#NFLVideos: Caleb Williams’ Pro Day + Bucky Brooks’ Top 5 Draft Prospects By Position 2.0 | Move the Sticks

Caleb Williams’ Pro Day + Bucky Brooks’ Top 5 Draft Prospects By Position 2.0 | Move the Sticks

What’s up everybody Welcome to move the sticks DJ Bucky back with you Buck I had one person reach out on uh on Twitter and said don’t change the introduction so we’re going to keep it the same you know I didn’t know if I need to introduce this anymore we’re over a

Thousand episodes I think people kind of figured out who’s who here but uh no I mean I’m gonna be loyal I’m gonna be loyal one person cared enough to to tweet us on that I just keep it okay well keep keep it consistent consistency is everything I appreciate it I

Appreciate it for a long time so let’s do it let’s rock with it all right here’s what we got today we are uh a little breakdown on Caleb Williams pro day I don’t think there’s really much to talk about there but we’ll we’ll kick that around uh we’ve got Mike Williams

Signing a contract with the Jets the Jets have gone kind of Allin on veteran players uh High upside but some some durability questions Mike Williams one of my favorite dudes that I’ve been around with the Chargers for the last six years we’ll talk about that for a

Minute uh and then the majority of the episode’s going to be your new top five lists uh every single position in the NFL draft Bucky does five players at those positions so he’s got an update so we’ll uh we’ll see what that’s all about and have some fun there but first of all

Bu Caleb Williams pro day uh what do you think look man I look I think it was about as uh as basic and as simple as you can make a pro day for a quarterback who has a lot of hype around him I think what Caleb Williams did is he hit the

Ball right down the Fairway he didn’t try and do too much he didn’t try and uh overdo it he showed people that as you said the wellness check hey man I’m alive I’m here all like 10 fingers 10 toes we still able to do what we need to

Do um look I thought it was good the one thing that stood out to me and I had actually text last night with someone who is from where he’s from and and and coached against him in high school and he was like man the kid has been the

Same way since he was in high school in the DMV just very calm very cool very collected lots of poise uh lots of personality and I think you saw that during the prod day the Poise to me came in just how easy the game is for him

Just watching him throw like DJ I told you we talked about it it reminded me of just watching Steph in pregame warm-ups like it’s just easy he’s messing around he can toss it we were joking about him thought it on the turf and bouncing it

Back to himself but when it came time to Showtime he has all the stuff in his bag he’s just a very talented passer um I think the bigger thing out of it was just his interaction with his teammates how they kind of have a genuine feel for him the questions that

Caleb Williams has to answer has little to do with football but more to just do with the person how’s he going to be around the building how’s he going to be with the teammates how quickly can he handle all responsibilities being the face of the franchise all of those

Things the onfield stuff like it’s going to be hard to to knock the stuff outside of his fumble issues in terms of spinning it he can spin it with the best of him is really just the personality and the intangibles yeah it was just

Kind of a smooth easy day um he went out there let’s just go play catch I was thinking about the difference between when you ask someone uh when you ask I’ll put it this way when you go on your first date with with someone and you’re

In high school you got to go shake the dad’s hand at the house like hey I’m going to take it just want to introduce myself Mr just Mr Smith I’m going to take your daughter out this evening okay there’s not a lot of long conversation there just a handshake get to know you

And then you’re off now if you’re going to ask uh for for someone’s hand in marriage you’re going to talk to the parents then that’s a little different conversation this was just a brief introduction hey how’s it going um go out here play catch a little bit nothing

To see here all the important stuff happened in the three days the Bears spent with him and all the reports out there that they had a chance to go over video they had a chance to go to dinner with him and his teammates which I think

Is a good way to do it to see how he interacts and and how they feed off of him I thought that was valuable um so they got all that they needed from that stuff I I don’t think there was really anything they needed from the workout no

I think it was all that you know it was all about the interaction we people talk about those the interviews at the combine and stuff and like has the first exposure this is when people really get to know you when you come to a pro day

And you have dinner set up uh before or after the workout you get a chance to spend time significant time with them this is when you begin to really get a feel for the player and envision how he might be in your franchise how he would be with your coaches and teammates his

Teammates that’s what the Bears were doing they were doing a fact finding Mission just to see hey who is Caleb Williams outside of the game I think they’re pretty confident in what he is between the lines they want to know who he is outside the lines I had did you

