The amount of disrespect for the REIGNING MVP is honestly disgusting

The amount of disrespect for the REIGNING MVP is honestly disgusting

  1. Some people in there was defending him, but…..

    People just want him to get out of the second round, and put up some big numbers in the playoffs.

    Being the only mvp in nba history to never make it out of the second round.

    As well as being the only person in nba history to be the scoring leader in the regular season and then not top 10 in scoring in the playoffs, and then doing this twice, isn’t a good look.

  2. He had a better start to the season than all of these guys. Got clowned on bc he was injured and now he’s out for a very long time a holes don’t give the guy a damn break they just do not like him for some reason. 

  3. If anything this period of his absence has made it even more crystal clear to me just what his mere presence does for our team. Even games where he was just sitting on the bench in street clothes the team
    Fights harder😭

  4. lol who’s he better than lol? Maybeeeeeeeeeee Durant? lol. And Durant now lol. Not prime Durant lol. When it comes to to embiid people say disrespect but never say who he’s better than lol

  5. What else is new? The NBA fanbase only cares about rings. Unfortunately, Embiid has always been hurt during the postseason, the only time these dudes actually watch games. Whatever, who cares about them anyway.

  6. I’m an Embiid fan as much as anyone but if the barometer is playoff success, he is the objective answer to this question.

  7. He’s the reigning MVP, but despite how many valid excuses he has for not making it out of the 2nd round, he still hasn’t’ made it past the 2nd round. It’s been 8 years. We can talk about Doc, Simmons, Okafor, Colangelo, Harden etc… But they were saying the same stuff about Giannis & Jokic before they won their titles. And Giannis and Jokic had their valid excuses as well.

  8. i have seen that exact post with that exact picture maybe 4 times now. embiid hate is free reddit karma so the circle jerk goes on

  9. As a huge Embiid fan, he might be the worst on that list. I’d probably put him slightly ahead of Luka

  10. there aint nothing to debate anymore when it comes to how great Joel is. don’t even try and waste your breath. some get it, some dont

  11. the top comment kinda sums it up perfectly though. current form the worst is curry. the worst accolades to date is Luka. the worst when it’s all said and done probably embiid. only luka and embiid have nothing meaningful done in playoffs, and luka is way younger than embiid so.

  12. Objectively the only players he might be better than are 75 year old KD and Steph because of age. Even Luka willed a team to the conference finals basically on his own.

  13. Let’s be honest here and look at the competition. Look at the MVP+FMVP for KD, Jokic, Steph, and Giannis. Each of them have a total of 3 compared to Embid’s 1.

    That only leaves Luka. Luka in way fewer seasons has already gotten further in the playoffs (with arguably lesser teammates) and blows embid out of the water in play off average stats.talking. Luka averages 32.5,9.3,7.9 compared to embid 24,10.9,2.8.

    So given all this who is the worst?

    Also you might try to make the argument that past accolades don’t mean that these players are better now, but Luka, Giannis, Jokic are pretty much in their prime. Steph and KD aren’t, but they are still very good and are still able to carry their teams. And whatever argument you can make about them being old I can make the argument that embid is more injury prone, so he is actually less available then they are.

  14. I honestly feel like I’m taking crazy pills when having “serious discussions” with other NBA fans

    Look, I get it. Winning championships is the point of the league. But I find it baffling that some people will absolutely live and die off of this TEAM accomplishment when ranking players instead of actually dooming a deep dive on their stats and impact on the court

    A much larger portion of fans than you would think would legitimate take a guy with 3 rings who averaged a triple single his entire career over an all-timer like Barkley who never won a championship

  15. I’m big on Jo; as I think we all are on this sub, but if you’re looking at these 6 and change this into an all time ranking convo instead of phrasing it as “wHO iS wOrST,” it’s really tough to put Embiid anywhere but 5.

    That said, I imagine the average r/nba user (15 year old suburb kid who never played organized basketball) will argue that Luka is better than Embiid despite accolades and dominance displayed on the court not seen in 50+ years.

  16. I don’t even read comments anymore it’s so much hate toward Jo in any nba discussion

  17. “Embiid is so good he made Ben Simmons look like an actual NBA player”

  18. To be fair they all have rings besides Luka and he has a much bigger window left.

  19. Most of the takes were reasonable other than anyone saying Luka > Embiid all time so far.

  20. Luka & embiid both are ring less but you could argue that embiid has had more superstars on his team and has had similar results to Luka so that’s why he’s 6th on a list of some of the best players in the world

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