New York Jets Analyst’s BIGGEST VARIABLES for the 2024 NFL Season!

the Jake asmin show will begin shortly thanks to all these great patreon members who helped support the show get your super chats ready Jake will be here in just a moment if you love the New York Jets this is the place to be and now the Jake asmin show happy 4th of July as Maniacs today boy green will join me as we preview the upcoming New York Jet season it’s the 4th of July let’s hit it and get it started man our jets are prime for a historic season can you say why America is the greatest country in the world the New York Jets we bleed Jets Green each and every day this is not the same old jet we have Aaron freaking Rogers we have Garrett Wilson let’s go we have resol Please Subscribe and hit the like button below Super Chat baby cut the we have S Gardner we have quinnon Williams the jet bandwagon is loaded now it’s time to talk All Things New York Jet it’s the Jake aond show ah here we go happy 4th of July as Maniacs it is one of the great holidays we have all year I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend have a hot dog later and thanks for spending some time with us here on the channel I like to do a July 4th show every year last year we had the great the Legendary Green Bean on the show this year we’re having the legendary the great boy green on the show what’s up BG I love that green bean last year is like me looking 30 years into the future with my beard changing to a different color and hopefully having the same energy and HPA so A beautiful pairing I don’t know if you you had that all planned out Jake when you did these Fourth of July shows but it’s spectac the tradition lives on them bringing on a Jet fan with a tremendous beard yeah very nice I like it you keep yours clean like you stay in your lane whatever your lane is like you have that you have that clean tamed and maned I respect it we got a lot to talk about boy green before we get into some big picture stuff with the Jets I would like to report what Rich seini was reporting because I don’t think many outlets will cover this story Mike Florio pro football talk uh rck s two hours ago he tweeted Aaron roders in conjunction with a Civic organization near his native home in Northern California donated $100,000 to help Wildfire evacu evacuees the Thompson fire which started on Tuesday has burned over 3,500 Acres near Oroville and forced about 28,000 people to evacuate per CBS News since we know this will not be reported by most national Outlets pro football talk mik glorio I think I will do my job to spread the word that Aaron Rogers is not actually the worst human being of all time Ralph bakano and put out there a story that will not be covered by other media Outlets yeah you’re right unfortunately uh because of the good that Aaron Rogers has done so Jake you’re doing your on you’re doing your patriotic Duty as a New York Jets Enthusiast and representative and all the national radio spots you do yeah you’ve taken it on as personal mission in life to make sure you give the proper Hub up there to Rogers which is awesome that’s that’s it’s unfortunate that that situation is even there to begin with to require help but that he’s doing it that’s uh that’s that’s so cool man Boomtown wants to know is Jake sick this morning sure is clearing his throat a lot Boom Town hit the like button if you’re watching live right now happy July 4th everybody we’re talking with the great boy green who gets us started each and every day on his YouTube channel at 7:30 a.m. to kick off a day of jet content as we sit here now about three weeks or so before training camp opens up BG how you feeling about this team how you feeling about where the Jets stack up against the teams in their own Division and the AFC as a whole maybe it’s uh earlier this week CU I did radio for the final day on Wednesday and we were playing the Independence Day speech you know right before they’re going into battle and talking about rallying the troops and having everybody ready so maybe I’m just fired up from that or that’s just my by God’s creation but nonetheless uh Super Bowl baby that this roster all these questions people have are crazy hypothetical nonsense that is with every team what what if injuries well what if you know Patrick Mahomes gets hit by a car okay I think the chief Super Bowl odds take a hit so all these ifs that people say to be candid with you I just I acknowledge them I say sure that’s that’s true but look at this freaking roster it’s loaded Aaron Rogers is pissed pissed Aaron has always led to both individual success of MVPs and team success of his teams having great glory and that’s no surprise it’s a quarterback driven league so I’m fired up again the only real real thing that we have was of course that Hassan reic situation which again I don’t think the Jets are going to let that go crazy they would be crazy themselves with all in everywhere else to allow that situation to sour and create that kind of drama so I believe that last piece of the puzzle the final infinity stone will be addressed and then this Jets team is headed to the freaking Super Bowl you bring up reic so it’s a perfect segue to talk more about it here how specifically do you think It ultimately gets addressed or stopped because I’m with you I don’t think this lingers you know if it goes to training camp I don’t think it goes past maybe a day or two into training camp with the new CBA rules I don’t think reck’s gonna basically Fork away 50k a day I don’t see that but ultimately what’s your prediction for how this resolves itself while I wouldn’t come on and do a show with you and be angry if somehow today an extension is announced for reic that seems to me the mo the least likely of the scenarios I think what the Jets will do is do some combination of a of a combo platter okay Hassan R goes to the buffet ah a little bit of guarantee some of the money that’s not guaranteed the 14.25 million maybe a guarantee half I don’t know technically it’s all going to be guaranteed anyway because he’s not getting cut by the Jets but maybe there’s a little bit of a guarantee package and then the the piece of meat in front of the treadmill hey pal if you reach all these incentives almost maybe Tyron Smith that’s probably too aggressive because he has a massive incentive package but something of that nature and make him like five sack intervals 10 sacks is this 15 sacks this 20 sacks is this and again if he accomplishes those things the jet should happily withdraw that from Woody Johnson’s bank account and deliver it on a gold platter to Hassan reic so again I wouldn’t be pissed if they do I’d love to see the numbers I guess before I say that but but I I probably wouldn’t be pissed if they gave reic a mini two-year extension but I just feel like that’s the least likely of the scenarios the the most common path is that reic wants to be the Jets want him motivated to keep chasing it and they will if they do that little incentive package and they of course want to win football games and then reic can get paid by somebody whether it’s a Jets or somebody else after so a combo platter guarantee some money give him some incentives for high arching things not nonsensical things like uh playing time and that with the trade I’m talking about like big boy things 10 sacks 15 sacks 20 big numbers to me is what really can do and even if you want to T to some team success of some playoff wins and stuff the Giants did that with saquan Barkley’s deal to remedy that situation after the tag so that’s what I’m talking about that uh was an interesting situation to say the least with Barkley and then anyone who watched the first episode of Hard Knocks with the Giants offseason being covered for the first time you got a lot of insight into how GMS think about the running back spot so I found that to be interesting as you bring up saquon Barkley I’m with you though ultimately I think we’re at a point with Assan reic 2 it almost feels like Jet fans don’t realize how good he is now like we’re underrating his impact like I liked Bryce up as much as anyone the mistake was not signing Bryce up before last season started once it got to free agency felt like he was a goner okay so what do you do will you bring in a better player at least for next year than Bryce huff and Assan reic yeah I got a comment on the show the other day we don’t need reck we can go with that I’m like what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I I don’t know if we’re doing a roster ring show here in the near future of the D Jake asmin show but Hanan reic the moment he stepped on campus for the New York Chets he was immediately one of the best players on the team I’m gonna lose my God darn bananas damn straight the ban I I just I don’t understand the people that are saying that about reic that like he’s this inconsequential piece if he’s here great if he’s not no especially with the loss of jfm and freaking Bryce hub Hassan reic is going to be the straw that stir the drink on that defensive line which unlocks everything else he is again immediately one of the best players on the team so yeah more respect is needed and maybe the first game where he does the same thing to Brock party did in that NFC title game uh you know a couple years ago we waack him pretty you’re like whoa Mama yeah I sound R pretty G Dar good rat Diddy cuts the line our first Super Chat here on America’s birthday happy 4th of July everyone and jet UPS to all these servicemen and women who provide us our freedom God Bless America amen rat Diddy amen shout out to everyone USA let’s go the two greatest chants in the history of chats USA and JS jet undeniable obviously yeah H hit the like button if you’re tuned in we’re giving you a Fourth of July show it’s a tradition on this channel we love doing it shout out to everyone who’s tuned in today if you’re on your way to your pool party your barbecue or you’re just hanging out shout out to everyone for being a part of it Nate with a super chat he cuts the line happy fourth Paul appreciate all your morning shows as I’m waking up SL getting ready for the day keep up the great work Jet up and we got to figure this out J because there’s been enough commentary on both sides your people my people people are it’s like a wrestling thing like oh man they kind of been flirting we’ve seen them staring at each other in the middle of the ring but we’re not really sure where it’s going where the storyline turn I’ve heard people asking begging the universe for a weekly show between the two so I I don’t know again the numbers the contracts I’m not saying I’m gonna hold out but I just something’s got to be figured out there yeah you know it it does feel like there is growing momentum for a deal to be struck maybe not quite the Hassan re level deal that’s coming between him and the Jets but a deal nonetheless between the Jake asmin Channel and the boy green Channel yes there there there’s going to be