Ever do those dinners by the way at prodes where the team would ask you to go meet with meet with a guy did you you ever do that I did I did I I did it with the the the Rockstar SC crew when uh they had lindel Wyatt and was it Dominic

Bird yeah and all of those guys man there was so many guys at the dinner table with the Panthers when we were there I mean it was nice yeah I mean there were so many there were so many people it was like every position coach and every prominent Prospect I mean this

That this thing I’m trying to figure I can’t remember where we ate at I know it was somewhere down in Marina del it was a nice uh place but I I I do remember just that part of it it was fun DJ like you know when you to scout when you like

To lowlevel scout your job is just to eat up all the bread and be quiet drink the water hey can you pass the tea like like this just stay out the way stay out the way you don’t mess it up but no it it was kind of light but those things

Are good because it’s a more relaxed environment and what you’re hoping is relaxing the environment allows their true personality to come through and you get a better feel for who the player is I did a lot of those dinners when they came through I’ve told a bunch of those

Stories when guys would come through when you’re working inhouse with the veterans that would come through or the draft picks that would come through for their top 30 visits so I had a bunch of those dinners I only remember one uh night before prod Day dinner and it

Honestly it might have been Bobby Wagner it was either Utah State or it was Nevada it was either like Virgil Green you remember him the tight end yeah yeah it was either him or Bobby Wagner I can’t remember which one but the uh it was it was uncomfortable

Because you know other teams are trying to meet with these guys as well so I I had called way ahead of time with his agent I want to have uh I want to have dinner with him so we had like five o’clock time reserved at the hotel where

I was staying downstairs they have a restaurant we’re good so we go in there he sits down waiter comes over um take your order so I’m like ah this is on the company this is on the team so I’m gonna get myself a nice dinner so I order like

A full you know salad main course then okay next his turn the player turn to order he goes I’m good and I go dude this is on me you don’t this I got it you get whatever you know I know you got the prot tomorrow if you

Want a salad whatever you need he’s like I have three more of these dinners lined up tonight with different teams so I’m like oh I’m I’m eating so I’m just sitting here he’s got no food I’m asking him questions and just crushing just crushing my food but it never went through my mind

That he’d have other teams that he was doing this with but I think he might have looked at the at the restaurant and been like okay I got three dinners I’m gonna eat at the one with this team because we’re actually going to a nice steakhouse I’m not eating at the hotel

Restaurant that’s I’m I’m G save it and the funny thing just knowing Scout life like that meal we’ve been waiting on all day we’ve been waiting on that free one lot of Subway sandwich led to that meal yeah we are waiting we’ve been waiting

On that one all day we get one lot of Jimmy Johns had to die so that meal could get eaten yeah we’re waiting on the teams the team to put it on oh I’m getting everything I I I don’t think there’s a thing on the menu you like oh

So you want to appetizer oh 100% we get an appetizer we getting a salad we get the main entree oh dessert menu do you want to see yes absolutely I want to see it all and can I get a receipt so I can turn this in so I can expense yeah Benny

Thompson who was with us as a player oh man he was he was he was always wanting the free dinner too on the coaching side so if they were there for two nights I go Benny you got them for you got them for Friday night I got him for Saturday

Night I was where you going I’m like I’m going Roose Chris where you going oh I’m taking Fleming I’m like all right we’re good uh but we would always do that and then uh my favorite one I’ve told this many times on here over a thousand episodes but it’s still my favorite one

Which was you wouldn’t eat right so you could be at the facility there’s free food there but like you’re running around like I’m not eating I got this I know what’s ahead of me tonight I’ve got Bob Sanders coming into town and we are going to crush uh we’re going to crush a

Steak so whether not he wants to go maybe he wants to go down and get some seafood down the Inner Harbor or we’re going to go to one of the steakhouses so I pick him up from the airport and I’m like hey man anywhere you want to go uh

Anywhere you want to go it’s on me I’ve got it covered you feel like Seafood Steak whatever he goes guess I have a quiz nose come on man I waited all day long I’m like we can’t do quiz nose I’m like yeah right next to the facility we got a

Qu yeah oh it was it was just cruel cruel and unusual punishment see but now you know how to lead now you if you had to do it again you know how to lead the prospect hey so look giving them option choices yeah he go look we

Can go to Flemmings we can go here there which one of the three yeah because we’re going somewhere but we’re not we’re not doing Quiznos yeah what was the quos oh my God who is the The Tackle huge tackle from Oklahoma who went to the Saints was it Jamal Brown what was

