Teo thanking Dodger fans on his Instagram

  1. Hoping we re-sign him, but also hoping he gets paid what he’s worth, whether it’s from us or from another organization. He deserves it.

  2. I hope we resign him more than anything. And generally even without a “goodbye”, these posts mean he’s gone.

  3. He brought us the HR Derby, tied up the game in game 5, and did so much to elevate this team with his spirit. He’s GOTTA come back.

  4. I love Teo. There are many stars on the Dodgers that deserve their shine, but to me Teo earned the right to his own.

  5. Someone check OP’s comment history. Probably was one of many saying “it’s okay, we’ll win it at home” in the fourth and fifth inning.

  6. I’d say he’s just saying thanks rather than saying goodbye. I don’t think a lot of players sign until big pieces like Soto sign first. And that won’t happen for months

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