Big Jeff was kneed

Big Jeff was kneed

Big Jeff was kneed
byu/Early-Series-2055 inTennesseetitans

  1. This actually gives context as to why he shoved Odell, unfortunate that the flag was thrown to Jeff.

  2. who cares, you get called for retaliation every single time

    Simmons is a leader of this team and can’t gift a fresh set of downs like this.

    I don’t care if you guys hate me for saying it the guy has not been worth 98M this season.

  3. I saw that so clearly on the replay these refs were blind today no holding calls anywhere is ridiculous

  4. The front of his left foot was stepping on 98s legs as well. The foot placement shows from the other angle.

  5. My favorite thing was how he folded real quick but then when everyone got in between, he wanted to start running his mouth. Straight bitch move.

  6. If you look closer big Jeff’s knee was on Objs foot he was snatching his foot from underneath him and in that act kneed him

  7. Of course the bloke who shares a surname with a famous soccer player, dives like he’s been shot after being pushed, in a soccer stadium.

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