His name uh yeah Jamal Brown that’s Jamal Brown I never seen a human throw food like that dude did I mean we he we went to Roose Chris Buck he might had three Stakes he just crushed to the point to the point where I have my I can

Get reimbursed but it’s still like my own credit card I don’t I don’t know if I got enough room on there for this thing man uh it was it was appetizers desserts two three main courses it wasn’t his first rodeo even though I’m not paying for yeah oh no no he knew

Even though even though I was going to get reimbursed when you’re poor as we were during those years you sit in that restaurant and there’s just sweat just pouring down like man 70 140 that’s that add another dessert oh my gosh oh boy oh Bo have we

Do we have the automatic gratuiti added to the bill like you’re figuring you’re like oh oh we getting close oh man yeah that was uh that was a lot uh all right quick thought on Mike Williams with the Jets anything there look man uh this is the Jets going all

In and we’ve talked about this if if you’re the Jets if you’re uh Robert Salah you’re jod you’re and Ro you’re like this is the last push if this the last push we got to go all out we’re gonna take chances uh we gonna sign a

Play look even though he’s coming off an injury Mike Williams has been a very productive big play receiver throughout his time and you put him on opposite Garett Wilson now you have an opportunity to really cook with gas on offense it also frees them from maybe

Having to take a wide receiver early if they feel good about the offensive line uh they they literally at the top of the board they can just take the best player available and that’s some there’s some freedom in doing that and they also could be open for business if someone

Wanted to get up and they could maybe get some extra picks and that so it just gives them a lot of flexibility I think let me give you just one this guy or that guy which we’re going to do a lot of this in the draft as we go there but

As they are constructed right now and we’ll see maybe the Jets continue to add here um but with knowing who’s on that roster right now Buck I tell you you have to pick this player or that player say Roma dun makes it to them or Brock

Bowers who would you take I take Bowers I take Bowers because I I can I can control the middle of the field I mean I love adun but I I just think about Aaron Rogers at his best when he’s been able to Target somebody in the Middlefield

Just a tight end how he can just do those easy completions I can see Brock Bowers just doing so much and because Brock Bowers has that Flex ability where you can line up inside outside slot do all that other stuff I think you’d be a good fit even though I mean look you

Always be hard pressed to get me to turn down Roma dun anyway if he’s falling that far I would have to snatch him up but I just have a Dun I have a Dun stacked over him so I would say I would take a Dun um and then I would also say

Look now it’s now I’ve got a trio here which I love and then if some you know Mike has had some injuries over the years if something I’m good it’s not gonna it’s not going to crush me um that could very well be the decision you know

Talk about trade out you know you’d like to they probably would like to trade back but you might get stuck um then you’re looking at dud we take an offensive lineman um that’s some insurance for some of these older tackles we just brought into the building do we take Brock Bowers does

One of the big three receivers fall to us if we can’t get out I mean I don’t think there’s a bad I don’t think there’s a wrong answer I don’t think you can go wrong I love Brock Bowers I love adun if that was the choice I think

You’re the Jets I think it’s a win-win you win either way yeah no it’s um it’s a real interesting scenario because what I didn’t think about I didn’t think about back stopping the wide receiver position because you would be back stopping the if you take a Dun you’re back stopping Mike Williams

You’re saying okay um Mike Williams The Dun you guys are the three with Garrett Wilson but next year ad dun and Wilson you guys are gonna be the show because now we can Mike is Mike is a one-year deal it’s a onee deal yeah you remove

The money from Mike that that money will have to eventually go back to G Wilson because you’re going to have to get close to reupping his deal and so you still have two young receivers that can grow with whoever the quarterback is going to be down the line so that might

Not be a bad plan um maybe a little shortsighted about taking Bowers but I just do like Bowers over the middle field no I don’t think it’s a wrong answer at all I think you I think you I just think I think well I think that’s a

Tough one boy I think you if you’re in the meeting room both those guys are available that’s a that’s a tough one you might have to pick up the phone and call Aaron hey who do you want we’re fine we got the same grades on both these dudes you know we got them

Up there what do you feel more comfortable with I mean you might as well give them a voice what’s gonna help us what’s gonna help you get us to the tournament because we all need to be in the tournament to be able to run this back do you remember I remember way back

In the day um when the it was the Tony Gonzalez draft that’s how long ago that was oh wow was uh you remember they had uh what was the guy’s name was it wasn’t FL the Cowboys took a tight end in the first round that big dude yeah yeah yeah

