Everyone posting their fake stadium series jerseys

Everyone posting their fake stadium series jerseys

  1. That’s pretty terrible but I have to admit the color settings on your TV might be bothering me more.

  2. I honestly don’t mind, they’re expensive. I don’t know these peoples money so I don’t watch their pocket.

  3. Jersey prices are absolutely stupid. I truly don’t care at all if anyone notices I have a knock off, though mine does look significantly better than that one haha

  4. Love how DH gate cared enough about the details to include the alternate captain “A” but not enough to get the letter size right.

  5. When people post them on here out of context it’s hard to tell but when they’re next to proper jerseys it’s so bad. This has me in tears 😂

  6. Considering how absolutely shit quality the “real” ones are I’d consider it an insult to my intelligence to spend x3 the money for an equal result.

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