Tomorrow at 4 pm in Carson City, the Nevada Legislature will have the public comment portion of its hearing concerning the A’s bill. This will be our one and only chance to comment on the record

[Here is the info for how to call in.](

Call the number provided and when prompted, enter in the meeting ID (816 7274 0846). Eventually you will get your chance to speak.

For those close enough to attend in person, the address is 401 S. Carson St, Carson City NV. The meeting is taking place in room 4100 of the Legislative Building.

Obviously, the A’s selected 4 pm on a holiday for this hearing to try and shove it under the carpet. We have to call their bluff.

  1. >Obviously, the A’s selected 4 pm on a holiday for this hearing to try and shove it under the carpet. We have to call their bluff.

    They’re some sneaky SOBs, aren’t they? Everything they’ve done during this process has been underhanded and in bad faith. This is yet another example of it.

  2. As muchas I want to hear a bunch of angry Oaklanders on the line, I’m really hoping there is a concerted effort by Las Vegas locals who are against the measure, to fill up the lines and voice their opinions.

  3. At least one caller needs to break down that this is a pattern, they make demands after throwing out cartoonish stadium concepts that aren’t architectural possible, widen the scope of the project until it’s too complicated and requires partnerships they don’t have, then expect a city to pony up while the A’s pretend they’re a privately funded project, and string along everyone involved.

    That Fisher doesn’t invest in baseball and Vegas deserves an expansion team instead.

  4. I don’t really think such calls will affect how the committee will act on the bill given the months-long negotiations with the state of Nevada no matter how hard all of you try. The allure of an MLB team in the Valley and a potential tourist destination will lead to most Nevada legislators to sign off on the bill, including Governor Joe Lombardo, whether it’s in a special session or not. Plus, the priorities of the lawmakers and the constituents can be quite different, and I think it will apply to this hearing.

  5. My girl is from vegas and has a 702 area code number still. I wonder if I can call in and claim I am a Vegas tax payer through her phone

  6. Please take this team. They’re a boat anchor in the Bay with a lousy owner, the lowest payroll, and worst record in the league. Who wouldn’t want to build them a new stadium? The As and the Giants are about the same distance from me. One provides a great experience and the other is a boat anchor with a owner that doesn’t give a shit. Guess which one Im talking about.

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