I want to say something like that what was his name it was it was because he played at LSU yes that they took him but that was the Tony Gonzalez year and I remember Troy Aman had flown around and worked out uh David David LeFleur I thought that was a that’s that

Wasn’t yeah David lefl yeah so they troyman had gone and thrown and worked out with those guys like to me I’d have to double check on the rules on that I think you’re allowed to do that right you could take your quarterback and go through

I think way back then like way back then it was Wild Wild West I remember DJ working out like up to the draft like the day or two days before like working out um yeah so I’m sure it might even just be like hey maybe the team I don’t

Know if the team can how that works the team can be there with it or not but I would I would encourage my quarterback if I like if I got Aaron Rogers like Aaron look I’ll tell these tight ends and receivers if they you know the group

Of them are probably in Arizona group of them’s probably in La a group of them’s probably in Florida where these facilities are I’m like Aaron man you need get get out to these facilities go throw with all these guys come back let me know who you

Like yeah I mean like why not like why not have him toss the ball around get a feel for who he likes who can run some of those routes because you remember this offense is there Rogers offense so some of those routes over the Middlefield they may not be like the

Regular route tree uh things that you’re gonna ask the tight and do let’s see what he looks like getting in and out of some of these things do you have a good feeli a natural rapport with him it’s really important and when you dealing with veteran quarterbacks they have a

Lot of sway in terms of who is on the field I mean they just do like when you’re vet in this league a pro bowl player yeah you have a lot of a lot of say your opinion matters no question all right we’re gonna take a quick break we

Come back Bucky top five has been updated by position we’ll jump into that right after this all right Buck we’ve got the update here uh going over your top fives let’s rip through them by position here what do you got here we go I mean we just ripped through him the

Quarterbacks really stay the same DJ the only change is maybe JJ McCarthy moving up Kayla Williams Jen Daniels Drake May J.J McCarthy Michael pennick and still keep your eye on Bo Knicks maybe cracking the code and getting up there uh I think the thing that I will say is

You and I have talked about this the conversation between JJ McCarthy Drake May and I’ll still throw Jaden Daniels is interesting one because everyone thinks that we’re just making this stuff up on JJ McCarthy there is a lot of love in the streets for JJ McCarthy uh the

More people get to know him the more they talk up to him and about what he knows in terms of how to manage that offense there are a lot of people that are really intrigued I still think he’s a red shirt candidate said a year before

He plays but uh I didn’t think that he would be able to close the gap this quickly in terms of being a top prospect or top 10 Prospect that’s gonna come off the board really early yeah I think to me it it feels like with him you look at

Um you know you look at the Giants coming into play at six talked about the Vikings potentially moving up for him uh from the 11 spot I think the Broncos if they I don’t see really see them moving but if somehow he were to fall I would

Think that would be about as far as that fall would last but that’s it kind of feels like he’s gonna end up on one of those three teams it it it absolutely does feel like that it feels like he is kind of in the conversation people respect the winning pedigree and look

You know this happens people have called around and kind of try to get Jim Harbaugh’s real opinion on him uh I think that endorsement could go a long way given Jim Harbaugh success in track record with quarterbacks and what he was able to do previously in the league no

Question all right keep it going okay so running backs Jonathan Brooks Trey Benson Jaden Wright Blake km and will Shipley uh it Remains the Same but I got two new names in there Jaden Wright from Jaylen Wright from Tennessee jumps in there it’s just a speed Factor man it’s

Just a speed Factor straight line player um I don’t know how special he is when it comes to balancing body control but man the juice is real you average 7.4 yards for carry L nation in that and then I look I feel like will shiffley has been one of the most slept on

Prospects in the draft when you watched himc Clemson he was kind of the bellat of that offense he can run it he can catch it comes out the back field has some some special stuff to him I think in a committee situation this dude’s gonna have an opportunity to make some

Plays I really like him a lot I wonder if uh you know where the Chargers maybe in the third round if Shipley’s there if Jim Harbaugh sees a little tiny bit of Christian mcaffrey there you know I see like I didn’t want a white running back

But I mean just catch the ball back field can do some different things he’s not Christian mcaffry but he can you can see some of that yeah it’s one of those things so you try and avoid that comparison because you don’t want to do the lazy analysis okay white running

Back white running back there’s a comparison but but they were both big recruits coming out yeah coming out the backfield man you can see him do a bunch of different stuff and having watched Clemson closely over the past two three years he I mean he he was kind of

