[MLB] Ozzie Albies next to Shaq πŸ˜‚

[MLB] Ozzie Albies next to Shaq πŸ˜‚

  1. I also have a pic with Shaq and I’m a good bit taller than Ozzie. I’m convinced Shaq is an optical illusion and everyone looks the same height next to him πŸ˜…

  2. He says “ran into Shaq” but it was probably more like “Shaq accidentally stepped on me and barely even noticed”

  3. i always wonder with pictures like this if shaq knows he’s taking a pic with an MLB all star or if he thinks it’s just some random guy.

    i know everyone here would immediately recognize Oz from a mile away, but shaq hardly knows players in his own sport. shaq has also done ALOT of social engagement in the last ~30 years. lots of faces/names to remember.. i’d have to imagine ozzie or his people had to briefly explain to shaq who ozzie is. Or maybe not at all and as ozzie walked away shaq asked who that was.

    either way, i tend to wonder this when a lesser recognized β€œcelebrity” is photographed with a more popular one

  4. How does Shaq fit on most toilets? Like has he just trained his body to not poop when he’s in public?

  5. Love Ozzie. So lucky to have him and RAJ amongst many other friendly guys on this roster. It feels like the most likeable roster ever assembled

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