Hosing Bautista: Why the CRA is going after former Blue Jays for millions in taxes


Maybe this is why Point, Stamkos, Tkachuk etc. can sign for $9.5M in Florida while all the Leafs core 4 need to max our their contracts.

Seems like the cap should take into consideration tax rates if Bettman wants true parity.

  1. Do you know which states have no tax? The ones he’d prefer to grow the game in. No chance we get any type of parity. I’m surprised owners of the tax heavy teams don’t care. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Tanenbaum say anything about this.

  2. Bettman doesn’t want parity. He wants Canadian teams to suffer and lose out.

  3. I have been saying that for years, Florida is the place to be low taxes and amazing weather. Look how successful their professional teams have been.

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