Distraught to stir to drink on offense he can make it happen he can tote the load he’s quick he’s Dynamic great balance and body control really good player in fact I have him fifth but you know you saw the mjd and some of the other guys that play the position they

Love what he brings as a balanced running back with all the other stuff coming out the back field he’s terrific player one quick thing on the running backs then we’ll move on this is the position in talking to people around the league the with the most variance first

Of all nobody thinks it’s a great class nobody thinks there’s anybody that’s a top first round pick or top 40 top 50 whatever you want to put that number at but I’m telling you like there’s teams that’ll have their number one running back like how they like them um and

Again this is like talking to GMS decision makers Personnel directors to be like hey you know who do you think are the top group of guys and well to me we kind of like this guy the best where we are right now in the process and you

Talk to another team that guy might be eighth like there’s no it’s just hge podge and that explains why the veterans went off the board quickly in free agency you think back to previous years on free agent Frey we never talked the running backs really on first day boy they look the clock

Strucking all of those running backs flew off the board and I think it’s a little bit of an indictment on the 2024 class and the lack of what I would call like that bcow Running Back Being president in this group all right tight ends you know when we go to tight ends

Look it’s really saying it’s Brock Bowers and everybody else and the thing about Brock Bowers is we just talked about him being a flex tight end that can do everything the other guys tavan Sanders I think people have to understand after the combine they talked about his speed but what he does is

Still applicable he still can do it on the field he’s a good running the same the guy who made some noise for me would be Theo Johnson just a combine workout being able to do it had a good Senior Bowl too yeah it’s just it’s just

Looking at the position and just kind of recognizing that sometimes the athletic traits can lead to success at the next level um all right uh what do we got next here white outs okay so I got white outs but I got two different categories

So the got I got white outs and then I did what we did in the scouting room I created slot receivers there we go so my my white outs are look it’s standed fair right is Harrison and dunesday neighbors Coleman Thomas I say keep an eye on Troy

Franklin but there other guys Eddie Mitchell is in the conversation or whatever but slot receivers is where I kind of want to spend time and you can help me sort through some of this so my slot receivers La makoni Ricky peaw Roman Wilson Malachi Corley from West Kentucky and Malik Washington from

Virginia I also denoted uh Jacob callling from Arizona of those guys DJ I like them all and you had a chance to see them all Maki Pio Wilson they were all I think down at the senior ball Corley from wesern Kentucky is a guy who

Has a lot of buzz in terms of being a guy that is pretty Dynamic with the ball in his hands a run after catch dude do all that other stuff when we think about the game and you were just talking about it earlier with the Jets and 11

Personnel three wide receivers you kind of have to have one of those slot receivers that can get down in the new offense someone that can do the little stuff and get busy I like this class of slot receivers because there are a lot of guys that can give you contributions

In a bunch of different ways yeah I I have going through mine here I have makoni would be my top slot piol would be number two uh Corley 3 Wilson four um those would be my top four and then I would probably have uh I actually would probably have uh Jacob coing uh

Next on there okay so smaller slots that’s not I mean because there’s other like Jaylen PK could probably beon Coleman might end up being a bigger slot you know so there’s there’s some I’m just saying like traditional traditional slot guys no no but the thing is like so we’re in the right

Thing we’re in in the same neighborhood because the six guys that I mentioned are the six guys that you had ranked in your top 50 now the orders only flipped in Wilson and Washington and those guys but that’s look that you gonna get some of that I think we’re fishing in the

Same Pond though and that’s really important when we talk about the early guys I wanted to open up with slot receivers because I felt like DJ sometimes the way the game is changing when you use traditional positions you end up leaving a lot of names on The

Cutting Room floor and I wanted more names to kind of populate it uh let’s go to offensive tackles uh and this is another one man there’s so many guys like I I feel like in the future we’re gonna have to talk about right tackles and left tackles and before we we never

Did that but yeah Joe Al fuaga fanu Mary Mims JC leam uh then I have Fu from Washington but man I look there’s so many guys that you’re still leaving out yeah that could be first round picks and those things giden um you know like just

Grah Bon whether you use him at at at inside guy or it’s an outside guy there just so many names that you can bring up at those positions I almost wonder like with some of these lineman if you don’t have uh you know there’s some guys it’s

Like they’re they’re going to be right there’s some guys are going to be lefts even though we say you know look they’re they’re equally valuable now but some guys are just more comfortable on one side or the other then you have swings you know like play either side depending