again I don’t know I don’t have a crystal ball to use a football cliche I can’t prognosticate the future but uh again I I think I think there’s some mutual here there’s some mutual comments question Super Chat we will address that I want to acknowledge a couple of memberships that have been gifted we needed 11 before the show started to add a new Emoji the most recent Emoji I added was the Johnny boy emoji to honor our guy Johnny who basically called into our show the last couple coup days from the hospital room with his wife as he was about to give birth or she was about to give birth I don’t think he gave birth she was about to give birth to their latest child baby Addison apparently baby Addison is doing great mom is healthy as well that was the last update I got from our Discord chat last night so shout out to Johnny Bobby Woodruff Bobby midnight gifted a channel membership this went to murdog before our show even started congrats to murdog and Vinnie Luciano gifted a channel membership to Xavier Bradley during the actual show so shout out to Bobby and Vinnie for coming through if we hit the threshold for channel memberships we’re going to need an idea for a channel Emoji I’m thinking to honor Bobby midnight we have the Bobby midnight sitting in the orange lawn chair that always sits behind him just an idea for a new Emoji PG if you have ideas for this show you let me know I I will do and also we could give you maybe a more recent update Johnny boy called this morning morning onto the boy Green Daily Show with baby Addison and ah beautiful she’s again at this point if I’m trying to keep up my M she’s 14 hours old uh yeah and she he called in and I heard his wife in the background so again making sure his wife’s okay apparently there’s a few hiccups there that she has to get through with some tests so prayers out and everything to Johnny boy and his and his wife and his beautiful family so yeah little Addison she like oh Johnny Boy’s in here there he is she’s doing well awesome that’s that’s amazing to hear so it was cool to see Addison this morning love that hit the Johnny boy emoji to honor a baby as Maniac that was born yesterday boy green is here with us if you have a question for him to respond if it’s a super chat it will cut the line a lot of things still to talk about I want to get into you know a conversation that was inspired by something you first put out there on your Twitter was the first I saw it Ryan Clark was a guest on Mina Kim’s podcast and when assessing the Jets he basically talked about hey they might have the best defense in the league Robert Sol is a phal defensive coach well when it comes to the offense there’s just too many what ifs too many V VAR variables essentially for me to rank them higher than 12th in the NFL and while I understand his point I went through it I don’t think there’s as many wh ifs as he makes it sound the biggest if is Aaron roggers if you think he’s and not that I don’t think he’s GNA play well but if you think he’s going to be healthy they have a contingency plan for Tyron Smith they have a contingency plan for Mike Williams not being 100% like yeah depending on some older players but they also have a stacked absolutely stacked defense superstars on offense you look at the offensive line depth it’s way better equipped than it was at this time a year ago so w yeah there’s certainly some what ifs what team doesn’t have these ifs what team doesn’t have big variables that swing in a certain direction to how a team’s going to deal I think so much is made of like these jet what ifs that people have like actually not realized well there’s actually a pretty good chance some of these go the Jets way for once and then they’re a heck of a team what do you your thoughts on that yeah and the the other thing that got me is during that conversation with Mina Kim So Mina Kim did her own defensive rankings I think that was with our boy John leard and they concurred that the Jets to them were the second best defense in the NFL heading into 2024 PFF put them at number one and Ryan Clark in the middle of the show when Mina kind brought that up he’s like oh yeah absolutely yeah number two number one yeah they’re up there okay so if we’re agreeing on that as a basis to start our conversation and then we have the quote unquote what if conversation with the offense what are we talking about here what do you mean that they’re only 12 again I again at least he wasn’t M Rio and number 25 so that’s a stock up from that perspective I guess but the fact of the matter is at the end of their little minimes and Ryan Clark before they moved on from other jet stuff they Ryan Clark said I’m happy where the Jets are because this is much more appropriate than what they were last year when we were screaming Super Bowl he said this 12 range which is where they ended up putting him and Mina agreed he said is much more appropriate I think they deserve to be a few slots ahead to be honest to start the conversation they can be top 10 with your what fs and then let’s play ball and let’s see as they decide their own fate of going up that top 10 list or or behind it but I just don’t understand if we’re agreeing like before you know ground RS here no hitting of the hair face no touching of the hair face okay ground rues here the Jets defense is at least top two and they’re probably number one in the NFL okay yes of course and then the offense is so bad going from Zack Wilson Aaron Rogers that they could only be at that level that’s the part where I start getting confused I think some of these crazy what if questions for the like for instance here’s another one Ryan Clark another one another one with Ryan Clark was this Dolphins thing which like oh man clearly this team with the roster and it’s so obvious when you look at the Dolphins offensive line teron Armstead contemplated retirement this offseason that sounds like a question Connor Williams who had all these injuries prior to the injuries play phenomenal he is uh gone off the roster Robert hunt the hundred million man who went to Carolina he’s off the roster so why are we throwing all these questions that the Jets who have no questions on defense outside of the reic thing which we’re going to figure out the Dolphins lost a ton of talent and two of their top players are coming off serious injuries and won’t be ready for the start of the season I don’t hear the same hubbub thrown at the Dolphins that’s thrown at the Jets yet the Dolphins were significantly higher on the list like that’s a thing I don’t understand I don’t think we’re getting a fair balance I completely agree with you and also when it comes to the Dolphins and you you talked about some of the losses they had same thing with Buffalo with some of the losses they had like if the Jets had done nothing besides just hey Aaron Rogers plays quarterback for them they’re better than seven wins they were this past year and they have a contingency plan now for Rogers with Tyrod Taylor as good of an option to back up Aaron Rogers as they could have brought in and here’s the other thing with the dolphin I I I loved reading this in an article on SI the other day one and six against playoff teams look at two his numbers in those games eight touchdowns or seven interceptions never once surpassed 300 yards he’s never once won a game when the temperature dips below 45 degrees so I’m not going to sit here and act like oh the Jets are the superior team to Miami the Jets got to prove it we understand that but the anointing of the Dolphins it doesn’t make any sense you want to give the bills the benefit of the doubt because of Josh Allen fine they won the division four years in a row fine I can understand that but the anointing of the Dolphins by some when the Jets have by far the superior roster that does make any sense to me you want to say Miami’s got the better head coach okay fine I’ll listen to that but the overall roster and the quarterback I’ll take Aaron Rogers over twoa 10 out of 10 times I’m not even thinking twice about it yeah and that’s what I’m looking forward to it it looks like it’s in the process of getting set up one of the legends of the business Steve we from the NFL Network I saw him do a bit on NFL insiders their new show that’s replacing Total Access and he said obviously the Dolphins have the most talent in the division I just kind of [ __ ] my head sideways like I don’t see it but okay so I reached out to him and it sounds like we’re going to get him on the show and I’d love to have some healthy back and forth on that because that’s part of the equation I’m not understanding so again I think you’re right that the bills Josh I don’t think despite all the losses you know Ric Flair to be the man you got to beat the man I understand that four years in a row fine they’re at the top but that the Dolphins are just automatically superior to the Jets that’s where again a piece of the puzzle is clearly missing there for me someone asked in the comment section about the gustbuster hotline it is linked in the comments so if you’re watching the show live you’ll see that little gustbuster hotline link it’s a streamyard link that is how you get on the show today’s Jake asit show is being presented by my friends at cira Resort and Casino we will be out there at the end of August for circa’s annual contest weekend registration is open to be part of both of circa’s Premier Pro footb contest their Survivor contest their Circa Millions pro football contest cira Sports million6 pro football contest $16 million in guaranteed prizes for more information head to ciras we will have an entry in the Survivor contest this year as Maniac so every week I’m going to need your help what team will we pick in our Circa Survivor the as Maniac will decide I’m excited to partner up once again with my favorite place in Vegas Circa Resort Casino once again for more information about their incredible contest you have to visit circus all right let’s keep rolling here with boy green comments questions super chats we’ll cut the line shout out to Larry who had a nice comment here I appreciate all the content you provide thank you Larry happy fourth sea White Checks In not to be confused with on this July 4th holiday the great Olympic champion representing the USA Shawn White happy fourth have one question did corly sign yet Corley has not signed yet I think that will get resolved though by the time we get to Camp can’t wait to see AR in training camp new chance Super Bowl beat the ners oh baby your thoughts on the Malachi Corley situation boy green yeah same as you Jake I I feel like I’ve talked through enough people um that that’s just going to be a situation rookies report for those who don’t know so Jets report day is the 23rd for veterans and basically everybody and then uh first practice of 24th rookies report a few days before the 2 thir date I think that’s where it gets banged out Joe Douglas Corley his agent all get a room bing boom bam