Colleen Wolfe Quasi-Retraction

Colleen Wolfe Quasi-Retraction

  1. Considering r/nfl believes this garbage report still, someone who has Twitter please post this there

  2. My intention wasn’t to break news but to quickly vomit out unverified information that I could not really corroborate in an attempt to drive traffic and interest.

  3. Lol sports journalism is literally just who can spew something first, accurate or not at this point

  4. I feel like a new jets hit piece is coming because she had to apologize for reporting bad info

  5. “My intent wasn’t to break news”… yeah sorry, but, I don’t believe you. As always with large swathes of the sports (actually not just sports unfortunately) media it’s once again: get the story out first, worry about if it’s actually even true later. It’s just lazy reporting, more worried about garnering a bit of attention and traffic than actually verifying your information.

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