This is the best thing I heard when coach AP talked yesterday. Phenomenal, I’m so pumped for the season Even with the NFL trying to ruin defenses.

This is the best thing I heard when coach AP talked yesterday. Phenomenal, I’m so pumped for the season Even with the NFL trying to ruin defenses.

  1. The NFL isn’t ruining defenses they’re getting rid of plays that cause injuries. The new rule shouldn’t affect defenses

  2. Buncha dorks on here worried about player safety when we should want to take the other teams heads off. What happened to the game I love

  3. AOC had *better* be there every day, if he wants that starting job. Minshew has won some in this league. I expect us to try to draft a QB but if it doesn’t play out like we want, I’m rooting for the kid. I don’t believe in writing guys off after one season.

  4. AOC should be living there, not surprised. it’s not unheard of for 4th round picks to become permanent starters and he has an opportunity. Just look no further than his competition, Gardner was a 6th round pick

  5. Too much politics on Reddit. I was like why would Alexandria Ocasio Cortez be in Las Vegas everyday. Well don’t I feel stupid.

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