Bargaining is the third stage of grief

Bargaining is the third stage of grief

  1. Our records on horrendous courts are 100% losing. Denver, this game and those mf games against the Hornets with the blue court and beehive paints last few seasons.

    The only in-season cup game we won was on a normal court because our in-season cup court had problems. Lol that was definitely intentional.

  2. 2 losses in 2 horrific tournament courts. 1 tournament game win with our regular court. Hmm seems fishy lol

  3. I honestly don’t care about the in season tournament, just keep the good times rolling with this team and be at a good seeding when it’s all said and done 🤝

  4. Wow, this topic really got me thinking! Did you know that ‘acceptance’ is the third stage of grief? It’s fascinating how we all experience and process emotions differently. Keep up the great work, fellow Redditors! 🙌

  5. I really HATE those bright courts and hope that it never happens again. It’s terrible in every way possible. I like the ideas of different court for the tournament, but some of them are just unwatchable. It ruined the game for me from the start (same as Denver court).

    I also noticed players having problems at time, slipping, strange ball bounces,… I just hope nobody gets injured.

    Good idea but terrible execution so far.

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