off or you just take tedro McMillan the all pro receiver could happen so that’s where I’m putting uh uh the odds for for me right now I think Travis Hunter is the most likely number or first pick for the Broncos in next year’s draft where would you go oh I’ll take James Pierce Jr it’s crazy me they have him eighth especially with some of those guys like like they Harold Perkins in front of him who’s like a fun player but he’s he’s one of those guys who’s like is he an inside linebacker is he an outside linebacker does he wind up just being a tweener or I mean does he turn out to be Micah parsons’s who had those exact same concerns but you just say like nope you’re you’re rushing the quarterback I don’t be yourself up over Walter Football Henry because has uh James Pierce um number one as well um I believe uh tanon has James Pierce number one as well so they more so they agree with you than not uh Pro Football Focus has James Pierce Jr number one um among all positions so don’t get that’s how I Justified sayone side right will he just be gone he probably will be especially six quarterbacks were taken in the first 12 picks if you’re saying that the uh Broncos aren’t going to draft a quarterback next year because they drafted one this year there’s five other teams in the NFL that could be bad that were bad this past year to get a top 12 pick in this year’s draft if those teams get the top the the number one overall pick maybe they do just go with James Pierce Jr instead of going quarterback back toback that’s why I’m just kind of banking on quarterbacks going early and somehow you get your hands on James Pierce Jr um but it’s mostly because I think that I’m leaning on the sports book saying the Broncos are going to have like a top four five pick and I think James Pierce Jr he’s going to be the first non-quarterback off the board and then after him though like it really could be Travis Hunter it could be Will Campbell it could be will Johnson it could be it could be Harold Perkins like if he has a freaky year uh Denzel Burke could get up there I I mentioned before I really like coulston Loveland but just seems like there’s so much Randomness afterward the safe bet probably is saying the Broncos pick fourth and three quarterbacks go first and they get the best best Edge rusher I think that’s most likely and I mean George pton says that all the time you can never have enough edges and we’ve seen the Broncos just continually invest in that position this is a blast I absolutely love it um I’ve really enjoyed the conversation Henry we’ve got a mail bag on the way later today so podcast side it’ll be there also on YouTube make sure to stay tuned for that for a very fun conversation about offense and defense we’ll be back tomorrow with a double header we’ve got two shows tomorrow one at 11:00 a.m. one right after at 12:15 a.m. so make sure you’re dialed into to those and if you miss them of course you can listen to on the podcast side after or just go to YouTube thank you to everyone for tuning in hit us a thumbs up on the out we’ll see you tomorrow 11: a.m. like the May

The Denver Broncos used their 2024 NFL Draft first-round pick on QB Bo Nix out of Oregon. What position are the Denver Broncos and Sean Payton most likely to draft with their first-round pick in the 2025 NFL Draft? What player are they most likely to draft in the first round? Are Deion “Coach Prime” Sanders’ two players most likely to be the Denver Broncos’ picks with Travis Hunter and Shedeur Sanders? Would Colorado’s Travis Hunter player WR or CB for the Denver Broncos?

On the DNVR Broncos Podcast, Zac Stevens and Henry Chisholm are coming to you LIVE from The Toyota Lounge at the DNVR Bar to break down all of the latest news in Broncos Country.

#broncos #denverbroncos #seanpayton #nfl

0:00 Start
:30 Intro
15:00 Positions of need for 2025
32:27 Number one position of need for the 2025 draft
49:00 Projected Mock draft 2025
52:00 Travis Hunter

An ALLCITY Network Production




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