On what you need um and then I also think there’s just kind of like some of those versatile pieces like to me the two maybe the two most valuable offensive linemen in this draft are Graham Barton and Troy fanu because I think those are five position players

Like they literally could play any of the five positions on the offensive line they absolutely can and that versatility really I mean look it really pays off when you just think about being able to get in and out of jams look I look man I think what Elijah ver Tucker and what

He’s been able he that’s who he was coming out and I think fatan is a better a better version of Elijah I love Elijah ver Tucker and think about how valuable he’s been for the New York Jets how when he’s out there he’s been great playing left tackle right tackle guard you name

It there’s value in having that guy so since we’re speaking about Barton let’s talk about the inry guys uh gr Barton Jackson P Johnson Chris Haynes Cooper BB Zack zener um are the guys that I kind of have up there um look man I think the conversation over jpj people talk about

Jackson po Johnson highly decorated recruit came in played really well at Oregon I think the thing for everybody is where do you where do you take that interior position we’ve seen guards and interior guys get paid more um centers are still kind of like a a quirky thing

In terms of when you select them how much you want to pay them or whatever like what’s your take on jpj I like him he’s a power center you know um he’s going to be like an anchor Setter in the middle I don’t think he’s G to be quite

As Nimble um on the second level stuff he’s just a bigger dude um but if you want to Maul people and move people I I uh Jordan rodri from the athletic used this term when she was talking about the Rams and how they changed their offense

From being a Zone team being a Power Team and she used the phrase to to wall and we want to be a wall and pass protection and we want to mul people in the Run game and that’s kind of what the Rams how they transform their offensive

Line more Gap Duo all that they had to because they were getting whooped you know what I’m saying when people started putting the bigger bodies at a point of attack and even though you want to move and run and all that man big bank takes little Bank the bigger guys wear you out

At the point of attack and as these defensive tackles are huge but also athletic you can’t get away and I think the lesson for me is man the kid that the Minnesota Vikings took from NC State who we loved his athleticism the center remember the center from yeah yeah uh I

Always call him the Grim Reacher I call him the Grim Reacher yeah like you remember DJ you remember how good Bradberry remember how good he was as a prospect but then man he couldn’t get on the field because they were they were abusing him at the point of attack I

Think you have to have a heavier thicker stouter center now just to counter some of I mean look you put Dexter Lawrence over top of some of those guys night night because you can’t you can’t do anything with them I think you are seeing a shift to the wall and Mall

Types even at it’s a great phrase I told her I would give her credit I’m gonna probably um you know I’m probably going to forget to uh credit her along the way as I as I adopted scouting Lex but I did give her a shout out here I want I make

Sure on social media now we’ve officially done on the podcast this is Jordan rodri’s Phase um she does a great job covering the Rams by the way um and that was uh that’s one that I’m stealing so I I’m UPF front about that um we’ve

Got to uh we’ve got to crank up the time Buck because we’ve got another thing top of the hour so let’s roll through the defense all right let’s do it here we go let’s go defense Edge players Dallas Turner uh latu Jared ver chop Robinson

Bradon T is still up there look for me the pass rushers didn’t change the only guy that I would say that can throw in there I have him listed with the D tackles dares Robinson from Missouri um I think there’s gonna be some interest in him the cam Jordan comparison May

Kind of stay with him because I remember watching Cam Jordan at Cal yeah anth think he was a good player but not being excited not being able to anticipate that he would have the pass rush presence I think Darius Robinson has that ability to kind of go from

Being a guy that has really been inside for most of his career to being outside and being effective in the National Football League as a guy that can give you some pass rush presence yep no he’s done a good job I think he’s more comfortable on the outside as a bigger

Guy I would say uh nean would be the other one that would be in the mix for you as we come down the home stretch here he’s he probably just behind that group he is um defensive tackles look Johnny Newton byon Murphy Chris Jenkins I told you I had Robinson and DeAndre

Sweat look the guy that I’m missing is the Florida state kid and it’s kind of hard when when you’re trying to fist like ra St fist when when you’re trying to figure out where to put him there I will say this his combine certainly woke

Up a lot of people on him then when you match the tape with what he was able to do on the turf he’s gonna have a chance um we talked about early talk about being in your top 50 he’s goingon to be in the mix he’s gonna come off within

The first 50 selections of the draft I agree with that uh what we got next linebackers edrian Cooper Peyton Wilson Jeremiah tro Cedric gray and Junior Coulson the Mover for me is Peyton Wilson the medical thing is everything how he clears out how teams check him

