#MLBVideos: Getting ready for #OpeningDay like (via HayoonGu)

Getting ready for #OpeningDay like (via HayoonGu)


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  1. Each young person I coached in batting practiced certain drills and exercises to focus repetitive accuracy at one goal. To hit or get contact with any pitch near the batters area. I taught target batting for better batters. This choreographed memory exercise portrays nothing about batting skills. I hope I get one more chance to train a Battist before I run out of time. I almost took a trainer job 6 years ago in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua but I've had 2 heart attacks and 3 stints the 2 years around then. I'm 70 with bad health issues but I'd love to try one more time to teach a Battist. I started loosing strength in my right arm in my mid 20's and couldn't throw a Baseball, play Golf or Bat any more without severe lasting pain. I Coached and Managed a Little League team when my Boy and Girl were old enough, 8 years straight. It was always easy to teach hitting the Ball, I developed the ideas the second year I coached and expanded a training session to get Batters ready before a game. You would have to see me train and the results after. I never had a kid with a batting problem, but other parents were buying gadgets for batting issues. Here's me praying that someone hears these words from this gentle soul and gives me a chance to train a Battist. DRJ

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