Louis Rees-Zammit showing off his new American Football skills

Louis Rees-Zammit showing off his new American Football skills

  1. This is a very interesting signing, rugby is tough as shit sport and without pads, looking forward to seeing how he does. Everyone wanted to see how fast “Rees-Lightning” could run under the pressure of stopwatches but **he only clocked a 4.5 on his first try.** **He improved to an official time of 4.43 on his second run**. “A bit disappointed in my 40,” Rees-Zammit said afterward. “Last week, I was getting some really good time

  2. probably gonna be a bit before hes able to run routes based off that 1st clip where it looked like he was counting his steps, but Im excited for his ability to catch the ball and once he has the ball in his hands. Put him at returner and he may keep Mahomes from winning the MVP due to all the short fields hes gonna have

  3. Looks pretty good all things considered. Every offseason needs a Bobby Sippio

  4. That short stance head down tuck run is sooo rugby, wonder how that will translate or will they try and beat that out of him.

  5. not going to lie, thought this was hosted on pornhub because the logo was small

    sigh, unzips

    can’t wait for preseason episodes of the franchise now

  6. Needs A LOT of mechanics work. His footwork is worse than a lot of high school WRs (D1 recruits I’m saying, even D2/D3 kids honestly). That first route with the million steps and then he takes like 6 steps to round the corner before he finally flattens it out and almost loses his balance. The other route he’s running where the ball is underthrown, he slows down and just lets it come in… arms catch, no hands.. no ball attack. He does that on a few other catches too, let’s the ball come into his chest.. really bad stuff you train out way before kids reach college.

    I’m not trying to tear him down but if this is a “look at my skills” video… not great

    Good luck to him but, beside the athleticism, he’s WAY behind the curve mechanics wise. Rare speed but the word “Raw” doesn’t even cover where he’s at currently in his football mechanics.

  7. One (fixable) concern is that he lets the ball get into his body and “traps” it on the catch rather than extending hands and catching it.

    He has full extension on many of the catches, but not all of them.

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