SF Giants hire concessionaire fired by NFL team, prisons and national park

  1. Oh god. My college had Aramark as its food provider. One of the most poorly run operations I’ve ever seen.

    > According to the Sports Business Journal (SBJ), cost increases were a factor on both the food side and on the labor side, particularly after the Oracle Park concession workers’ threat of a strike in 2021 led to a deal for higher wages and health care coverage.

    This makes me so sad that we continue to operate in this manner 😞

    (Also, changing the name of the Public House? Nope, don’t like that.)

  2. It’s like the Giants are trying to offset all the great baseball moves they made this offseason with dumb off the field shit. Between firing Renel and hiring this laughing stock of a company, they can’t get out of their own way.

  3. I don’t know what you guys are complaining about. If The Giants stay focused, play some D, get a few lucky bounces and stuff they have a good shot at breaking even this year.

  4. Woah, woah, woah, hold up a minute

    Fucking Aramark?

    We should force Johnson & co. to eat that shit for the rest of their natural lives.

  5. Aramark was responsible for the food at my college’s mess hall. At one point it was rated the worst college food in the US. This is just a terrible decision by the owners.

  6. Not good not good. I’ve had their fish and chips at the Coliseum. Swear to God I got a fried fish fin in the basket…

  7. They bout to spit in our food…

    Our garlic fries & crab sandwiches about to taste extra salty

  8. Do these guys make the crab sandwhiches and like Tony’s pizza or do they just certain vendors?

  9. They had to go cheap somewhere after signing all those free agents. How do you expect Giants ownership to afford their rent? /s

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