Can someone tell me what this signed Matt Murray jersey is worth?

Apologies if this type of post isn’t allowed. I won this from a raffle a few years ago and it’s just been sitting in my closet ever since. I’m pretty strapped for cash right now and considering selling this but I don’t know what it’s worth. Any help is appreciated!

  1. Can you get a better picture of the shoulder numbers? The 0 looks like it may be in a different font than I was expecting, but it could just be the angle.

    Can you say more about where you got it (both the jersey and the signature)?

  2. It’s worth whatever someone will pay for it.

    It’s our least popular jersey design for a player most Penguins fans have written off. You might find a big Murray fan who would want it, but there’s not going to be in a bidding war for a departed player that fizzled out.

    You might be able to get $300 for it, but you might also only be able to get $75.

    You can search eBay’s completed listings to see if any have sold recently and for how much. You can also post it on /r/hockeyjerseys and ask for people to send you offers.

  3. I would bet it’s worth a lot more after Murray retires. Eventually he’ll be looked back at as a back-to-back champion goalie who stole several critical games on the way to championships. Right now he’s viewed as a crappy goalie who flamed out after he left the Penguins and forced them to ditch Fleury. Time heals all wounds. I’d hold onto it.

  4. Depends on who is buying. I wouldn’t pay anything for it personally.

  5. Could be cool for the collection but I personally
    wouldn’t buy unless it’s authenticated from psa or someone similar.

  6. Save it will be worth more when the legend of the goalie who won 2 cups as a rookie is told

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