sign that thing it’s h it’s hard to in today’s day and age for there to be any issues with that so no issues uh with the Cory thing think that it gets all figured out here in a couple of weeks but again I’ve seen a lot of people just say it’s a foregound conclusion that jets are getting their ass handed to him by the 49ers of prime time and that’s another one okay Bet let’s roll let’s see I love it you know what’s great about that game there’s zero expectations for it no one’s exactly it’s a win-win win-win you get that game out of the way and then we go take care of business the next couple games and I expect the New York Jets when you look at the schedule here four- one going into that Bills game on Monday night yeah because okay if they lose to the 49ers the Jets are a heavy Underdog the last I checked was like five and a half six and a half depending on your Sport Book of choice so if you lose okay the defending NFC champion at home beat you but if the Jets win and Aaron Rogers on this revenge for that’s the first one and then look at these gam if the Jets beat the 49ers all of a sudden you’re telling me Tennessee New England Denver Vikings is that a 5-0 jet team hosting the Buffalo Bills for week six on Monday Night Football and then we’re getting spicy baby all AFC East Super Bowl and all that jazz is coming so again the 49ers will be a tough task of course they they’ve got a really good roster they’ve got a really good team but I love the measuring stick all these people that are trying to [ __ ] foot around and play like Arizona week one screw that stop prancing through daisies baby it’s time to lay the lumber down and let’s make a statement let’s set the tone immediately for what The Season’s supposed to be which is Super Bowl Harvey checks in with a super chat shout out to Harvey who’s watching live happy fourth Jake and Paul thank you for all the fun and jets content you guys make my day thanks to Gator for all the awesome Graphics no doubt Harvey appreciate you for the kind words shout out to Gator always for being one of the all-time greats and speaking of gator boy green we debuted on this show the last time you were on something we like to call the Rogers derangement syndrome Asylum one of the first members of the RDS Asylum was your father well I got news for you I’m being told that there’s been an update to the RDS Asylum and apparently your father is once again still in the RDS Asylum hey everybody uh live who Egypt it’s the RDS Institute special and our first guest today is uh Mr Edon Zone how are you to Nal now that we know where he boom doled off to um I would just tell you that I have been on three of the greatest teams in the history of the United States I’ve been on three nuclear powered submarines for deployed in times of crisis and do you believe that anyone on that team would have said today I’m going to Egypt on vacation if someone asked him are you okay with Paul Eden going to Egypt instead of being weeks beings are you okay with that and what would they have said told the microphone no we’re fine with that but do you think they would have been fine with that the answer is no okay um guess you’re not of them um something by the way thank you for your service uh I appreciate everything that you did for the country um but you do realize that we practice in shorts for two days and uh throw the ball around and just [ __ ] about stuff and uh you know meet people or whatever and uh kind of did that and that’s okay but uh we’re also not saving lives and changing the world we’re uh we’re playing a game s kind of like com back Amon or uh a monopoly you know it’s just a game and uh you know I’ll be there man we’re going to win games but gez uh we’re not the we not a US military car all right well thanks for your service again and happy fourth everybody cheers your thoughts boy Gren Chloe’s fired up first off Gator what turn around there was on the show this morning for Pete sake that is uh that’s unbelievable but I think that’s where a lot of people were like what so like of course thank my father for his 20 years in the United States Navy and the USS Baltimore USS Tennessee USS Georgia and defending our country but whoa that that’s wonderful and July 4th and God bless but uh what in God screen earth does that have to do with Aaron R I just feel like we’re kind of the jump is just an interesting jump I I just feel like we’re kind of losing it again I understand my father’s my father you can’t take them you know the military out of the man I understand that’s how he is I just was laughing through that entire thing it was just [ __ ] you could have that back and forth like pause whop like click Adam Taylor actually phenomenal God Bless but uh what it’s just uh oh my God it was great so yeah I I get it and great comment on him being on these amazing teams you know speaking about all those defending our country and stuff but yeah that was I don’t get the connection again I just feel like some people going too far he likes to caveat my father saying he’s not Aon Rogers hater or this or that or the other again they’re just some people that for whatever reason he’s not their Vibe and Flor is on that list my father’s on the I don’t know all these people are on the list again none of the Egyptian pharaoh three-week trip nonsense is gonna matter if he’s scoring touchdowns and they’re winning games if so I’m sure the Florio guys have the tweets and the drafts ready to say you know Bengals Walk Like an Egyptian all those songs and gizmos and gadgets and memes and jokes ready again to me I don’t really care would I preferred him not to be there when the M came sure but know what he was so what it’s a couple of padless practices and Rit counted it I think he said it was 36 reps that Tyrod Taylor took across the two days 36 reps man I don’t want to go Allen Iverson here but what are we talking about I I mean for God and it’s July 4th America how long ago was this a month ago how and this is still not even just my father so fine father yeah like let’s all crap and talk about him it was on ESPN this bleeping week on get up they were doing ran B and I’m just like what how is this still how is this still alive I get it might come back up or we get there in a few weeks like the first day of reporting I’m sure he’s going to be asked like details about this Egyption thing and we’ll see whatever he says or the like Tahoe event which by the way is in six days that he’s supposed to be he scheduled to participate in like maybe he’ll talk and do media there that’s what he did for the hard KNX thing but I ju I just don’t I get the Jets and people like to talk about the Jets that’s okay we’re doing we both do content creation about I just don’t understand how this is still alive it’s baffling I hey boy green senior back to the Asylum you [Music] go the leader of the team has opt to go on vacation rather than participate in mandatory mini cams it’s unexcused so it’s something you chose to do without going to work jets in my opinion can’t find him enough for someone that showed up for work 4 days last year God bless Gator he’s even he’s even using the line someone who showed up for four days last year that’s when you know I know that what a dick what a dick he’s a full fleshed Rogers hater 100% come on man I hate that and also he this is something else he gives him [ __ ] for and I just like I’m like come on man the he like left Zack Wilson out on an island like it’s not in Aaron Rogers resume that he had to be this personal Guru coach for Zack Wilson everything he gave to him was extra on top he was just supposed to play quarterback and Zack Wilson was supposed to be a watcher okay Aon R supposed to be making love and Zach Wilson was supposed to be in the room watching it that that was it that was supposed to be the length of the training exercise and yes he got his Achilles rehab to recovered in the best possible place he could which wasn’t just solely the Jets facilities I just don’t I don’t understand the people that have that hate of like oh look he spent a few weeks out there yeah rehabing is Achilles what are we talking about ah God crazy crazy level of hate man it’s nuts Darth Krypto with a super chat how about this I’m in North Carolina walking on the trails guy walk next to me listening to your show lol it’s a small world go jet shout out to dark crypto and shout out to the as Maniac who apparently is near Darth crypto listening to the show right now I hope that guy see is like what the hell who did I just pass like that’s that’s unbelievable look the Jake asmin army man it spreads far and wide it it is it is a humbling experience when you hear stuff like that thank you Darth Krypto and shout out to whoever is also tuned to the show today jet set for life has been at as Maniac for six months if this ends with us hosting the Lombardi which media member would catch the most heat from Jets Nation that’s yeah I think it’s three I would say the top three nationally would be Mike Florio Colin card and Nick Wright oh Nick Wright I was about to say he has to be on the list 100% I would say that would probably be the top three nationally locally it’s interesting because there’s so many I don’t want to name names because I got to deal with some of these people personally but there there there will be some that I will definitely be going at so I’ll leave it at that yeah I think you got them all oh another Dan Graziano how is he not on the list yeah you know he he is he’s right you got to work someone else out I maybe coward and switch with him because graan has just been I mean intense with the Rogers crap both in his tweets his TV appear I I might change those Power Rankings around and make sure I work him it’s probably Florio Graziano and then Nick Wright yeah I think that’s it honestly Chris KY belongs there too for in oh my God I don’t understand him man I don’t yeah he’s got that’s true he’s another one the fact that we are fighting over a list oh let go to top five in here who who deserves to be in here for the love of everything that’s holy I mean come on man yep it’s it’s out of control man I mean let’s never forget it’s not just the mini cam stuff that Graziano has been an absolute nerd about it’s he had an issue with a a a with the Jets voting him the Dennis Berto word winner never forget into the shadow realm you go Aaron Rogers being voted the most inspirational Jet by his teammates is legit one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard just sad sad it’s voted by his teammates it is voted by his teammates it’s sad I look I hope everyone has a great July 4th except Dan Graziano and all the other ridiculous Aaron Rogers just morons forget about his vaccine and political opinions Aaron’s football IQ ISM very high Aaron’s football IQ ISM very high this guy is a cancer that’s metastasized throughout the entire building in Floren Park and I don’t know why Jets fans can’t see it sad sad it is it is just sad there’s just