Not gonna lie guys, kind of in my feels today.

Seriously. What could have been with these guys. We lost a gold jacket linebacker and drafted his replacement, just for that replacement to succumb to injuries too. I’ve always missed those fleeting moments of seeing them on the field together.

  1. Those two had potential to be the greatest LB duo of all time. Injuries sure are a bitch. But we got Micah now. Trending up.

  2. I would still like to see Sean Lee coach. He has the makings of an elite defensive coordinator. Always had the mind for the game

    I remember his first game starting. He scouted Peyton Manning and BAITED him into 2 interceptions including a touchdown. Pure intelligence + athleticism. Injuries have NOT stolen his mind, he has a lot to offer the game!

  3. Just the name of the game, man. Injuries can absolutely ruin your career. It’s like a surgeon screwing up his / her hands permanently. I mean, you could mentor, perhaps. But could you actually be a surgeon still? Hard to say – probably not.

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