I donโ€™t need the new jerseys right?? Pls convince me ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜“

I obviously love these unis but money is really tight right now…Iโ€™m on the fence and trying to convince myself I donโ€™t need it (insert SpongeBob meme).

  1. I broke down today and bought a throwback jersey. They just look too good for me to pass it up

  2. I donโ€™t get the appeal of the throwback jersey. I have a largent and Tez jersey for that purpose.

  3. I couldnโ€™t pass up the opportunity for a Wagner throwback, even with my old Alexander and Hasselbeck ones

  4. You do need them though. They have an image of the old kingdome on the inside of the back collar area. Got mine in the mail today.

  5. I mean Iโ€™ll take that white 12 off your hands for a little cash to buy yourself a throwback DK

  6. Probably going to get one for blue Friday and I usually just get hoodies and t-shirts

  7. I see Seahawks swag, I buy Seahawks swag. (Of course, that’s pretty rare here in Ohio… but my closet is slowly filling up with navy and neon green all the same!)

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