Martin St-Louis surprised the organization last night, he was in the lobby waiting for them

Martin St-Louis surprised the organization last night, he was in the lobby waiting for them

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  2. Hiring Marty was the best decision our FO has made so far. It was bold, but has really been paying off. Hasn’t shown itself in our record yet, but you can really see it with our youth movement as well as the overall feel of the organization these days.

  3. Future problem but I could see some players following him after he eventually goes to Tampa or New York when he’s done here. Never had a coach players loved so much here in such a long time, if ever.

  4. You know, I came here to follow Slaf since his draft. But what gets me is this positive spirit, encouragement and teamwork that I feel from this organization. It’s great to be a Habs fan, despite the team being near the bottom of the league nowadays. (end of emotional rant)

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