Banned Legend Pete Rose Chimes in on LA Dodgers Star Shohei Ohtani’s Ongoing Gambling Scandal

This is right where my mind went. I wonder if MLB will ban Ohtani for life too lol???

  1. I wasn’t alive at the time so excuse me if I’m a bit wrong on the details, but didn’t Rose get in trouble for betting on games when he was a manager, which was only in the 80s? Is him saying “I wish I had a translator in the 70s and 80s” him inadvertently admitting he was also betting as a player in the 70s? Or was him betting as a player in the 70s already public info?

    Unrelated to my previous paragraph, but I wonder if that user who was here in the thread about this same topic the other day will show up again. He said “Ohtani definitely bet on games he was playing in”, when I asked where that proof was he basically said “well it’s just obvious!” so without the details of the investigation finalized that Rose should be in the HoF because “they did the same thing” basically. And also then proceeded to compare Rose and Votto, as people, saying they’re both equally as bad of humans 🥴

  2. Pete is a piece of shit and so is anyone who defends him. He accepted a lifetime ban to keep mlb from digging up worse shit on him. He’s a pedo, pathological liar etc etc please stop.

  3. I really don’t care much about what Pete Rose has to say on the topic. I don’t trust much of anything he has to say. Ohtani hasn’t been convicted of anything, so we should let it play out before jumping to any conclusions.

  4. This subreddit has such a bizarre view of Pete and it’s a good reminder how atypical the average Reddit poster is of the Cincy area.

    Walk into any sports bar in town and say something bad about Pete Rose and you’ll get punched and/or tossed out. On here, you post something nice about Pete and you get downvoted off the page.

    Pete probably has a 90% approval rating among Reds fans, but you’d think it was damn near zero if you thought this subreddit represented actual Reds fandom.

  5. I honestly couldn’t care less what Pete has to say. Wish people around here would stop propping him up.

  6. Not giving a shit what Pete has to say about anything does not equal saying he wasn’t a helluva baseball player. I’m struggling to understand how some of his fan boys don’t understand this.

  7. Anyone with any sense looks at this scandal and realizes things don’t add up at all. MLB spent millions of dollars investigating ARod and tried to paint him as a horrible guy. They will not take the same path with Ohtani

  8. It’s 2024. No fucking way Ohtani bet on baseball. He’d have to be the dumbest motherfucker alive.

    Pete Rose was a notorious gambler who frequented River Downs and Keeneland, probably had ties to the mob, and almost assuredly had way worse things to hide than betting on baseball. 

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