Fake News: Fans are not booing

All I can say is if you listen to this clip, do you hear much booing? I listed three times and I hear laughter and cheers, and people having a good time. There are a few boos in the background, but you have to wonder if they are facetious. But if you only read the headline and listen to the announcer, you would think it’s the fracking Santa Claus incident all over again. SMH.

  1. I hear some “Whooooooo”s, a lot of claps, and some laughs. I really don’t hear much of anyone being upset.

  2. Psh, fuck that article. I thought he did a good job in a tight spot for them and made a blowout entertaining. I was home but I cheered him on.

  3. I’m not even going to listen. And here is why…..basic truths….everyone knows if there is booing going on in Philly you dont have to strain your ears to make it out.

    Fuck whoever this writer is. The writer is a twat.

  4. Why would they even boo a position player who’s having fun when their own team is winning? This “journalist” really didn’t think before he typed. At all.

  5. It’s just a shame we left our D batteries at home last night, we could’ve done some real damage 🙁

  6. “The crowd did not find it funny” … the hell they didn’t, lazy journalism 101

  7. I wouldn’t worry too much about what Paul Casella and MLB.com have to say about this. It reads like a kid’s book report….for a book that the kid never got around to reading. All the comments in this sub and in the MLB sub confirmed ppl’s love for Luplow’s whacky antics. Let Paul be the only one bitching about this hilarious show of comedy gold!

  8. I was at the game and thought it was hilarious… and booed loudly with a huge smile on my face. Not all boos are created equally.

  9. Yeah…not boos. Lazy writing. *Philly fans have been on their best behavior lately…gotta make sure everyone remembers what boorish fans they really are*

  10. I wasn’t there just watching on tv. And I was laughing. Saving my boos for when it’s warranted.

  11. I was at the game and there was quite a bit of booing, **at least from my section**. Like to the point that turned to my friend and said “they’re really booing a position player for pitching”

    Also there was a guy near me who either didn’t understand it was a potion player, or was just a drunk ass because he kept screaming things like “Omg just pitch!” When Luplow would float one in there lol.

  12. Everyone remembers Santa Claus in the 60s but no one brings up Dallas fans throwing trash at refs and Dak saying they deserved it.

  13. We’re back to being villains again! After being called soft! And again, for something that never happened!

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