What is the significance of this band/album??

I have just seen this selling, and I’m curious as to the significance of this album and the band to the bills, I know that “from parts unknown” is an album from a buffalo band “every time I die”. I’ve been an international bills fan for a good few years now, so I consulted another family member whose been a bills fan for over 15 years and he has no idea what the connection is, so Reddit is my only hope 😂

  1. Unfortunately, they broke up. But check out Better Lovers and Many Eyes, the two off shoots of ETID

  2. ETID had a few Bills based t Shirts. How they never got in trouble for it, I don’t know. Haha.

  3. They were a band from Buffalo. I have a ETID shirt with the Sabres logo on it, too!

  4. ETID are sick af. Andy Williams is a rad guy & wrestles in AEW. 10/10 would wear.

    Another band, Aaron West & the Roaring Twenties did a standing Buffalo inspired shirt which I do in fact own.

  5. I’ve got one of their shirts with the Sabres goathead logo. RIP to one of the best. They were always absolutely amazing live.

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