The Dynasty made me realise I’m still not over it. Fuck David Tyree

The Dynasty made me realise I’m still not over it. Fuck David Tyree

  1. Fucking thing wouldn’t be considered a catch now or in that time. Plus, the Mike Carey (ref) later admitted he normally blows the whistle when the QB is swarmed, but decided to just let it go.

  2. Maybe you should go talk to someone about it

    You shouldn’t let sports affect your life this much. It’s really sad

  3. As a Pats fan, this play stings.

    As a Pats fan and Tyree’s fellow Syracuse University alum, this play *really* stings.

    As a Pats fan and someone who had a group project with Tyree and had pleasant conversations with him about football, this play stings *like a motherfucker.*

  4. ![gif](giphy|vDnxjIkGtVgFa|downsized)

    It would still sting if’n this squirrelly motherfucker didn’t come along and take the throne.

  5. I don’t hate Tyree. Dude made an incredible play.

    Mike Carey on the other hand can get fucked

  6. This play doesn’t stink me as bad because I remember the ball going right through Assante Samuel’s hands.

  7. Losing two Super Bowls because Eli Manning randomly decided to turn into the second coming of Joe Montana is something I will never get over

  8. Don’t hate the man for making a good pay. The Pats had plenty of other plays that they could have executed better on.

  9. Best shape I’ve ever been in my life was right after that Super Bowl. I was in NYC and they’d constantly show the helmet catch on TV and motherfuckers were walking around in giants gear and it just gave me that extra fuck you energy to run another mile or push for a few more reps.

  10. I swear every recent Super Bowl (2nd dynasty run) with the pats had some ridiculous catch. Tyree, Mario Marringham, the guy on the Seahawks, and don’t forget Julio Jones made what seemed like a game clinching catch. There’s always something haha

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