Bones will not be on the bench tonight due to a minor medical procedure.

Bones will not be on the bench tonight due to a minor medical procedure.

  1. Hopefully it truly is something minor and everything goes smoothly. Best wishes for Bones, and glad that we can trust Scotty A to fill in seamlessly

  2. Huh. Well, I hope this is infact minor. Bones isn’t a young man any more.

    We absolutely crushed it when Arniel filled in last time, so that’s good. I know the boys will respond here and put in their best work.

  3. I’m a bit dubious about it being minor if he’s leaving the team and coming back on the day of a pretty damn important game.

  4. As do I, the city of Winnipeg loves you Mr Bowness, rest well bud, you’re a gem!

  5. He needed medical intervention after 4 hours… totally understandable with how the jets are playing.

    Speedy recovery Bones!

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