no other way to put it so again I can’t wait for him to shut up all of and him being of course Aaron Rogers to shut up all those people with all these ridiculous things it’s coming it’s coming Tom writes in next Emoji Rogers carrying the flag Gator get how was that not already on there how is that not already on there Gator if you can make that by the end of the show we have we have enough pretty soon here to add that we will get that up in honor yes of dependence day let’s let’s do that uh by the way we’re just I think 10 members away from a new Emoji so we will get there we will get there hit the join button if you want to become an officialized maniac and help us get there by the end of this show Central Valley writes in make or break here for sa and JD do they need a playoff win or is just making it enough it’s an excellent question because I’ve been talking about this a lot the last couple days what if they go 10 and seven and lose in the wild card game is everyone back is just the GM back what if they go 10 and seven and miss the playoffs but it’s one of those rare in es where they had a winning record what happens then like it’s a make or break Year yes but I think it’s how you get to the record and how they ultimately finish the year as far as like did they lose the playoff game because Rogers got hurt on the fourth play of that game like you know what I mean like there’s there’s there’s a lot of context we don’t know before we make the blanket statement make the playoffs win a playoff game that’s what they have to do otherwise changes get made like I think in theory that’s a fair expectation for the year but so much happens in a football season you got to see it first yeah I was about to say to the point that you just made that is my lean is make the playoffs win a playoff game and then like let’s see what happens from there but again to your point there’s context there’s all kinds of crazy ass things that could happen but again I’ve heard like Badlands has said that Joe Douglas has a little bit more cache to me these guys are surgically attached at the hip it’s all for one one for all these are the Three Musketeers and I know everything Joe has done but I’m not having that [ __ ] that we’ve had the last 10 years where it’s head coach on this timeline GM this timeline and then you’re just effed before you even start the you’re you’re set up for failure so to me it’s all for one one for all ladies and gentlemen we asked for people to contribute to get us over the threshold and oh baby did the people come through money money [Music] moneyone ah how about 10 memberships being gifted by the great Rick Kent Dan Rather Legacy green Nate bonan Jamie at cats Tony averardo Jeremy Joe Baxter Jeremy ovali 99 jet Adam Cavender you guys are all channel members but wait there’s more a d pugnet making it rain how about another Channel membership boom this one if you hear your name called is from once again ad pugan who gifted this channel membership too Robert Sanchez who is Mark Sanchez’s second cousin so awesome little jet connection there I I love the an1 you know you get fouled at the line you think you only get 10 and the the official goes oh whoa one more membership added to that pie very nice also Gator’s on the road right now so we will not have the Rogers flag Emoji done in time but that’s okay we’ll get it for a a future show later this week that should be our next Emoji though that’s that’s an excellent idea it’s patriotic and it it really combines the two greatest things ever America and the New York Jets that’s right yeah comments question could be screaming that yeah you’re 100% right about that uh curlyy writes in Jeet fans love the words nuance and context I love the word winning Curley you just nitpicked though you’re you’re you’re on the jjg you know School of trolling it’s enough all right there’s nuance and context to last season seven and 10 record there’s Nuance in context to just saying Douglas is this Salah is this like you have to actually watch and see what either they inherited why the record is what it is we all understand they need to win this year if they don’t win there will be changes but we can’t sit here and say fire the coach in GM now on July 4th when we need to see how this year plays out first they’re going to be here for the year deal with it accept it and to quote boy green make sweet and passionate love to it curly because it’s not changing yet damn straight again we love winning too it’s not as if we don’t it’s not like we’re trying to make excuses for this organization to survive in a way again for me it’s it’s winning it’s making the playoffs I personally I want them to win the division I think it’s totally up for grabs it’s there to be had and I’d love that one to be checked off the bucket list too but again uh there are there are details beyond the box square you got to read at the end of the day the Jets need to win so there’s there’s no like gray area there like this is a year they have to win that said we can’t sit here and say they need to win or else we’re going to fire them right now because the season does not start until September and it’s July 4th correct amen you know what we also need we don’t we not only need wins we need wins so it’s a happy postgame show for boy green so we’re gonna get into ja all of it here again my name is Paul eston Jr AKA boy green I’m the New York Jets digital reporter for uh we come two hours after every final whistle uh here for the postgame show and I’m going to be honest the only good thing that happened to me late tonight early this morning was making sweet passionate love to my fiance which I did uh after uh the article was written and that kind of stuff that’s the only good thing that happened not great terrible pounded the article pounded the fiance boom ladies and gentlemen boy green and boy green you know this is a perfect time to uh actually play this not like good looking chicks in that thing oh yeah baby things are about to get easy here on the cheek has been sh calm your freaky down sometimes we try but that freaky just take us over give him some of your loving voice oh yeah hide them kids leave your damn freaky down sexy you got you got to chill man Jesus calm you’re freaky down baby wow that’s my first time seeing that one wow well it’s it’s about to be your first time and many people’s first time about to see the latest masterful performance from Bobby midnight who has a new crush boy green she lives in Australia beautiful woman her name is Sarah and here’s Bobby’s love song to The Great Sarah in Australia she’s from Australia the golden blond Beauty can’t live without that girl makes me freaky Sarah the angel is everyone’s sweee if she dumps her husband I’ll be her next baby [Music] Sarah wow Bob has great taste down under wow oh yeah and joining us right now to talk more about it is none other than Bobby midnight well you know I need to find M he’s supposed to come on my show I want his butt on a [Music] stick hi boy green I just saw you a little while ago huh that’s true yeah and I’m going to be live one more time later today cuz I’m a freak yes yeah 3 o’ I already put a a membership in there already for you I thought you were like like you did with the what’s his name um Connie you went back to back with each other remember you both had the same that’s what I thought you were doing with Jake having your show at the same time I didn’t see what oh I see I love Chloe I got to see Chloe oh yeah she was she was getting restless she she ran I know I know but I was at least she let me to see Chloe she asked about you Bobby she’s like how’s Bobby midnight doing I go he’s he’s pretty and guess what happened on my show last night what happened baby Addison was born that’s right well he posted the picture in the Discord yesterday when I was I know she is adorable isn’t she oh yeah well she was on poor uh boy Green Show this morning too that’s true Bobby did you make a baby last last night no yeah I’m so dry up as the Sierra Desert that’s never going to happen again so ask the question your freaky D oh he asked me that question I know freaky hey guess what I got good numbers on my YouTube I just checked it today Jake I need 40 more subscribers and I got 289 viewer uh hours let’s go I’m almost 3,000 and then almost poor no you just caught me you just caught me with that one that one wow you’re the one who act and that you should true that’s my fault that’s my beat I I was on Nick show I got to see the one with the yes K calm your freaky down we Nick show yesterday I saw the video hold on I have some housekeeping here Steve Marcus says jets are a pathetic loser franchise hey Steve Marcus throw them out the door I hope you have the worst July 4th ever you’re bum now look what you’ve done no more protection from the as Maniacs had to pull you out of the chat and cast you down with the sodomites some time in here we’ll feel like you’ve been run over by the lane train you understand me you catch my drift give him another 24 hours to think about it well who are you go who are you going to have at your Dre clock show who what say that again you all by yourself at your three CL show today oh no woody woody Wy W yeah he’ll be at the jet Patriots thing too and and Jake Asin he’s doing his own thing he’s goingon to swing by too so yeah it’s going to be a party G to be on there too am I gonna be on there Bobby no I’m not no no no not at three o’clock I don’t think so you’re doing you’re doing essentially three shows on July 4th look at you that is correct oh yeah well you know when I’m doing my show after or in between maybe after your show so which show boy green show or mine show after your show of course so when I end today you’re going live of course you know all right I love it I’m just making sure that people have a place to give I I can’t even say give jet takes this is barely any jet talk on your show to get takes on life Bai Channel everything is about life in my show yeah hey Paul are you busy you want to join my show later yeah it depends on when I’ll be doing circus metch baseball after the three shows but if they’re somewhere in there sure I right on after Jake at 10 o’clock H whatever what time he ends I mean okay maybe we’ll see what time it is I don’t know and Jake I love you dog you know well I love your parents dog and tell your dad and mom well I never met your mom but I Met Your Dad to him I said hi I’ll let him know all right Bob yeah okay well I’ll scattle and Bob farewell and uh you know make sure if you leave uh if you leave the house today all right it’s a hot day you put on some sunscreen oh I know I’m pill is a ghost well you know I can’t wear my freaking hat it’s hot my balls will sweat oh look I have a fan of Bobby what a call from Bobby midnight wow that was an adventure we went in a lot of places there yeah just a a typical uh call from Bobby midnight right there unreal unreal ladies and gentlemen comments question super