My dad passed away a couple days ago. We hadn’t spoken in a few years and ended on a poor note, but it still hurts losing a parent. Wanted to share a picture of us on the field at Lucas Oil years ago.

My dad passed away a couple days ago. We hadn’t spoken in a few years and ended on a poor note, but it still hurts losing a parent. Wanted to share a picture of us on the field at Lucas Oil years ago.

  1. RIP to your pops. Always make the call to those who you care about before it’s no longer a possibility. Thanks for the post and the lesson. 💙

  2. I’m sorry for your loss bro. No matter the circumstances it’s still devastating. RIP to your Dad

  3. What a beautiful moment you got to experience with your old man. I always think about my first Colts game my dad took me to in ‘07 at the RCA dome whenever I watch the team play now. Condolences and peace to you and your family.

  4. So sorry for your loss. I recently lost my mother, and my wife lost her father, in the same month. Be good to yourself. Take time to heal. We have both been trying to remember the great times. It’s hard. But it gets a little easier each day.

    That’s a great picture and memory.

  5. Sorry for your loss, man. I lost my pop one year ago last week. I have many good memories watching the colts with him, I hope you have a few good memories to hold onto for yourself.

  6. It gets easier, I had the same type of experience, though I’m sure different in many ways. He enjoyed moments with you, those are what I try to hold on to when I occasionally think about the last years with mine. The end is hard for everyone, but not everyone gets good moments to balance it out with. I’m sorry you have to navigate this, but thanks for sharing this with us.

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