I don’t think we need to worry about ai taking over anytime soon

I don’t think we need to worry about ai taking over anytime soon

  1. Well if they do take over, at least The Pickler can hide in Pittsburgh’s stadium… they’ll never find him there lol

  2. Now post your photos of your AI out on dates like that guy in the cringe subreddit… you know you have them

  3. AI is going to end the careers of politicians because they mostly just spew very convincing looking endless BS with no basis is reality.

  4. Little off topic kinda. But has anyone seen the video where someone made a SpongeBob AI become self aware? Kind of a mind fuck

  5. I made my snap AI end the conversation let’s just say we don’t get along …

  6. I told the steelers were my favorite team and then asked it what my favorite team was. It had no idea.

  7. Let’s follow the realistic trail of tech. In the past the military has ALWAYS been way ahead of the mass released tech. Anyone who thinks anything we have access to top level ai is either delusional, really stupid, or not paying a damn bit of attention. Let’s remember that Ultron wasn’t an otc AI. And that they do love the predictive programming

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