chats will cut the line curly Norman checks in with a super chat we win the division I will call him with my dog in a lot of cash like that weird guy did that one postgame LOL great call back I do not remember that one wow that that guy’s name was Matthew Trot I don’t have the original call Handy but for those don’t get the reference this is what he’s kind of referring to [Music] [Applause] here all right folks I want everyone to stop what they’re doing because I have no idea where this call is going Matthew is up next Matthew what do you got for us j e TS Jet Jet Jet Jet are we doing this again with the dog just doing T magic deck and I just dropped $300 on I did it with count that’s $300 I [ __ ] that I had therapy this morning cuz I was blazed out of my mind with Edibles last night after you guys want I popped a whole gum that really hit me hard [ __ ] let go oh my God game they handed us the game j e c s got I got got no other way around it Gator got me there I thought because Gator was in the chat already and he wrote something that there was no way that it could not it would be a fake call so when I saw Matthew on the line I’m like oh God here’s that wacko who called after the eagle win with the dog and the money and I got gatored I got gatored that’s what happened there instead of getting got you got gatored that that was outstanding oh my God I’m still laughing at that Gator call God oh man I remember that guy now yes I don’t know what happened to him yeah yeah hasn’t called back since George writes in Epic shirt Jake I think so too right I think it’s a wonderful shirt honoring America however one of the as Maniacs in this chat right now Carly told me it was an ugly shirt well what what taste does she have I mean come on does she does she not like America is she a communist I’m not saying is but I’m just saying that is what’s being discussed like first take LED their show this morning is Carly a communist that would be my first response after that kind of reaction to that shirt come on America USA America F yeah pledge allegiance to the flag should we bring Bobby back up Bobby you down to do another Pledge of Allegiance on July 4th you let me know Bobby you down to do little Pledge of Allegiance yes all right make sure we could see your head in it though last time you just stood up we only saw your chest well my how am I going to do that because have my micro uh camera right there in the computer can you can you move the laptop back like that no I don’t have a laptop I have a desktop it doesn’t move that way oh I could sit down and do it all right you know what we will normally you stand but because it’s YouTube it’s a little different and we’re all about honoring America you could sit down and do it I gotta take off my hat first y me too I got hat hair okay absolutely and then do you want me to do the other thing too what’s the other thing seeing the national anthem well wow do the pledge you know maybe we’ll do the anthem a little little bit later why a little bit later well because we got other people on hold I gotta get some more calls okay I gotta okay I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one na under guard indivisible with liberty and justice for all how is that well done well done Curley wrote in I’m sitting with my hand on my heart what is wrong with me what is wrong with you Curley you’re a red blooded American brother how was that good that was great I have not heard that in a while yeah how how about a little God Bless America instead of the national an little Kate Smith’s rendition yeah no no I’m not her God Bless America I like Robert Mar I love yeah you seen that stand beside her oh and guide her come on Bobby you know the words no I don’t want I rather do Robert Merrill’s version all right can you give us a little Robert Merrill’s version then well I got to set it up you told me just you got other people bring me back when I’m ready all right I’ll come back to you ladies and gentlemen more calls right now comments questions super chat we’ll cut the line John goes in goes what LOL what is the show if you’ve been paying attention to my show the last month outside of Rogers mini camp week we have this has basically been the show yeah that’s it until we get to July 23d ladies and gentlemen joining us right now is Tommy hello Tommy hello fellas happy 4th of July to you guys no thanks T happy 4th July to everyone that served in our country um to all the as Maniacs that are watching that was classic Bobby I had my hat off as well ly I had my hand over my chest dude you’re a classic American that was awesome um Jake I love your shirt dude love love the shirt wanted to say that if you’re American you have to love the shirt yeah it’s it’s yeah it’s in the contract yeah I would love to own one of those it’s awesome um your dog’s name’s curly right curly Chloe Chloe sorry sorry uh very adorable dog um I don’t have much of a point but two one point oh shout out to Johnny Boy God bless his baby and his wife um I think you guys got great chemistry I think you guys would uh have a lot of views and like if you guys did a weekly show it would be very very profitable and um yeah I would suggest that uh just my price just went up Jake yesterday’s price was not today’s price that in tell that inel is strange it’s dby is my new agent yes all right guys real quick my one point uh like you mentioned just recently about like week one we’re playing the 49ers I think that’s the best option possible like we bring on the hardest team on our schedule and if we do go out there and win even if we don’t win if we play a close game and we lose by three or something like that and then look at the rest look at our next three or four games like like Jake said like we’re going to be 4- one and even if we beat the 49ers and we lose to one and them other teams like the Jets usually do we’ll beat a good team and we’ll lose to a crap team we’re still be in good shape like I don’t see us losing many games man like I said 17 and0 that’s that’s a little bit you know just being my Jets hype but I don’t see us losing more than three or four games and I wish you guys a great day everyone out there happy Fourth of July enjoy your show thanks for having my call One Love guys Tommy love it excellent uh excellent hat as well by Tommy there the USA yeah I I love that I would just say this this the other thing that I just don’t understand with people on the 49ers game you mitigate a West Coast trip that could have been in the middle of your season which increases difficulty on both sides you mitigate that by having that week one because you know the last preseason game with the new schedule the last preseason game and the regular season that’s a two-e gap you have plenty of time to arrive early in San Francisco and marginalize that difference that’s another thing people don’t talk about with the hardest game on the jet schedule completely agree ladies gentlemen I have some breaking news to share right now gator was unable to get the Aaron Rogers flag Emoji set up but right one of our great listeners the man who designed our most two recent emojis the Keith best emoji and the big fella Emoji snowball has designed the Aaron roders with the flag Emoji here on July 4th Snowball the only issue is the sizing it needs to be smaller than 1 MB so I can’t upload it just yet I see you’re on hold so I’m going to bring you on but snowball thank you for sending me the Emoji just update the settings and we will be able to get that up by the end of the show I’ll fix it you wanna I’ll come back thank you sir should we bring you back uh God Bless America God bless Johnny’s baby uh the only the only variable I can see is uh our fearless leader Robert Salah that’s it your guy I’m going to work snowball thank you all right more of your calls right now Mr fton is on the line hello fton hey hey good morning guys morning Paul good morning Fon God bless still not feel myself today Paul yeah yeah sorry about that uh yeah you got in that car accident thing right yeah sorry about that pal yeah I got in a car accident J sry to hear that hope you’re okay yeah I’m fine I just got a rest on oh Jesus okay wow that’s new yep okay um so why you guys thinking about um Aaron roders is he going to be playing for the Jets for the entire season or you think he’s going to retire at some point in the middle of the Season or be traded right yeah thank you for the call uh Paul your thoughts uh wow uh okay you know normally I get paid to talk for love Jake as do as radio host you know I’m I’m very you know it’s very very rare where I’m left speechless um H yeah I don’t anticipate that I think we kind of clear that hurdle with the VP stuff uh during the offseason and hopefully that’s the last time that we uh that we have to clear those sort of conversation so no I don’t believe he’s going to retire and no I don’t believe he’s traded I believe he’s one of the few players in the NFL that has a no trade class so uh yeah I don’t believe that’s going to occur yeah I would say Aaron Rogers will be a jet the entire season I think that’s a fair assumption now I also would say that that guy reminded me of a legendary caller that calls this show the lane train let’s go to Lane who’s up next hello Lane oh hi hello Lane how is everything yes you’re on the air Lane oh hello hello Lane hi so yeah I’m happy about the way the Jets played played today and you know they moved the ball and they did great look okay who and I mean I know it was raining out did you see the game no I didn’t watch it what happened well they won they and the other team lost L thank [Laughter] you come on man I can’t be a real real call did you check out the game and then when you’re like no no what happened oh well let me inform you let me let me hook you up with the Intel that last call reminded me of the L wow that’s I I didn’t notice you yeah yeah is he a regular yes he is yes he is yeah yeah yeah I have the call in line on because we’re also streaming on my YouTube and Twitter I have the call in line over there so people can also you’re obviously filtering everything through as well but yeah I threw it over there so yes yeah it’s a journey it’s a journey that’s tremendous we have a live Bobby midnight performance coming up but I’m going to go back to snowball for a second snowball is the Emoji updated yeah I just sent it all right I am gonna grab it I’m gonna upload it and I want you to know you have become kind of our go-to Emoji designer how do you feel with that responsibility for the as Maniacs blessed I I really I really could feel the passion out of your your voice there listen you’re lucky my wife’s on vacation I’m I’m home I got nothing to do so love that hat snowball that’s a nice hatn the good news is Bobby’s going live right after this boy Green’s going live again at 3 and then bobb’s going live again after that and then bobb’s GNA stay live until probably 10 o’clock tomorrow if I do another show we’re doing a 