Tomorrow’s scheduled Opening Day game against Milwaukee has been postponed due to forecasted rain. It will be rescheduled for Friday, March 29 at 1:40 p.m.

Tomorrow’s scheduled Opening Day game against Milwaukee has been postponed due to forecasted rain. It will be rescheduled for Friday, March 29 at 1:40 p.m.


    edit: asked Ai what it would cost to add a roof to Citi Field:

    Mets owner Steve Cohen has explored the possibility of adding a retractable roof to Citi Field in order to mitigate rainouts during MLB seasons. The estimated cost for such a project is approximately $800 million.

    Interestingly, the previous Wilpon ownership group had considered a roof during the stadium’s construction phase, and back then, it could have been done for a significantly lower cost—possibly around $125 million.

    However, it seems that ship has already sailed, and the idea of a retractable roof remains more of a curiosity than a practical consideration.

    While a retractable roof would provide the best of both worlds—allowing games to be played outdoors in good weather and moving indoors during inclement conditions—I can’t help but imagine how it would look on iconic ballparks like Wrigley Field, Fenway Park, or Dodger Stadium! Perhaps someday, we’ll have gigantic glass domes that can be flown around the country and used whenever it rains, just like in The Simpsons Movie.

    In the meantime, baseball fans will continue to embrace the unpredictability of outdoor games, rain delays and all. 🌧️⚾

  2. We may not be able to afford a half-billion dollars in payroll but at least we can afford a roof!!!

  3. They had to. The forecast for tomorrow has just gotten worse and worse. Just crossing my fingers that my boyfriend can switch his Friday shift with someone.

    Also something something morans.

  4. Why the hell doesn’t MLB schedule the first two weeks of the season in roofed stadiums or warm weather climates to try and avoid this kind of thing?

  5. Having Opening Day, perhaps the Crowl jewel of the regular season, take place in a non-roofed stadium while roofed teams play away games makes zero sense. It’s actually comically stupid, and should literally never happen.

  6. So not only did I take off work for nothing, but now I have to work for opening day. Awesome, awesome.

  7. Absolutely no reason why the Brewer’s opening series isn’t held at home because we have the all-important roof!

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