Just a reminder. We still have the worst farm in the MLB

We also currently have 0 top 100 prospects.
As great as we look rn, We have remember its gonna be awhile till we have reinforcements from the farm, there's also a chance we just don't get reinforcements at all.

  1. I get yearly rankings. But I swear this shit gets posted here every month like we just got a new crop of draftees lmao. We all know.

  2. As fresh as the other 10 times this was posted. Next you’re gonna tell me that Arte should sell the team.

  3. In order for the organization to turn it around they actually have to put money into the farm, scouting, acquiring good coaches for that to happen. Unfortunately none of that can go on a billboard on the side of the 55 freeway so Arterrorist will continue to negelct this area. Also a big fuck you to his parents for conceiving that bastard

  4. Not anymore trout is having another kid. He’s slowly building the farm system himself.

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