[Kirsten] After undergoing an x-ray, Austin Barnes has shared with us that the scan came back negative, and he said he will be okay.

[Kirsten] After undergoing an x-ray, Austin Barnes has shared with us that the scan came back negative, and he said he will be okay.

  1. Good for him, always refreshing to see someone dodge an injury on this team, especially considering the sheer volume we’ve been getting (not that that’s anyone’s fault ofc)

  2. Good. I know he doesn’t hit the ball well, but he still knows the pitching staff and calls a good game behind the plate

  3. Austin UNBREAKABLE Barnes. I’ve heard several people on the squad say he’s the toughest dude. You already have to be if catching but he’s built different.

  4. Those 951 guys can take a bus to the skull and go to their shift at subway the next morning. Austin is unbreakable and his hitting tonight was 🤌

  5. That’s relieving to hear. I was thinking Feduccia was a hot hand ready to come up if Barnes got hurt, but he’s really been struggling for over a month now. Best to keep Barnes’ wizardry behind the plate with Kershaw.

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