Forget Caleb’s Medicals…What is this?!

Forget Caleb’s Medicals…What is this?!

  1. This guy Daniels is the biggest bust about to get drafted. He’s going to break soon after he takes the field. He’s doing an awful lot of avoiding when it comes to testing.

  2. He has cartoon arm dysfunction. Rare but probably Dr Nick can repair it.

  3. ![gif](giphy|A2W1Qq8pGpm3S)

    Daniels after seeing he’s being called a running back on social media:

  4. That’s what it looks like when you hurt your arm and your tendons heal a little too tight. It’s actually a pretty rare injury. Only other recorded case was Chicago Cubs legend Henry Rowengartner.

  5. It’s a super weird looking but usually benign medical condition. Probably doesn’t impact actual play. “Probably” isn’t a reassuring word for this position though.

  6. Classic case of Bonus Eruptus. He better watch out or he’ll give himself skin failure.

  7. It wouldn’t be so noticeable if he didn’t look like he was built out of toothpicks. I’d be seriously concerned about his body’s ability to withstand an NFL season if I was a team considering drafting him.

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