Michael Luchies on Twitter: @JeffRisdon’s understanding of the Jameson Williams betting incident is that he bet on a college football game from an app while in a hotel room in another state. Since it was a “team hotel,” it wasn’t allowed. How many players actually knew this wasn’t allowed? 10%?

Michael Luchies on Twitter: @JeffRisdon’s understanding of the Jameson Williams betting incident is that he bet on a college football game from an app while in a hotel room in another state. Since it was a “team hotel,” it wasn’t allowed. How many players actually knew this wasn’t allowed? 10%?

  1. Been riding the fence between “just don’t gamble” and “that’s a vague ass stipulation to the rule”… if this is true, that is some serious bullshit, and he doesn’t deserve a 6 game suspension.

  2. I fucking knew it was gonna be something like this.

    Just you watch, they’re gonna find out at least half the league is in violation of this one stupid technicality, but only that first group is gonna get suspended

  3. imagine you work for a company with a strict “no drinking at work” policy. then your company sends you on a trip across the country, and you decide to go to the hotel bar and have a couple drinks, long after the days work is over.

    the company hears about it, and suspends you for 1/3 of the fiscal year without pay. because you wanted a blue moon.

  4. Free jamo!! This is some serious BS! I was perturbed when I heard it was an Allen park facility, but this does not deserve a 6-game suspension at all. A guy molested 100s of massues and only got 10 games!!?? Wtf!?

  5. So; if he had held his phone out the window while placing the bet, would this have been legal?

  6. The NFL needs to look at this rule again. This is beyond stupid, if true. I get betting on yourself/team or even another team in the NFL for that matter. Shit even at an actual team facility.

    Don’t know what state he was in, so I can’t say if it was legal to gamble on sports or not. But if it was legal, the fact that he bet on a college game, in a hotel, AND got suspended 6 games is wild.

  7. So this makes it even more infuriating because the whole time I thought he was at a Lions facility

  8. this breaking news is brought to you by Draft Kings, official partner of the NFL (and Hypocrisy)

  9. Wow. BS.

    Way to go, NFL.

    Or should I say, way to go NFL, brought to you by BetMGM and FanDuel.

  10. I’ve heard Jamo and his agent won’t be appealing the suspension. Why is that? It seems like they have a pretty solid basis to at least reduce the suspension.

  11. Is it a stupid rule? Yes

    Should players just make it easy on themselves and stop sports betting all together? Also yes

    Both can be true.

  12. This rule is now even more absurd. Is a hotel lobby a “team facility” or a public space? The elevator? Was it before or after check-in? Is the outdoor courtyard a “team facility”?

    If this is the vague definition of a facility, then we’re about to see a huge wave of suspensions forthcoming.

    Why can’t the league just partner with some betting app to geofence a mile around all team facilities and block NFL games for player accounts?

  13. So he placed a bet using his own personal cell phone on a non-NFL game from a hotel room, not even from within an actual team facility. Big deal. This rule is really stupid. Free JAMO!

  14. So he gets longer suspensions than abusers for betting sports in a hotel room hundreds of miles away than the actual team facility

  15. The NFLPA should be screaming bloody murder about this. Losing one of their members game checks from a hotel room is fucking insane.

  16. Dang all those fans that attacked him after the story broke are coming off a little foolish now

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