I updated my jersey so I matched the guys on the field. #forthewAffle

I updated my jersey so I matched the guys on the field. #forthewAffle

  1. Waffle House don’t need anybody’s help advertising, unfortunately. Literally the only businesses that could even hold a candle to what they offer are the all-night Greek and Jewish diners in NYC. So they’re safe just letting the Twitter/IG/TikTok vids of fights that go viral bringing them all the customers they need. 🤣

  2. Still can’t believe they dropped the ball so hard on the sponsor. The worlds needed the Braves/Waffle House agreement.

  3. Pretty trashy. 🤷🏿‍♂️ I’ll take quikrete, they’ve been helping the braves for a pretty long time, that’s why they were the first choice for sponsorship. 🤣😂 Some fans don’t know shit.

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