Un croissance anormal chez l’espoir du CH Florian Xhekaj

Un croissance anormal chez l’espoir du CH Florian Xhekaj

  1. Why have one Xhekaj- when you can have two! I don’t speak French and translated this- if I misunderstood this my bad. I know translations online aren’t the greatest. But what I took from it is he’s making some strides

  2. The article tries really hard to hype up Florian, saying he has the “Xhekaj gene” so automatically he’s a late bloomer who will explode into a great player. Because 6’4″ + “des mains souples” (awful direct translation of soft hands… des mains habiles peut-être…) = instant stud.

    Not to be overly pessimistic, but I prefer taking it as a pleasant surprise (and a nice story) if he reaches the NHL in any capacity.

  3. I remembered when they did that shopping segment a few days ago that was one of the things that wasnt adding up to me.

    Arber is 6’4 238 lbs. While in the photos he is bigger than florian but if 238lbs was the reference point florian looked maybe 15-20 pounds smaller not the 50 pounds they were listing florian at.

    If hes 6’3 215lbs thats a monster in the ohl.

  4. still not sure why on earth he’s worth a 4th pick, I’m sure he would have still be available on the 6-7th round

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