Butker’s Graduation Speech

Wise words from the Chief’s Kicker, “Get married, and have children.”

  1. I appreciate that he said ‘anecdotal’, noting that this is purely advice from his own personal perspective.

  2. In the past, this guy’s views have turned me off. But this was nice.

  3. If this is some political thing, I’m not interested.

    If what he means is “being a father is incredibly rewarding” I agree.

  4. “Two-time Catholic Super Bowl Champ”

    I honestly had no idea the Catholic church has a super bowl

  5. This is nice and all but pretty much every high school or university graduation speech I have ever heard has essentially used a version of this exact message. Not necessarily the “have kids” bit but “money and success won’t bring you lasting happiness is Grad Speech 101.

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