24hour Bobby midnight stream tonight so so then I have things to do snowball I’m excited to share show the shirt all americ live oh let’s go yes I’m gonna go all right thank you Snowball the Aaron roders flag Emoji is live baby if you want to contribute to the next Emoji I think it was like 200 members needed I don’t know if we’re going to do that today but we will start our climb 199 members needed for our 38th Emoji but the Rogers with the flag Emoji is live it is labeled it is in there as USA Rogers the as Maniacs have already started to use it and speaking of America speaking of USA ladies and gentlemen Bobby midnight is back Bobby you GNA give us another rendition of the national anthem oh my God what do you just ask for I thought you said God Bless America oh I I didn’t realize you were gonna do God Bless America I’m gonna do the I’ll do uh the other one I want to go do America I gotta set it up again so what do you need God Bless America or the national anthem national anthem all right we’ll come back to you okay okay you let me know when you’re ready I’ll be right back all right thank you your calls right now it’s funny he’s like a performer he’s like ah ah I need to go off stage and and get in the right frame of mind that’s that’s phenomenal wow shout out to Eric who’s watching on delay he wrote oh wow it’s Chloe so you can tell that he’s like 30 minutes behind the rest I get that every once in a while where someone will say something from the beginning of my show like an hour in I’m like whoa that that guy just popped in but he’s commenting live that is that is funny I love when that happens wow Willie and making it rain how about 10 Channel memberships baby [Music] yeah I’m pulling up the list of names here because we got 10 names read shout out to William for coming through for the people on this phenomenal July 4th day Jeremy Channel member Carlos piscoya Channel member sweet baby Jesus Dante a nerd croan Duarte lot eack fishing dwat JC Medina theano Smith you guys are all channel members let’s squeeze in a couple calls before we get to the Robert midnight performance ladies and gentleman Jerome the Packer fans next what’s going on everybody how y’all feel man happy holidays the Fourth of July Jake that shirt man is doing a lot it fits you though it fits I like I don’t know this girl that’s in the chat and as Maniac thought was a supporter of mine said it was ugly boy green what’s going on man I follow you too app I follow you too man that’s what’s up man uh I I don’t have much today man except Aaron Rogers he he does he does some a lot of great things that they don’t talk about I don’t know why they don’t but they won’t they won’t they won’t uh put it in the news or whatnot so the guy he just gets so much crap I didn’t like it when he was in in Green Bay getting a lot of slack for nothing but that’s neither here no there um one thing I did want to one thing that I did want to say was about the San Francisco 49ers and you know Jake I’ve always been hollowing 14 and three I I used to always tell you you beat the ners you be 15 and two I don’t think you guys will go undefeated but it’s not a stretch the 49ers is is the hardest team you guys will face no other team that you you guys face will stack up to the 49ers so it 17 and0 could be a thing I don’t think it’ll happen but no I got you guys a 14 and three and uh you’re gonna do well I’ve adopted the Jets as my um as you know my uh AFC team we love it uh so so it is what it is I might even give you guys a chant I might give you guys a chant one time you know me up for that Jerome before you go who’s on the Jersey that Red’s Jersey is awesome is that Pete Rose Barry Lin who we rocking Joe Morgan it’s Pete Rose man I don’t know love it oh there you go yeah we see it okay Pete Rose class you know I’m old school man I like all my Classics man he should be in the Hall of Fame I despite all despite all that silliness but anyway man that’s all I got for the four fourth I’m on my way you know I’m not working to day I’m not in my truck as I normally am so I’m just taking a little enjoy the day enjoy brother good seeing you that’s that’s what’s up Jerome check it in all right BG you given us an hour of your time so we’re going to send you out the right way we’re going to send you out with an epic performance of our national anthem from the great Bobby mid hello Bobby I am ready I got rob a Merill behind in my ear whenever you’re ready okay put me on you got to put me on screen okay all right I’m ready guys you ready sure yeah yeah what we H at [Music] and The Rock the pro night [Music] [Music] and the home of yeah W you got me on rockets red glare when you hit those octaves Bobby wow I felt some tingling in what Rob mer does that’s what gets me into it Robert Merill oh I love that guy I miss him I miss him dearly oh let’s go Bobby give me a and play ball and play ball yeah excellent job Bobby excellent thank you very much we’ll talk to you soon great job by Bobby Bight there honoring this great country the greatest country in the world unbelievable boy green you’re doing seven shows today God bless you thanks for coming on this one uh it’s phenomenal and great and some more Buzz created for the Future Boy green asmin show if and when that those that puppy to light God bless everybody it’s cool that you do this Jake shout out to all the as Maniacs all you crazy bastards and already cheers on to the next Emoji so keep making the chase everybody God bless let’s go ladies and gentlemen Paul boy green Eden Jr one of the alltime greats I’ll stay on we got some more calls people on hold shout out to everyone who’s tuned in live right now let’s go to Nate who’s up next what’s up Nate up Jake can you hear me hey Nate how are you what’s going on tough tough act to follow I hate I hate being after Bobby um but I’m looking forward to his show later uh Paul Paul’s always great I love him in the morning so shout out to your guest um Jake did you ever think that you would have I saw someone in the comments say do you ever think you’d have a Giants fan that would pretty much take over your show as the star of your platform when you started this years ago no I I I had no thoughts on any of this this is this was just something I did out in my spare time when I was doing afternoon radio in Houston and it became a full-time job because Jeff fans are the greatest now yeah now he’s he’s a host his own jet show it’s it’s it’s awesome what uh if we’re even calling it a jet show it’s a it’s a it’s a jet show of Jace if we’re calling that a jet show what time Bobby always steer whenever it goes to a topic he doesn’t like like Gary came on obviously takes everything left and brought up boxing and whatnot yesterday and and and he always brings it back like can we just talk about the Jets so I still call it I still call it um a jet show I thought I heard you guys earlier with Paul with Paul Green boy green talking about a uh reic so I I was listening to a Philly podcast a guy who does um he’s a former NFL player he’s on the same time you’re on so I’m not going to mention his name but he was saying how he’s nervous about reic like they unlike they’re nervous about Huff he was like I wanted Hassan reck and everyone in his chats all Philly fans were like yeah that was a terrible move but for the next two or three years we’re trying to win a Super Bowl they’re all very nervous about what Huff is and they obviously know what reck is and saw him for two years um so I guess I wanted your thoughts on that but but but yeah it’s just Co the show like Grass Is Always Green on the other side um at times one question for you Jake before I get off this this topic was on Bobby’s show before like I said before Gary comes on and takes everything left your biggest question mark assuming everyone stays healthy on the Jets roster someone brought this up in your chat and and now I I can’t get it off my mind for me it’s Robert Salo and and at what point what record do the Jets need to have where he’s fired 0 and four I think I think Allen said three and four because and and was making the point that the Jets coach has never been fired in the season so that it’s not going to happen I think that’s crazy because obviously like you said Joe Douglas line is on the line too if he starts 0 and four and everyone’s healthy and we’ve got pro bowlers pro bowlers like it’s there’s got to be coaching there’s got to be a coaching change so I want to hear your thoughts on that and and appreciate the July 4th show Nate appreciate you man I I would say 0 and four could get them canned they’re not gonna be 0 and four guys all right let’s be positive on the fourth of July they never made an inseason firing I don’t think it’s going to happen but like that that would maybe do it I guess I mean they didn’t fire gas in season in 2020 ladies and gentlemen joining us right now is one of the great fathers in the history of fatherhood Johnny Boy joins us now Fresh Off The Birth of his 12th child Hello Johnny what’s up Jake how you holding up man look at baby Addison how are you and your wife holding up she’s doing good man just say most St test and everything she’s right there look how cute she is j e t s j yeah she’s awesome bro have you slept at all uh yeah last night it was awesome felt great I love it but yeah here’s the new little Jets fan new little as maniac you know how I put her to sleep how’d you do it I am a real American fight for my rights and fellow men yeah dude she’s badass bro yeah want the show come through man and and um I sent you some Fourth of July piics on the Discord so you can show everybody it’ll probably give you like a million views bro easy I love it Johnny congrats man I’m I’m so happy for you how how many kids actually is it for you what happened how many kids do you actually have three three yeah there we go love it congratulations man I’m glad I’m glad you your wife Addison all doing well I appreciate man had the Huga house on the whole time go promo promo code asmin folks all right Johnny knows my man yes sir appreciate him man go Jets Johnny congrats to you man awesome adorable ladies and gentlemen hit the like button for Johnny joining us right now is the great Jake Klein hello Jake morning man happy fourth deal happy fourth yeah man uh actually are you a hot dog fan because I know the competition’s on today who do you think is gonna win it oh well with chess not not in it I don’t know any of the other slurpers you know I thought Carly was going to be in it but you know she chickened out well the names actually the names you should look at is um James web I’ve seen a lot of his content online this guy like literally is becoming the next like Joey Chesnut I I think if you’re going to put bets on him and then the other guy I would look at is Pat beretti like he’s been in this for like 10 15 years and like has never woned so that’s like the sleeper name but the name everyone thought was going to be like Matt Stony but