Congrats to Cal if this happens πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³

Congrats to Cal if this happens πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³

  1. Can y’all imagine how different our reaction would be to this tweet just two years ago? What a turn around.

  2. This must have been at the request of Janice after the recent dispute, right?

  3. I guess i’m confused why there needs to be a vote. Janice can’t just step down and give way to Cal?

  4. So glad Janice beat the lawsuit (lawsuit not be the right word, but that’s what it was). Cal deserves to be named the owner, and I’m sure Bob and Janice would approve. 🀘🀘🀘

  5. Talk about a backfire for Cary McNair. Lost the family and any chance he had of atleast a share of the franchise. That failed guardianship lawsuit just expedited the transfer of ownership to Cal

  6. For what he’s been through the last few years (Deshaun/etc) and what he’s done to bring us back from the ashes…he’s earned it.

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