Raiders had the worst playoff luck from 2001-2003

2001: Siragusa belly flops on Gannon and takes him out early in the second quarter

2002: Tuck rule

2003: All-Pro center Barrett Robbins disappears before the Super Bowl to party in Tijuana. Gruden Bowl.

  1. My God, I haven’t even really put it all together like that. Tons of success in the regular season but absolutely crushed in the post season… sucks when you preface all of that with the grueling late 90s seasons, those teams were about as middle if the pack as can be.

    Edit: btw fuck you for this reminder lmao 🙂

  2. Any other team but Jon Gruden’s Bucs and the Raiders would have another ring.
    Gruden knew everything the Raiders were going to do.

  3. Bro fuck off with this trauma-hound shit!

    Mods, look at this dude’s posts… almost all negative crap. He’s obviously trolling us, can we take this crap down?

  4. So why the hate today? Going after Robbin’s and this too? You a chief fan or sumpin?

  5. Every time I’m asked about my Raiders fandom I will go on this grueling rant, reliving these three pivotal games. Wounds that will never heal. I will never get over Siragusa, Brady, or the Super Bowl loss. And nothing will ever completely heal those wounds as that era, that team, and those players that I loved, have come and passed.

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