Out that performance that he put on at the combine um it’s funny you can look at the tape and you’re like man this dude plays fast or whatever but he can’t be fast and then he verifies it and what the combine does is it might change the

Conversation a little bit right you may have coaches and stuff advocating like hey I know the medical but hey if we can we can answer me this answer me this if if he had never been hurt a day in his life off of his tape and his workout

Where does he go oh he’s look he’s he’s first round he’s first round all day all day he has all the stuff he he look he when you watch him play he plays exactly how you should play the position his hair is on fire he’s instinctive he’s

Physical I like the fact that he has a little nastiness and he’s kind of hnery on the field this dude is a legitimate big- time player you just got to be comfortable whatever the medical is he should be a first round Talent you know who he plays like and really truthfully

Tested like is Ryan shayer when shayer was coming out of Ohio State and shayer before obviously the terrible injury was an unbelievable player um that’s the kind of ability this kid has he’s a first round pick I’m struggling with it I’m like do I just say screw it because

There’s nothing worse than thinking a guy’s a first round player and then you you know I’m not a doctor but you you know the history of the injuries and you hear the teams and then I’m going to watch this guy tear it up for the next

Five to seven years and go like I knew this guy was good and I just let the medical you know impact me yeah he’s just man he’s even better than than I thought when you go back and watch him he just makes every play and the effort

Is always at a high level but more importantly that DJ he is always around the ball you look at his stats I mean it’s just a ridiculous amount of production in a bunch of different categories impact impact impact I mean just all all over the place so yeah he

Is a first first round pick let’s go to quarterback uh quarterback uh tan Arnold Quan Mitchell Nate Wiggins koola mckinstry Enis rishaw um cracks the Cod Quan Mitchell is is the one that has been the highest Riser and look I’m getting close like people talk about do

You flip the card do you put him at number one he’s done all the things he’s checked all the boxes along the process the regular season you watch him in the Senior Bowl you watch him at the combine he’s big fast physical he has a bunch of

Production he plays well um I don’t know maybe I’m still holding on to the brand name of Alabama and Arnold but the Toledo kid is exactly what you talked about months ago because you brought his name up months ago before people really started talking about him he he’s he’s

Legit man he is just a legit big-time player yeah I still have Arnold uh one and I have Mitchell two but if you were gonna ask me who do I think goes first I think Mitchell will go Mitchell’s gonna go first 433 Buck coming off of a

Unbelievable week at the Senior Bowl had a work out the cards are touching on the board the cards oh yeah yeah they’re they’re right next to each other they’re bump now I know I I thought I thought Teran would run a little faster he at

The pro day ran four five flat again but it is the comp to me was Jaylen Johnson and they they ran the exact same time Jaylen Johnson just got 20 million a year so uh he’s he’s he is a easy mover man like his shuttles all that stuff you

Saw those times that posted ridiculous um and he’s got ball skills he does I just obviously Mitchell has a gear you know that he can act that’s a little different so that’s why I think he will end up being the first Corner yeah he’s interesting so let’s go

To slot corner so nickel Corners created this category so I got Cooper jeene from Iowa Mike Sanel from Michigan yeah Max mton Kamari Lasser dayquon Hardy are the guys that I put in that nickel category and it’s funny because sometimes these guys that play slot early in their

Career then bump out their last career I just believe now and you know when we were leaving the league it was just beginning to get popular to put the Nickels on the board in their own category now you have to count that guy as the 12 starter you have to have

Someone that has a special skill set to play in the slot um there a lot of interesting names Kamari ler is one that stands out to me just because he’s big he can play outside but he also has a history of playing inside yeah the lter

One’s tricky because I love him as a player and to the point where I you know I thought he had a chance to go in one he ran 46 he ran 46 and so I’m trying I’m trying not to be I know I know and I

Know the guy is a good player he’s tough he’s he’s he can play the ball I think he’s going to obviously he’s going to have to play inside he’s not going to be able to hold up outside but I remember Casey Hayward is one uh oh yeah a long

Time played a long time run well Jordan Lewis uh I think was he coming out of Michigan or whatever with cowo fours yeah so the thing about it if the player if the cornerback isn’t fast his technique has to be like pristine because what can happen your Technique technique can allow you to

Kind of limit the exposure that you have in terms of athletism you learn how to work cut off angles you know how to play the ball you know how to kind of put yourself in a position where you’re never vulnerable um Kamari lasser’s private workout would be important

