Ex-Eagles Starter (CJGJ) Unloads on Philly Front Office After ‘Back Turn’

Ex-Eagles Starter (CJGJ) Unloads on Philly Front Office After ‘Back Turn’

  1. Whaaattt…CJGJ blames everyone else but himself in anything he does….shocker

  2. This guy and his agent misjudged the market so much, then came crawling back to the eagles for the original deal. Those assets were already given out in other deals. Sorry cjgj

  3. Yea, I don’t see where he “Unloads” it just sounds like he wanted to be in Philly, and he didn’t get what he was looking for. I expect him to do really well with the Lions, and when the next off-season starts, Philly will look to bring him back. He was a big reason we made it as far as we did. When he showed up, the defense had a whole new dominance to it in the secondary.

  4. This is the same story from 2 weeks ago, just regurgitated by a smaller outlet in hopes people didn’t notice when the big boys covered it. Interview from May 12th

  5. I think he should take English class again before talking about our FO lmao.

  6. The interesting part for me is that he’s equating hair and lashing out at other players. I don’t think his hair has anything to do with it really, unless that’s slang I’m too old to understand.

    I do remember something slipping, I think from Nick, where it was revealed that CJ’s trash talk was too widely targeted and unfiltered to be considered friendly banter between teammates. Maybe I’m reading too much into a speech pattern, but you can hear CJ start to say “going against the t… players on the field” and it makes me wonder if he was about to admit to antagonizing his teammates during practice and cut himself off. It’s one thing to keep score and create competition to keep practices high level, and it’s another to be a bully when the other half is struggling, and I get the impression CJ was a bully.

    Doesn’t matter though, he’s clearly not coming back to Philly anytime soon if ever.

  7. I’ll miss his energy, play making abilities and camaraderie with his fellow Birds but.. he and his agent seriously misjudged the market which eventually cost him that contract into coming back. I appreciate the season he gave us last year but we got Sydney Brown, Reed Blankenship, and Terrell Edmunds to pick up the slack! I’m excited to see how these guys perform this year with Sean Desai 🦅

    No hard feelings CJ 👏🏼 good luck in the NFC North yoooo

  8. Dont see the part where he unloaded anything at all.

    Also while I wanted him to stay Howie acted fast and decisevely without hesitation to do the best for the team.
    His agent cant say the same .

  9. Dude should be mad at his agent and nobody else, he made his choice. Def. Rather have him then Fletcher cox but it is what it is

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