Orlando Magic announce City Edition Jersey on Twitter: “A Kingdom on the rise”

Orlando Magic announce City Edition Jersey on Twitter: “A Kingdom on the rise”

  1. We have one of the best and easiest color scheme to work with but our jerseys been pretty terrible

  2. I mean… I guess the theming sorta makes sense now? Still not rocking with the font though.

    At least they went away from the orange lmao.

  3. I do like that they brought back the star on the shots for this, and I don’t mind the font but once again the problem is just like the new statement jersey the pinstripes are TOO low key. Make them more striking. Half the reason the old pinstripes are so beloved is because they were very visually distinct. Blue and black jerseys with White pinstripes. White jerseys with black pinstripes.

    Also similar to last years jersey, if you are going to use a new font, CHANGE THE FONT ON THE NUMBERS TOO! This is why I actually really liked the 2019 and 2020 city jerseys because it changed the font of the numbers to fit along with the ORL on the front of the jerseys. The only negative to last years city jersey was they DIDNT change the font of the numbers to match the classic Magic font on the front and kept using the same font that our current jerseys use, and this one makes the same mistake.

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