he’s retired now so that was a little shocking but just some kobe ASI should have came out of retirement yeah well they’re doing uh him in um chess C are doing a Netflix special in September I saw that yeah I saw that but this would have been an opportunity for him to make a statement and then Dr up interest in that showdown in September well he had like U like a dispute with the uh like the food comp Major League food competition so like that’s how he like left they were like he had like an argument with his contract or whatever it was so that was the reason why he’s not back but anyway that’s a whole another thing but um but uh what time is the competition start I forget I’m back in Eastern time for the first July 4th in years so I forget like is it 12 or one I I can’t remember it’s around I think it’s probably right before like the Yankees generally go on the enke I think play at one so that would be my bet so I’d say maybe like 12:30 because they have the women’s competition first and they do the men so maybe like 1230s the women’s then 1245 is the men’s because they do like the whole intro thing but that’s the other thing but um wait so are you um you’re not you’re not are you doing radio all day or no no I’m I’m this this is the only work I’m doing you call this work I call it fun it should be fun man listen you gotta got to make your money but um actually quick question um I know we’ve talked about Bach tiari in the past is there any update regard St in that or is that just somewhere waiting till training camp there’s really nothing you know and he did an interview with Adam sheeper a couple weeks ago where he basically ruled out the Jets as an option because of all the moves they made at tackle this off season so if he’s going to sign I I don’t think it’s gonna be with the Jets I mean you think maybe it’s possibly that maybe like in within training camp with like injuries like obviously you know like Max Mitchell could get hurt or like maybe uh fashanu maybe has like you know a hamstring poll he out the first few weeks that’s that’s the only way I see it happening exactly yeah all right anyway uh oh one more thing um funny enough the place Little Dipper that you’ve been to uh my friend saw me the day in my office he works there I had no idea until great spot shout out to uh shout out to Bobby the owner takes good care of uh me and my friends when we’ve been there love that Bobby Stephen he said there’s two owners it’s Bobby and Stephen I don’t know if you met him or not but uh I I’m gonna go check it out probably maybe this weekend so uh I’ll give you the uh Lowdown right love it get the uh get the caviar dip the caviar chicken dip phenomenal he said the hand roll rolls are really good I don’t know why he kept talking about the hand rolls I don’t know if you had that or not no I I haven’t but it’s all good you’ll like that spot all right manjoy your happy fourth right J Klein baby checking in not from a prison cell how about that how about it Carly writes in oh yes I’ll be slurping the dogs for only the second time in the history of the show we simply play this now they good looking chicks in that thing oh yeah baby things are about to get crazy here on the cheek has been sh calm your freaky down sometimes we try but that freaky just take us over give him some of your loving voice oh yeah hide them kids again C your damn freaky down to do sexy you got to chill man what I meant to say is for only the second time in the history of the show to a female 4center we had to play the Comm freaky down the other time we had to play it for Sarah who now has this from Bobby bide if you missed it earlier she’s from Australia the golden blond Beauty can’t live without her that girl makes me freaky Sarah the angel is everyone sweee if she dumps her husband I’ll be her next baby s [Music] calm your freaky down to quote the great king lki all right more calls before we wrap let’s go to Keith best he’s a legend what’s up Keith happy 4th of July happy 4th Jake you know I was thinking you know I I got I just got out of what I had to do this morning and even though it was Fourth of July a lot of the hospitals are still open all the doctors are working and it’s just a normal work day but um I I did a um I did a lookup you know I don’t want to brag about what we what you did the other night was 420 but I looked to see if there was anything greater than that in a YouTube membership drive and I didn’t find anything so you’re number one and uh I don’t know I gotta go back I gotta go back in in about uh 15 minutes but uh I I took a break to sit outside and turn on your show you can’t use it I’m in a place called parm Beach Gardens Medical and you can’t use yourself phones inside and turn anything off they do have uh TVs up on the walls for you to sit down and watch but that’s not my goal but U you know I’m I’m I’m I’m gonna stick with my plan of 15 and two I heard the you know we both came on here months ago about 17 and0 and it’s probably not practical but it’s probable but I still think you know the 15-2 is my number I know a lot of people have said 14 and3 the guy the guy on isma show you just had the guy on earlier and snowball you’re in the background there I want to thank you thank you thank you for the Ado um I didn’t believe what that did for the day um that was absolutely incredible I’ve said that too many times in the last couple days but uh Jake do me a favor um I have a I have a friend that has a t-shirt uh she makes t-shirts and she’s got a print shop and she said get that get that that so I can upload and give it to her on a USB and she’s going to make me a couple T-shirts that says best you know with the green cancer FL uh Insignia I will send you the Emoji logo Keith I will email the file so you have it all right now what about the you said there was another one that he made that snowball made up um um stay strong or something like that is there was two send me both if it’s just the one it’s fine if you send that down to me an email so I can upload this I have this is the one this is the only one yeah okay that’s fine now my friend I hope Richie still got um tickets for the game because my friend Chris is gonna I was with last yesterday he saw all my pods he saw the pods we made in the last couple of days and he says he’s gonna sign on and sign up today but I sent him the link for to get the tickets because he wants to go with go with us he’s a Jets fan who lives down here a couple blocks away from me in West Palm Beach and uh so he’s going to do that so I just just wanted to make sure that was is I I got the link from your email I sent it to him so we’re going to take care of that this afternoon when I get back down to West pal Kei Keith have a great fourth thanks for calling us we’re glad your spirit seem high today um you know what you know what I say it all the time you can either duck your set duck your duck your head underneath the pillow or get up and make something of the day you know and I I got a strict schedule I keep it I’m watching um all these these Bobby things Bobby Bobby I want you to um patreon me patreon me your email account so um then I could send you you seem like those girls with 5x spandex black that oh God Keith I gotta do it to you I like good looking chicks in that thing oh yeah baby things are about to get crazy here on the CH has show calm your freaky down sometimes we try but that freaky just take us over give him some of your loving voice oh yeah hide them kids your damn freaky down do sexy you got you got to chill man oh my God I didn’t have that on my July 4th bingo card having to calm your freaky down drop Keith unreal what a call shout out to Keith but still calm your freaky down you know it more of your calls before we wrap here last chance to get in please hit the like button if you’re watching live if you’re enjoying little July 4th program where we’ve added 22 members I also want to share that snowball was not happy with the Emoji he made with Aaron Rogers and the flag so you know what he did he made it better check out the latest update refresh your browser right now and see the new Aaron roders with the flag Emoji because it’s even better than the original which I thought was good but snowball didn’t think it was up to his par his standard so we changed it we made it better JT is up next what’s up JT yo Jake what’s up my guy how you doing let’s go Ys man big one today gotta not get by by the damn Reds we got to take at least one but I gotta admit Watchman This Ellie de Cruz kid is fun man he’s a good player he yeah no he he’s unbelievable the problem is the Yankees can’t hit right now so I can’t truly enjoy him yeah um I don’t like the fact that we’re I mean I I I I want to play Ben rice every day like I I don’t like he didn’t sit out yesterday first time he comes in he gets a hit doesn’t he or gets on base he should be playing every day makes no sense yeah he should have been the cleanup hitter yesterday I don’t know I I hope I hope like going forward they keep him in that like four through six spot in a lineup and he’s just an everyday player the kid seems like he’s gonna be really good and I think Anthony rzo is kind of watched at this I think he’s kind of watched so I think maybe this fracture might be like someone being able to take over him and I hope Boon stays with that doesn’t roll with the vet once he’s back healthy because if this those kid’s playing he there’s no way he could take him out well you could always DH one of them too they just need they just need better hitters man I mean the the lineup is trash right now besides judge and stto oh dude it’s it’s disgusting man but anyway about the Jets man I just want to sprad some hype because why not it’s it’s early July let’s go Jets man Hassan reck is gonna be a beast this year how many sacks you think he’s gonna get at least 10 because that’s what he’s done the last four years yeah I agree I think he’s going to be in that 10 to 12 range I think we’re have three people that uh get double digit sacks this year at least JJ quinnon and Hassan at least I think Will McDonald will have upwards like seven to nine maybe he’ll even Peak towards that 10 I don’t know man I’m excited for this defensive line playing with leads too gonna be able to rush the quarterback all game up 20 up 15 20 points it’s gonna be great man JT I love it you hyped me up well done happy July 4th my man great call he’s right playing with Leeds I I promise you Jeet fan there will be at least one or two games this year where they win in the fourth quarter they close out a team because the sandrea comes up with a big sack on third down or fourth down or he forces a fumble or his quarterback hit leads to a ball being popped up in the air and Quincy Williams or CJ Mosley’s picking it off I’m telling you that’s going to happen that’s what game record do like close out games fourth quarter pass rush is what wins G green writes in shout out to all the other healthcare