If you asked the kraken announcers, this is their 9/11

If you asked the kraken announcers, this is their 9/11

  1. I don’t get why people are making such a big deal about this it happens relatively often, just watch NHL Weird on YouTube. Usually, people get a laugh about it and move on, Zegras is probably getting shit for it because he is one the most hated players in the league by the fans. Everyone, desperately wants to see Zegras fail because the NHL gave him so much attention his first two years.

  2. First, off this was absolutely childish and the wrong thing to do. Second… this was pretty fuckin funny not gonna lie lmao.

    Obviously this isn’t a good look for Zegras or the team, and was the wrong thing to do, but judging by how people reacted, you would’ve thought Zegras committed a war crime or something. People are overreacting to this waaayyy too much.

  3. They weren’t mad about it, they were inquiring as to whether or not that sort of thing is punishable or not and Eddy said he would ask around. It’s pretty reasonable to question if someone can be punished for breaking a camera and throwing a tantrum at an away arena.

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