I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone

I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone

  1. It’s too late at this point, the narrative has turned so hard against them based on two videos taken by the people harassing them.

  2. The video posted also doesn’t show the sun going down. That proves it’s never night time.

  3. There is, in fact, no evidence, which makes it awkward to defend our guys looking like idiots. In the event that there was some pre-game threat, I’m not clear how that would justify waiting a couple hours, then walking over to yell, “touch me bitch” at the fan in question.

  4. Idc. The only thing we saw was Lawson putting his hands on the fan. We didn’t see the fan saying derogatory statements. Until we do, Lawson is in the wrong. Never put your hands on a fan. He should be suspended imo.

  5. I even had eagles fan arguing with me saying that us tossing a dido on the field was worse than threatening a family lol.

  6. I made this comment on the original Instagram and an Eagles fan DM’d me calling me a pussy and asking where I was so he could come fight me.

    Definitely a very normal, not unhinged, fanbase

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