Because you need to see where he is with his toolbox and will that give him a chance to kind of overcome some of the physical deficiencies that he may have one of the things I’m doing if I’m if I’m scouting the southeast is or if I’m even if you’re a general manager I’m

Talking to my Southeast Scout I need you to go spend a day at Georgia not during Pro Day on your own right now on the spring call it get get at get with the coaches I need you hopefully you have done a good enough job developing relationships in that

Building that you can get somebody who can give you practice tape of one-on-one and I want you to go back think about this now we saw lad makoni run 439 we saw ad Mitchell who was at Georgia previously ran 433 435 something stupid like that so there’s practice

Video of him in one-on On’s working against Real Legit speed and I I want to see all of it if I’m making that it’s funny that you bring that up about practice tape they tell me that part of the reason Trayvon Walker was uh viewed as a pass rusher came from watching

Practice tape watching his one ones watching the explosiveness that he displayed and doing it so even though he didn’t have the production in game when you looked at the practice tape you could see the traits that would lead to the production in game stingly remember Stingley yeah d s stingy versus Justin

Jefferson and Jamar Chase like I got that I got that PR practice footage in this role I can’t imagine every team had it um so I mean that stuff’s huge look it’s it’s everything so let’s finish it up with the with the safeties Tyler Newman uh Javon Bullard Kaylin bulock

Who you talked yesterday about potentially being a corner Cameron kitens who ran slow at the combine another one and then ta Smith from Georgia um the safety position kind of stays the same I think it really depends on what you’re looking for do you want the guy that’s in the middle of the

Defense deep or do you want someone who can be a split safety who can also drop down and play nickels some of these guys have been comfortable playing in a slot I think the new term that they use in college is the star position that that hybrid nickel safety Corner that can be

Involved in the running game and cover occasionally some of these guys that are listed as safeties have experienced playing in that star role yeah to me my top two guys at that position right now are uh are nuben and then uh Javon Bullard from Georgia and Bullard is is

Can play in the nickel he he’s can play in the Deep half or you can play him in the nickel so that’s uh those are the top two guys for me and then there’s a little bit of a level down and then you get that whole group of other guys where

You have Cam kitchens in there you have Cole Bishop kayin Bullock again maybe he’s a corner the guy to me that’s kind of in that clump of players that I think is going to be the best value of all these safeties is Dominique Hampton from Washington he’s big he’s 215 pounds he’s

6’2 six year player but he’s a good player I think that’s like a fourth round pick you’d love so here’s the thing about Wasington we talk about not scouting the helmet but you understand Legacy and tradition just think about all the DBS that have come from that

Program that have had success in the National Football League uh even though Jimmy Lake was there for a long time and then left like that blueprint that model like that it worked for a long time uh you can never turn down those guys that come from there just because they’ve

Been so well schooled so well trained so well taught that they’re gonna have a chance to have success no matter when they’re draft no doubt um all right well this has been fun today um by the way um I think the ball that Machado hit just

Landed anyways the uh it was a fun episode fun episode today I feel refreshed it’s something about waking up at 3:00 am and watching the pods score 15 runs I feel like a million bucks I’m G probably have to go to bed at five o’clock tonight uh

After early F funny uh all right buck that we got to get out of here appreciate everybody hanging with us we’ll see you next time right here on move the sticks

00:00 – Daniel Jeremiah and Bucky Brooks are back with a new episode of Move the Sticks.
1:10 – To start off the show, the guys break down USC QB Caleb Williams’ Pro Day and also tell pro day stories from their scouting days .
10:34 – Next, the pair react to the Jets signing wide receiver Mike Williams.
16:27 – For the rest of the show, the duo go through Bucky’s top 5 draft prospects by position 2.0 article. Find out Bucky’s 1-5 rankings on the top college quarterbacks, running backs, wide receivers, tight ends, offensive linemen, defensive linemen, linebackers, cornerbacks and safeties.

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  1. What does Will Shipley's skin color have to do with anything? That is racist of these two to make such a stupid racist remark. We all know that if they said that about a black quarterback, there would be outrage and calls for them to be fired. So, let's not have a double standard.

  2. Caleb's 1st deep pass was 6ft too far, his 2nd just behind, the third a bit too far… then he floated two high floaters deep and finally got deep completions. Later another deep miss. Then a great down the middle throw, claps, and the workout immediately ended – they got the media highlight shot.

  3. I’ve never even heard this take so it might be terrible because jets are in win now BUT…
    What if they drafted JJ and let him develop under Rodgers for year/two

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