workers working the holiday I’m doing a 16 hour ship today great to have some content to help the day go by gang green salute salute giving you guys a 90minut show here on July 4th hopefully for those not watching live if you’re working this could help your July 4th all right two more calls Rob the Jet fan is up next what’s up Rob Hey Jake how’s it going buddy happy fourth Rob we got the whole fan let’s go here with my handsome grandson and my daughter Victoria my other daughter doesn’t want to show her face because she’s pregnant now she’s not looking her best I guess that’s okay my son-in-law is here Ryan yeah and I got my other uh grandaughter Kia come here honey but uh so we’re just calling we wanted to say happy Fourth of July to you and your family Jake uh the as Maniacs always show the love bring the love here C say hello I love it hello say hello that’s my big one four years old almost four a but uh we just I just wanted to show you part of the family and say uh we’re sending the love let’s go J TS Jets Jets Jets let’s go rob great call are they gonna give us a jet CH come on we we got a family jet CH J yeah there it is let’s go tremendous from Rob and his fan love that love that hit the like button comments questions super chats curly says First Responders as well yeah we mentioned the First Responders earlier but you could never mention them enough absolutely absolutely July 4th baby one last call and I’m glad this guy’s closing us out because he’s one of the alltime greats ladies and gentlemen joining us right now is the executive chef of the Clover Leaf Tavern one of the preeminent spots in northern Jersey Chef Kevin Gilbert joins us now what what’s up Kev Hey Jake what’s up man happy 4th of July brother you too man I let me guess you you got to be on the grill today if you’re a chef man come on man that’s why I had a call uh I’m in the Poconos right now uh been out here for a couple days yesterday was my wife what part of the Poconos I know that area very well east east straussburg oh do I know East straussburg man uh they they won’t let me back into some of the hotels over there the damage I used to do back in Circa 2013 through 2014 about that off air whatever yeah I got some stories about those days oh my God no amazing but first of all man thank you so much for having me on the platform thanks again for uh having the show today man it’s it’s so awesome shout out to Keith best man you’re you’re you’re amazing man just keep keep it up keep it strong man no days off keep working man you’re you’re a great Soul great inspiration to all of us Bobby Midnight Man keep doing what you’re doing man you’re an incredible person too love all the content that that you’re doing Bobby um but yeah Jake just let letting you know man I I I’ve been in the closet with uh the Robert Salah being a Robert Salah truther man I just wanted to let you guys know that you know don’t talk bad about my coach man if we go 0 and 17 understood if we don’t make the playoffs understood if we do some bad stuff understood just know that with the players that jod gets us he’s developing them he might not be the person that’s yelling in people’s faces but let just listen man he’s a he’s a man amongst men he’s a leader just watch him lead us man just with the games that we saw last year just just tell you man with the the Eagles game let me tell you something Man how he how he just rallied the troops with the 91 game how he rallied the troops man he’s not jumping up and down he’s not R riding or whatever he has some flaws don’t get me wrong we could debate The Good the Bad and all that kind of stuff but at the end of the day when we hired him I don’t know anybody that thought about somebody else as a head coach I thought he was a good option definitely had some hurdles some learning uh curves to go through but right now man listen let’s let’s let’s judge him after the San Francisco game let’s judge him after Tennessee with the Monday with the uh with the opener that we have against the Patriots let’s see these three games and then we could talk about it but for right now guys let’s all be on the same page let’s be positive today let’s enjoy this day this is important man this is America this is our independence day please be be responsible when you’re drinking have a good time family friends be respectful for one another shout out to you guys man I just want to show you the the food that we got going on oh give us the spread let’s go look at that sausages shrimps we got some skirt steak got some hot dogs tremendous tremendous now I’ll tell you what if you get bored today I don’t think you will but uh if you happen to stop by Mount Ary tell everyone there I say hello all right Mount AR’s awesome we have Pocono uh Pocono Mountains speedia area it’s awesome but thanks again Jake appreciate everything that you do man happy for to you brother Chef Kevin check it in one of the Great love that love that a great American that Chef Kevin tremendous ladies and gentlemen hit the like button for Chef Kevin what a call the crazy amazing J Man writes in how am I watching the Jake asmin show on Paul’s Channel well Paul syndicated this show to his when he was on so I guess we’re still on Paul’s Channel even though Paul’s not on it sup boy Greener what does Paul calls fan does anyone know I watch a show but it’s not coming to me does he call him BG’s boy greeners I don’t know what it is that was going to be our last call but then I saw what this guy was wearing on hold right now so The Show Must Go On for everyone to see what I’m seeing ladies and gentlemen murf is up next what’s up Daniel Murphy what’s going on guys happy Independence Day look who who’s got a better attire I thought I looked good despite what Carly in the comments wants to say but you my God look at this yeah yeah I go all out uh the fifth is my birthday so the fourth has always been my holiday man I go all out out uh shout out to Chef Kevin man like he’s out there grilling out I’m gonna start one up here soon you know but I figur I’d call in wish everybody a happy Independence Day say thank you to the people that’s made it possible whether it’s the First Responders the the soldiers and you know policemen everything you know uh but I just want to come in and say happy Independence Day I don’t really have any jet takes and uh Jake you got a bottle of Henny or anything near you you want to take a shot you know I actually got this is not just any bottle of heny this this bottle of heny actually is uh a bottle of heny that a listener gifted me in the parking lot before the Jets home opener last year and I thought it was going to be a Victorious chugging of Henny unfortunately the next day I was slugging it at nine o’clock in the morning talking about Aaron Rogers dying so I don’t want to go down that path this Henny chug will be towards happy memories in 202 absolutely absolutely hold on let me get it all right all right all right here we go because I’m doing radio on Sunday I actually don’t have my mic stand the regular headphones which came in handy there to move around move in group it’s never too early anything is possible America America you’re an animal Jake ah let’s go murf tremendous call see you guys Happy Independence Day happy Independence Day ladies and gentlemen the great Daniel Murphy what an outfit he won the day he won the day no doubt about it if you want content away from this show and boy do you want content asmin Shel get in the Discord I’ll be posting behind the scenes stuff that you won’t find anywhere else I’ll leave it at that like me walking my dog Chloe this morning you’re not going to find that anywhere else slj as show you also get the show in audio form on either apple or Spotify your name in the intro that we play before every show with the countdown ticker you find out about listener events before the general public you get access to the fantasy football league before the general public all these different things that are for patreon users plus bonus shows and by far the best perk the Discord so check that out Shake asmin show before we go I had to bring up something that I didn’t want to have to do but I have no choice anyone find it odd that bman didn’t call in on July 4th Mr Puerto Rico didn’t call in on America’s Independence Day you best believe if this was Puerto Rican Independence Day he would have been on hold four hours before the show started I’m just saying where is vman many people are talking many people are talking just saying just saying Rick Kent says B man hates America I don’t know about that I’m just saying people are talking all right people are talking that’s going to do it for me thanks to everyone who tuned in hope everyone has a wonderful wonderful July 4th hit the like button on your way out of here shout out to Bobby for blessing us with the anthem the Pledge of Allegiance God Bless America he’s done it all we love him for that thanks to boy green who joined us for the first hour of the show appreciate everyone who called in today it was absolutely tremendous hearing from so many of you enjoy your 4th of July holiday we might have a show for you tomorrow a.m. if you’re an as Maniac I highly recommend you check out the best of the Jake asmin Show episode three which aired on the channel just a couple days ago for all as Maniacs to watch once again enjoy your fourth of July my name is Jake asmin this has been the Jake asmin show the two greatest chance in the history of chance USA USA and Js Jets Jets Jets Charles you watched the debate last night yes I did what were your thoughts I’m not a fan of the guy who’s in office and I’m not a fan of RFK sounds like you’re a trump guy if I’m interpreting that right you can pretty much say that please please it’s too much winning we can’t take it anymore some of your calls actually remind me of our president last night your mama told me that uh your last name was Gorman but it was changed to Gorman at Ellis Island you never talked to my mom you don’t know that my last name is Gorman not Gorman I’m 78 Italian 1/8 Irish gormati changed the gourman at Ellis Island didn’t know about that see right definitely it’s good talking with you Bobby are you doing another show today or no yeah after uh the 6:30 show I’m going to do my show nice to talk to you Charles take care Bobby’s from Australia golden BL Beauty live without her that girl makes me freaky Sarah the angel is everyone sweee if she dumps her husband I’ll be her next be [Music] Sarah is Brock P going to run for his life on the opener [Applause] he’s going to die let’s [Applause] go you talk to Allan but you can’t talk to me oh thank stop that freaking noise stop stop farting stop with that farts get in the hole

What needs to happen for the New York Jets to be successful in 2024? Boy Green joins Jake Asman for a July 4th show of champions to break it all down, take your calls, and answer your SuperChats!

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