Anthony Bass meets head of Pride Toronto. “I have my personal beliefs, but I understand that everyone’s free to feel and think the way they want and in being accepting, welcoming and making people feel comfortable to make a decision.”

Anthony Bass meets head of Pride Toronto. “I have my personal beliefs, but I understand that everyone’s free to feel and think the way they want and in being accepting, welcoming and making people feel comfortable to make a decision.”

  1. I want this piece of shit off the team. “I have my personal beliefs” says it all when the beliefs in question are calling LGBTQ+ people demonic. Understanding that everyone is free to feel and think otherwise? That others are free to be accepting, welcoming and make people feel comfortable? But those aren’t his beliefs? What the fuck.

    He hasn’t learned a goddamn thing.

  2. Jesus fucking Christ. He can’t help himself but keep making this worse!!! Saying “I have my personal beliefs” shows he completely doesn’t get it…

    His personal beliefs against the LGBTQ community ARE the problem. Like that’s the whole thing my guy.

  3. He could have said nothing, but instead chose to say THAT… he deserves all the hate and boos he receives

  4. something something deep drive to left field by Castellanos something something 4-0 ballgame

  5. “I still think all queer people are evil and going straight to hell but I guess it’s okay if other people *decide* to be accepting” – Anthony “I hate queers” Bass

    What a fucking twat. He keeps digging this hole deeper and deeper.

  6. He really is going to pitch on their Pride Weekend Presented by TD isn’t he

  7. Just a refresher that Anthony Bass considers his ugly beliefs to be based on scripture. We can argue those interpretations and their validity but for now…

    Here are some other things forbidden by scripture, and in fact sometimes punishable by death:

    -Eating anything that mixes meat and dairy (cheeseburgers?) – *Exodus*

    -Eating pork or shellfish -*Leviticus*

    -Breaking the Sabbath (Saturday games?)- *Exodus and Numbers*

    -Wearing mixed fibres (MLB uniforms) -*Leviticus*

    -Tattoos (would piss a lot of teammates off here) -*Leviticus*

    Oh, are you one of the Christians who thinks Jesus dissolved the Mosaic laws?

    Matthew 5.18 (KJV) quotes him as saying “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

    Bass is an asshole and a coward and monstrously ignorant to boot. I will accept his generous offer of freedom to feel and think the way I want, though.

  8. The article linked in the tweet is a rollercoaster of him sounding like he’s about to say something thoughtful, immediately followed by clear evidence that he doesn’t get it.

    He’s also tone deaf. Offering to catch the ceremonial first pitch during pride is like someone being outed as a nazi and asking to be a doorman at the holocaust museum two weeks later.

  9. Disappointing, but not surprising as you can’t typically reason someone out of an idea or belief they didn’t reason themselves into. Maybe he should talk to an LGBTQ+ minister, maybe then this dingdong would be able to better understand why his ‘beliefs’ are absolute garbage.

  10. Bass is far from the only MLB player with such beliefs. But most of them are smart enough to keep their yaps shut.

    That’s twice Bass made himself like an a-hole this year, he’s clearly too dumb to keep his mouth shut.

    I’m sure he’ll be shipped out of town once Greene is ready. Frankly, it’s for his own good, as well as that of the team.

  11. I also have my personal beliefs, and it’s that Anthony Bass is an asshat.

  12. Having “personal beliefs” about who someone else physically is shows he’s learned nothing. Being gay/trans/queer, as I understand it as a straight man, isn’t a thought or a decision

  13. “Obviously I’m not glad about the post, but in a sense I’m glad it helped me make better decisions about what I say and do moving forward on social media and how I conduct myself around others.”

    This really says it all. He has not done any introspection, or taken true personal accountability. It’s all about him learning to insulate. To “protect” himself better by acting the part properly on social media and very specifically when **around others**. He doesn’t intend on behaving or thinking any differently in private based on his wording. Not great.

  14. my “personal belief” is that Anthony Bass and his ilk are terrible human beings

  15. I have my personal beliefs that this guy is a shitbag and doesn’t belong on this team.

  16. “I have my personal beliefs, but”

    – making sure to preface this statement in this way is a tacit admission that he does not at all get the point.

    “Everyone’s free to feel and think the way they want”

    – it’s not a choice you stupid idiot they didn’t just try gay for a lark and get hooked

  17. Jesus fuck, yeet this guy from a cannon off the top of the CN Tower.

    I want to believe Hazel posted this because she knows all of this is a bunch of bullshit, and wants to put Bass and the team under the lights for it. She certainly didn’t seem impressed with Bass’ statement the other week.

  18. I hope they make him pitch June 9th for Pride weekend.

    Just imagine all the lispy Boo’s. 30,000 BooOOoooooo’s, it will be hilarious!

  19. Yes everyone is free to believe what they want. But when you believe a certain group of people are abominations and shouldn’t exist, fuck your belief and fuck you.

    Why can’t these bigots ever keep their mouth shut about their archaic beliefs?

  20. The Rogers PR machine is in full effect now. Wouldn’t be necessary if this bigot could just keep his horrible opinions to himself.

  21. > The message of “big corporations targeting young children” was what really struck home for me, being a father of two little ones

    This guy is straight dumb.

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